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Premature ejaculation & Tantric Sex & Nofap

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Hey. When im on nofap, my amount of semen is insane. Its impossible to have normal sex. I had expierenced orgasms in less than 10 sec. I dont watch porn. How i can learn to have long sex without ejaculating? I tried kegel exercises but it didint help well. When i try to stop ejaculation its pretty hard cuz semen stream is like woooah

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Hi. Is this happening to you since you're on nofap or is it something that's always there no matter if you masturbate or not?

In any case, I would suggest trying reverse kegels and hindu squats to stretch the pelvic floor in case it is tense. Also explore if there are any psychological concerns that need to be adressed like fear of rejection, being emotionally tense (and therefore physically too) before and during sex, etc. 

I think the most important part to have a positive sexual experience is trying to let go of control and just try to be as present as you can. Maybe look into tantric sex and other things that help you with staying present and not resisting what you may feel during sex. 

I hope this can be somehow useful to you :)

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Thanks you for answer.
when I masturbate, I do not cum this fast. Generally, I have not had sex yet, but I am writing this post to prepare for the future. I feel that I can ejaculate really fast.  I would like to learn tantric sex, in which I will not lose semen.

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Ok. Since you tell me this doesn't happen when you masturbate, I would treat it as a normal consequence of not masturbating for a long period of time and not releasing your sexual energy. 

I understand you wanting to prepare for the future, but I think this can easily put pressure on you. Every sexual experience is different and as much as you may want to be able to control how it goes, it may not go the way you imagined it. That's why I think the most important part is to try to be as present as you can and follow your instinct.

Many factors are involved in a sexual encounter and it's impossible to control everything. There's a lot of pressure society puts on men's performance and it's easy to focus too much on our performance. Usually, contributing to an intimate emotional bond and making your partner feel safe, sexy, etc., is way more important than how long you last.

I would suggest you don't forget that it takes two people to have a pleasant sexual experience. You are not responsible for your partners pleasure, although you will certainly be able to give her pleasure if you're connected with your own pleasure and with her on an intimate level. But don't forget communication is key and you can't know what your partner likes and wants without her telling you in some way. 

Also, what often happens is when you let go of the pressure to last longer, you are more able to connect on an intimate level and actually have more control over your body. Even if you do cum faster than you would like, this would be completely normal since you are having your first sexual experiences and everyone needs time and practice to learn. Also, if you can be OK with the fact you couldn't last as long as you wanted and don't obsess over it, it probably won't be a big deal for your partner. 


Edited by Farnaby

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Looking forward for your journey! Anyway, had my longest test with Diana, such wonderful lady to exercise .

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Agreed with @Sunny J Gupta

I bet there are people who have so much control over their ejaculation that after a long period of nofap they can still control it, but for most this does not work. The longer you abstain the quicker you cum. You can regulate this by masturbating only when there is a possibility of having sex. Some of the longest living Taoists in china were virgins or had very very few sexual intercourse experiences so for a complete absitenence sex has to be ruled out.

From the very physiological and evolutionary perspective, semen retention is not a sound strategy as the sooner you can ejaculate the higher the chances of you passing your genome without the risk of being interrupted by a wild animal or a more masculine member of your or other tribe. I think we still have this deeply rooted inside of us. Kinda like when female bodies appear more "radiant" during ovulation when they are the most fertile, Many experience higher libido, their breasts appear enlarged, skin clearer and hair more shiny. Their bodily smell is more intense to attract males. 

We can try as hard as we want but in the end our biology fucks with us :D 


Edited by Michael569

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