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Spiritual Autolysis vs Human Adulthood

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Jed McKenna inspired obviously. Would love to hear Leo break down his take on these concepts. McKenna states that 99% of people who think they want non-dual truth realisation actually want what he calls Human Adulthood.

With Jed McKenna's books being so damn quotable, I think it would be a very entertaining video especially if interspersed with quotes like in the Aztec Nonduality video. 

With the video both being incredibly informative and wildly entertaining, it would serve a dual purpose, thats irony for ya.

"Human Adulthood is the real prize. Anyone who is involved in spiritual pursuits is actually pursuing Human Adulthood but probably doesn't know it. Enlightenment is all about going and never stopping. Human Adulthood is all about wandering and exploring and playing"

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