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NDE through Hatha Yoga

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The other day I found myself teaching an impromptu yoga class to a bunch of people. I was incredibly nervous because I felt I did not know what I was doing, but it just happened and I found myself in a cobra pose holding a lungful of air. Beyond 15 seconds I completely forgot that reality had ever happened, I felt formless and all there was, was laughter. It seemed like an eternity until I started questioning what was happening.

It was only upon questioning what was happening that I realised a big group of people was waiting for me to teach them the next move, but I realised that this was a self-delusion, albeit necessary as I started remembering my existence, continuing to smugly laugh about it all happening. It felt like being transported across all of time and space into just that moment, which made me realise that every moment is constructed by consciousness - my entire life was just my own dream designed for myself with all the edgy thrills, insecurities and emotions to make it a fun rollercoaster ride.

I found myself back into the cobra position again, this time I slipped back into that state of nothingness without realising at all again, but I was somewhat prepared.

When I came back, my filter had been completely removed, my thoughts were silent and I was spouting this random wisdom in a very calm and slow manner to a bunch of stage blue/orange people - even though it has been a big concern of my for a while to not expose myself.

What is the nature of this experience? I can only think of it as an NDE or ego-death. It was beautiful yet incredibly terrifying, I immediately came to so much respect and humility of what this all is. When I tried explaining it to my family and nearby people they were very concerned that I was near killing myself through holding my lungs full in that pose. Am I doing pranayama wrong?

After it, I immediately become more honest, compassionate and humble until the ego built back up. Concerns about death through stupidity have come up

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