
when the "i" vanishes

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when the "i-nesss" vanishes, 

any actions, thought, sensations does not belong to you 

you begin to open up and feel vasts amount of space

it feels light, 

it feels like being 

being in the present moment

there are no thoughts about the future 

there are no thoughts about the past

and even when they are they do not belong to you 

there is a warm and fuzzy peace feeling 

the mind quiets and becomes silent

not premeditating the next thought, the next action or contemplating life 

everything is silent 

reality is moving by itself

your body is moving by itself 

all things become one, the same one in all 



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Small self exists and seeks happiness that's why you are here. Only problem with self is that it seeks it in all wrong places. It Will even destroys itself to make you happy. 

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