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Consequences of no linear time

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Life is a dream.

Time does not exist.

From the absolute perspective there is no linear time. It means that after death (if consciousness takes another form) consciousness could reincarnate itself in the cave man days or 1000 years in future (from our current POV in this moment).

I think that those who are so happy that society is advancing in technology and spiritually don't see this aspect from big picture enough. Cause it's just more ego trying to justify for themselves that after death they won't experience physical suffering. This refers to Leo's video The Radical Implications Of Oneness.

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I think people don't really understand the implication of being immortal.

And you are correct about time!



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There's no time but there's also no past to return to. Because there's no time.

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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It gets worse. There's no NOW either. But that's a lot harder to grok. What you are experiencing now, doesn't exist. 

57% paranoid

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whoever invented time was a genius, he/she create an entirely new world from what existed. Time is sort of like a strange looped book keeping system. It keeps track of things that never existed.

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