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A blank canvas

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reality is like a blank canvas

where everything you know is a belief

that belief literally becomes the picture you paint on reality

"roses re red, violets are blue

terrorist are bad

and so is fat food too

i am a terrible person 

i am very kind

although it may seem like a harmless poem, if this is what you believe it will become your reality 

the case is true with traumas and psychological and social dynamics  i.e survival and success 

your beliefs stack ontop of each other, i am human therefore i have two eyes and think with my mind which is inside my brain 

your beliefs challenge others beliefs, that's their tendencies because each sets of value are true to each other 

Which means all perspectives are true in the context they are arranged in and at the same time , all partial ones are false except the absolute 

but here's the thing about the absolute 

you can only attempt to put it into words, although the theory may hold true in the truest of sense, it cannot begin to describe the one truth and therefore is a belief, 

even claiming that it is god, is a belief because god itself is a belief , its only a description 

the better position to stay in, is a position of not knowing anything, 

but seriously lol, how can one live a life like that, 

what does it even mean to live a life of not knowing lol 


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The below vermillion flycatcher recently went extinct. It was an amazing bird. I bet you didn’t know anything about it. What was it like living a life not knowing about it?

As well, you only perceive about one tenth of a trillionth of the information around you. You already know and perceive virtually nothing. There’s no need to imagine what it’s like, it is essentially your direct experience right now. Your mind is simply playing tricks on you.

Newly-recognised as a distinct species in 2016, this glossy, scarlet-and-black insectivore has the unwanted distinction of becoming the first avian extinction recorded in the Galapagos. First discovered during Charles Darwin's voyage in 1835, invasive plants soon began crowding out the islands' native vegetation, which in turn led to the decline of the bird's favoured insects. The resultant food shortages, coupled with avian pox and malaria, probably led to the species' demise as the last reliable sighting was in 1987.



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@Aakash therein lies the paradox.  Pure raw being is nothingness.  There can only be something through slight of hand...

And yet through actuality God lives within you...this moment is eternal.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Serotoninluv wonderful and interesting..just like history - which i love - and the newly discovered picture of a black hole -- yet  still just concept and imagination in a giant mind.  I think you might be missing his point.  He is just referencing the difference between pure being and concept.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Serotoninluv @Inliytened1 honestly i've lived every second of my life on beliefs for the last x years, its only been 10 hours since i realised my beliefs are all false and have no clue to even understand what not knowing is ... 

But i would say not knowing the bird had no relevance to my life what so ever 


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@Inliytened1 Good point. I think I understood, yet I misinterpret at times, so who knows. I was trying to point from a different direction. Perhaps not the most elegant pointer though ?

From one direction, I would say concept is pure being in that both are illusions. Is the illusory beingness of a dream character different than the illusory concepts within the dream character? From one perspective, I’d say no, it’s all dream stuff of one dream.

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16 minutes ago, Aakash said:

reality is like a blank canvas reality is a finished painting

where everything you know is a belief where you don't know anything

that belief literally becomes the picture you paint on reality the picture you whitewash over

"roses re red, violets are blue roses are blue, violets are red

terrorist are bad terrorists are good

and so is fat food too fat is good for you, grassfed butter, yum. 

i am a terrible person you're a kind person

i am very kind just kidding, you're really horrible

although it may seem like a harmless poem, if this is what you believe it will become your reality your demonic poem can't get to me

the case is true with traumas and psychological and social dynamics  i.e survival and success there are no traumas and social dynamics

your beliefs stack ontop of each other, i am human therefore i have two eyes and think with my mind which is inside my brain your beliefs are  intangible you are not human and don't think

your beliefs challenge others beliefs, that's their tendencies because each sets of value are true to each other your beliefs create other people and form and shape them

Which means all perspectives are true in the context they are arranged in and at the same time , all partial ones are false except the absolute there is no time, everything is false

but here's the thing about the absolute /the absolute is not a thing

you can only attempt to put it into words, although the theory may hold true in the truest of sense, it cannot begin to describe the one truth and therefore is a belief,  you can't resist putting it into words, the theory is always false, it can describe the one truth and is no belief

even claiming that it is god, is a belief because god itself is a belief , its only a description God is not a belief, God is your present experience

the better position to stay in, is a position of not knowing anything, there is no better position

but seriously lol, how can one live a life like that, how can one not?

what does it even mean to live a life of not knowing lol everything


You're doing good, but pretend that you're playing whack a mole and as soon as that belief pops up your'e like, no you're not, the opposite is true. 

Try to think more in paradox when you think, or correct yourself with the opposite paradoxical truth.

Paradox isn't IT either, but it's a good way of thinking in "not it, not it"

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Serotoninluv dude, so your telling me to just go along with it is the best way since its my subjective experience and that won't go away until enlightenment anyway. 

@mandyjw mandy honestly i'm not bothered with paradoxes anymore lol, they're the reason i'm thinking about stopping all three answers are annoying 

1) neither this 

2) neither that 

3) what is neither this, nor that 


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Just now, Aakash said:

@Serotoninluv dude, so your telling me to just go along with it is the best way since its my subjective experience and that won't go away until enlightenment anyway. 

The subjective experience of being human won’t go away after enlightenment. Do you think you will turn into a kangaroo? ? 

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@Serotoninluv i mean like the i-ness to it will go, so it won't be your subjective experience anyway lol, itll just be experience period, 

so what did you do at this point 

i'm feeling like just picking the best beliefs out there and chopping and changing once in a while

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@Aakash Ahhh yes, perhaps the illusionary personality will be exposed. Then perhaps illusionary humanness.

Yes, letting go of attachments to beliefs can free up some space. Beliefs tend to crowd the room.

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6 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Serotoninluv i mean like the i-ness to it will go, so it won't be your subjective experience anyway lol, itll just be experience period, 

so what did you do at this point 

i'm feeling like just picking the best beliefs out there and chopping and changing once in a while

Try the law of attraction, Abraham Hicks. Fits nicely into all this but it SEEMS wrong. xD

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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10 hours ago, Aakash said:

@Serotoninluv i mean like the i-ness to it will go, so it won't be your subjective experience anyway lol, itll just be experience period, 

so what did you do at this point 

i'm feeling like just picking the best beliefs out there and chopping and changing once in a while

Can you name few questions, things that bother you , so we can work trough them, there is nothing really difficult to your concerns, just needs time to be worked out! 

Edited by purerogue

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