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The seperation of self

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The separation of self comes into effect when there are boundaries created between the existence of things 

by this i mean that the world of "something" causes you to create distinctions in your being 

this is what it means by creating a finite self 

lets use an example 

it always starts off with "i am"

the true self is like a shapeshifter 

if it has the thought that it is a body, the "i" becomes a body 

if it has the thought it is a human being , the "i" becomes a human being 

if it has the thought it is a human being with a car , the "i" becomes a human being with a car 

if it has the thought that it is awareness , the "i" becomes awareness 

if it has the thought that it is the witness of thoughts , the "i" becomes a witness of thoughts 

if it has the thought that it is sad , the "i" becomes sad 

if it has the thought that it is a human with a past , the "i" becomes a human with a past 


what can we infer from this ? 

it 's a cliche term, "what you think you are is not that" 

if it is anything in the something of reality it will AUTOMATICALLY create a boundary 

if you think you are standing 3m away from a brick wall with a picture of a goat on it ... the "i" becomes the distance of 3m away to a brick wall 


however, when everything is eliminated from something 

what is left? 

infinity , space, the lack of identification to being human, the lack of identification to anything in something-ness

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yes until there is no distinctions possible

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