
Matcha, Yerba Mate, Hibiscus...

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I've noticed Yerba Mate & Matcha helps with productivity and focus.

Have you tried both? Which one do you prefer? Why?

My thoughts : Matcha have that "calmness" which Yerba Mate doesn't have.

I prefer Yerba Mate taste, tho.

Dr. Greger says Yerba Mate is toxic, while Matcha is optimum/healthy (and Hibiscus as well...)


Edited by Soulbass

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I work in a tea shop and have tried both but personally I prefer matcha. It makes you energetic and focused, it's a perfect combination of caffeine and l-theanine (which is responsible for the calming effect). 

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Perfect start in the morning ??


Edited by Billy Shears

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I drink hibiscus tea everyday, it helps with blood pressure management and probably other things too.  I do a tea bag of green tea and a tea bag of hibiscus when I do my nightly tea.

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Matcha is an incredibly therapeutic herb. Good for focus without the spiking impact of regular coffee. The dose of caffeine is just perfect to naurally raise your levels of alertness without the anxiety and jittery effect. Not to mention it was shown to reduce chronic inflammation and radical damage, protects the heart, reduces LDL cholesterol, protects against diabetes and joints from degradation and may help with depression as well.  

Haven't tried the other ones. 

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I prefer either with cacao :)


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7 hours ago, Shiva said:

That foam tough... For some reason I never accomplish that :D What's your secret?


It's important to use a matcha bamboo whisk (chasen). I whisk 2 - 3 tsp matcha vigorously in a zig zag motion until the tea is frothy (20 - 30 seconds). The water should be 70 degrees hot. 

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9 hours ago, Billy Shears said:


It's important to use a matcha bamboo whisk (chasen). I whisk 2 - 3 tsp matcha vigorously in a zig zag motion until the tea is frothy (20 - 30 seconds). The water should be 70 degrees hot. 

Damn 2 - 3 tsp that's a lot of Matcha. What grade do you use?

Usually most recommend 1/4 - 1/2 a tsp.


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11 hours ago, pluto said:

Damn 2 - 3 tsp that's a lot of Matcha. What grade do you use?

Usually most recommend 1/4 - 1/2 a tsp.


I need to correct myself, I meant 2 - 3 matcha bamboo spoons instead of teaspoons, that's not as much. Then you get a nice foam. But you can also take more or less, it depends on how strong you want it.

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

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