
My spiritual beliefs

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@Preetom the whole thing is beliefs ,there's nothing that is not beliefs, even the sprititual person taking any ANY stance on spirituality LOL! its like a blank slate, if you have any beliefs that is what your reality becomes -literally

and then we defend those beliefs and call them "i" 

Edited by Aakash

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@Aakash Yes, all concepts and beliefs look like solid ground but are actually quicksand. That's really funny because my friend just told me a story about when he went mudding and he drove his car over what looked like solid ground and it was actually a leach field for a sewer that had dried on top. They had to spent the entire night immersed in shit getting the car unstuck. It's a pretty good analogy really. xD

Do you mean to say that your choice to marry isn't actually a choice? You have different customs and expectations than we do here in the US I assume? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw LOL no that's not what i meant, i just meant like if you decide to actually go through marriage you just accept it and held it actually not right or wrong, because its a belief at the end of the day. 

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1 minute ago, Aakash said:

@mandyjw LOL no that's not what i meant, i just meant like if you decide to actually go through marriage you just accept it and held it actually not right or wrong, because its a belief at the end of the day. 

Oh ok. Yeah. I've been married almost 10 years and I'm still barely figuring that one out. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw i actually don't know how married people do self actualise work, it must be 10x more difficult than someone who isn't married! its also 10x harder to figure things out 

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Still fooled by appearances. Just be and realize totality. Drop it all and Just be you are completed here and now. 

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2 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@mandyjw i actually don't know how married people do self actualise work, it must be 10x more difficult than someone who isn't married! its also 10x harder to figure things out 

I spent the past 10 years focusing on myself and ignoring him, then I realized he was actually an enlightened master the whole time with a few lapses now and then. I married him because he's my mirror, he's what I'm not and can never be. I just don't like what I see all the time. That's the hard part. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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All beleifs you took from Leo and he has done amazing job honestly in walking you up/highest calling one can take / you need to drop off. It is time for you to kill the Buddha. 

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Yeah i agree about killing the buddah, anything i pick up now will be another belief, i can see that, but i still haven't had an experience of nothingness and am not going to surrender my "i" thought belief and therefore still don't know who i am 

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Look around right NOW it is nothingness. Appearances inside void it is all you! 

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@zeroISinfinity listen i get that really, to be honest, my greatest sense right now is i feel empty with belief in beliefs and an "i- thought" belief a mind as a belief. a human body and a brain, 


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nothingness is only a concept to me, i get its me conceptually. but i dont know how to jump to actual nothingness, 

even ig i change my identity, its changing my identity to a concept of god

Edited by Aakash

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@purerogue it helped but it didn't solve my issue, i don't even consider myself to have experienced absolute nothing yet. 

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Just now, Aakash said:

@purerogue it helped but it didn't solve my issue, i don't even consider myself to have experienced absolute nothing yet. 

I do not want you to misunderstand me, but I will try anyway , your goal is not to push your ego away, it is to accept it for what it is just as you have to accept life and whatever it brings to you, until now you were making separation, but it must all come together to become one. 

It is not so simple, maybe someone can make better pointers,  have been long day and I must go get some sleep will be back later! ^.^

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@purerogue yeah i'm starting to realise that, i feel like a hollow mirror letting through whatever is... all my beliefs have dissolved especially the i thought, 

but i thought the enlightened one, was that one who had no beliefs, 

its like saying something is absolute is closest it can be to the truth, but is still a belief 

who accepts the beliefs, like if there is a belief you believe in, you accept it and decide not to do anyting about it? thoughts change, beliefs change are you saying the beliefs were neither correct nor incorrect but just to accept them 

i.e i need money to survive

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nah man honestly i'm giving up and going back to identification with mind-body-individuality, 

i'm so confused, i'm not even bothered anymore right now

just going to choose a set of beliefs and stick to it 

i am human, i have a brain, the brain produces my awareness, i see hear touch things that are objects, money is king, 

see easy life, not trying to find a needle in a haystack that LITERALLY isn't even in reality and the dumbest thing being the thing i'm seeking is the SEEKER myself

well congrats myself, you were too difficult to find for this human, 

i'm going to double down on ego and the devil, SINCE thats cool with you yeah (myself),

ill do everything myself, since everything IS already. 

celebrating individualism 




Edited by Aakash

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