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Offsprings of the Supreme

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That which we call subconscious is like an offspring of the Supreme, aka Son of God. That which we call the false self is like an offspring of the subconscious. Another way to put this is that the subconscious is a dream self of the Supreme, the false self (seeking _brilliance) is a dream self of the subconscious. The false self also has dream selfs, or perhaps the subconscious only dreams that the false self is having dream characters or "offsprings", in the same manner that the Supreme is dreaming of the subconscious.


The subconscious, the dream self or offspring of the Supreme, is essentially and by all rights IS the Supreme, just as we call our dream characters wholly and completely ourselves. The subconscious has the power in itself to literally create and change matter around it, completely fueled by the power of belief. Remember, the subconscious is no more real than the false self, being that they are both dream characters of a higher power, or higher dreamer. The subconscious simply is the Supreme, and is so sensitive to the power of belief it begins to identify with the false self and forgets that it is Supreme. Just as we separate with our identities when we identify with a false dream self every night. In truth, the subconscious only believes it has forgotten that it is Supreme. The memories  or truths are locked away in a cell of its own making.


The subconscious and the false self become entwined with each other, and there are times when it's hard to tell a difference between the two. Most of us live a whole lifetime not recognizing the line between the two, and in that reason, the two become intertwined, the dreamer and the dream self, like a symbiotic parasite. They feed each other, hurt each other, teach, discipline, and grow with one another. There are times when the subconscious is the child and student, and there are times when the subconscious is a parent and teacher to the false self, all for the sake of self-growth and evolution. 


 The subconscious is infinite,  as the Supreme, and can manifest itself to the dream self, (or in other words to itself) in infinite ways. There are varying degrees of consciousness within the subconscious, and seeking_brilliance is just one of them. At the same time, of course, they are all ONE as well, and empty at the same time, being nothing but more and more offspring of the Supreme.) Even within the one that believes it is dreaming up seeking_brilliance, there are varying levels or layers of consciousness, like Shrek's onion. There is the layer of consciousness that has believed it is seeking_brilliance, and has walled itself off into that layer. There are the levels which are dreamed up every night in "seeking_brilliance's" dreams. And there are the dream characters within the "false self's" dreams. Sometimes the layers are pierced through in those dreams, and seeking_brilliance believes he is lucid dreaming. The problem is, seeking_brilliance does not take it further and pierce through the higher layers. "his" powers of belief is very strong, and the dream is very convincing. But he knows, somewhere, which is of course nowhere at all, that this is a dream. Everything he sees, hears, smells, and feels, is hand tailored by varying layers of consciousness, some of which are slaves to the symbiotic relationship to its dream self or offspring, and some of which are in higher layers that seeking_brilliance, in any of its iterations, cannot fathom. He must be shown. By grace of a "higher" self. This is his plea.


Show me, wake me up.



Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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