
Can kriya yoga develope siddhis?

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If it can what techniques i cant find it in a book...

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its random. Some can develop them, some can't. Thats not the point of Kriya though. 

Its written in the book that a student told his guru dude "why are all the other students getting siddis while i can't" the guru dude said "that means your doing well." (paraphrased lol)

basically, your going to get lost if you want some sort of superpower to feel more powerful. This is classic example of Maya seduction at its finest, disguised as spiritual success. 

You have Ennio Nimmis kriya book pdf for free online, just google it. You can also look at the JC Stevens one. 

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@moon777light What if you attained awakening and want to go deeper? I dont see why somebody wont use siddhis to help yourself and others in situations but you dont have a need for personal power etc..

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it probably can, I'm not sure if this is a siddhi but recently after a very intense long retreat I would think of something and a few seconds later boom it would happen. I was not trying to consciously do this, it go really freaky but eventually stopped when I toned down my practice and got back to my normal life. Has anyone ever had anything like that happen? 

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18 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@moon777light What if you attained awakening and want to go deeper? I dont see why somebody wont use siddhis to help yourself and others in situations but you dont have a need for personal power etc..

I believe the fact that you are focusing on siddhis is most likely indicative that you are very interested in that power although your ego may tell you otherwise. There are quite a few accounts of yogis from many disciplines that have become lost due to the powers and misuse of them for personal gratification


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@noselfnofun Yeah it happened to me i though something random and it happened few seconds later

@pointessa So you would ignore this big human potential? I dont need gratification im only interested in full self mastery and potential it can transform others also...

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i find it hard to see an Awakened man/woman try furhter to develop Siddi's. Once your awakened, youve connected with your Higher Self, which gives you all the guidance you will ever need. Be that through visions/things that appear before you before you think of them/intuition/etc.

i think a sign that someone is unawakened is when they say they want to get a siddi.

Edited by moon777light

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Kriya Yoga is for liberation, siddhis may come along the way or they might not. That you want to develop powers is a huge red flag, and that you are trying to mask it as helping mankind is all ego talk. Hope you can see this.

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@moon777light if i have a siddhi i could get you enlightened just with contact no more seeking ;)

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@Esoteric why do you see them as danger? I dont see the problem

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@NoSelfSelf I don't see them as danger. I see doing yoga with the main intention of developing siddhis as "danger". But hey, have fun.

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@NoSelfSelf You need to get good at kasina meditation

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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Yeah, but I wouldn't focus on them. They can come and go along your path or can even be maintained throughout your life, but it's just flashy stuff and not really enlightening. 

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"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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@NoSelfSelf You will. It will be from first quieting the mind. Say, 95% emptiness, the 5% of “remaining thought” would not be the same ‘thoughts’ you’ve been experiencing. The feel, the view, perspectives, openness, vulnerability...will be different. (Just pointing, words can’t really explain it).

Once the mind has quieted, there is no narrative, no thought stories anymore. 

Then self inquire. 

When the emotions start spewing (and it can be very overwhelming) the most important thing is to know what to do: Write it out on paper. Write emotionally and honestly, be as vulnerable as you can. Understand, that from the entirely false view of reality, physical / separations / identities, etc...everything you have ever experienced included the body’s emotional reactions. Pretty much all of the emotional reactions were suppressed. They didn’t make perfect sense because of the ‘physical / separate perspective’, but the brain covered it. It’s like it protected the body, innocently. Not with an intention of harm, or falsity, but protection. When our understanding is false, thought protects the mind from the suffering of emotion, but making up thought stories to make the experiences make sense. When you write out the emotions on paper, you can see it. The mind can see what’s written. Consider, the mind has been ‘cut off’ from the emotions (90%)  your entire life, and now you are looking at them, tapping into their power - now you desire to understand the sensations. So, it’ll take a while. Might have to self inquire and write it out 10 to 100 times. Each time it get less severe, and the occurrences get fewer and farther between.     The main point of this, is “clearing”, so when you then return to self inquiry, you naturally, effortlessly go deeper and deeper over time.

Through this process there is a highly counter intuitive thing to be aware of. It may seem like you’ve opened Pandora’s box, and basically screwed yourself (suffering). Don’t be foolish though, be vulnerable. Cry it out. Let Big Love wash you out. The mantra is TRUST. Trust yourself, trust God, trust the universe, trust your pet hamster, doesn’t matter, just make TRUST a mantra in those difficult days. Don’t try to ‘hold ground’ emotionally speaking. Don’t think “I’ll be fine”, don’t believe “I’ll be fine” - understand the overall process, and knowI will be fine”. You can let go, you’ll be totally fine. 

There is a study you could find online, revealing how decision transpires in the brain 6 seconds before the person experiences “making the decision”. If that doesn’t scream “It’s safe to trust & surrender!”, then what does? @Serotoninluv ??

What you’ll find, is the more you barf the emotions up onto the paper and see it / understand it......   At first, thought / thinking will go NUTS. Just keep returning to writing about it, and breathing from your stomach, and trusting. Over time, the thinking will begin to dramatically reduce. 

Eventually (depending on how much you personally need to barf out) you will reach this 95% emptied, and the mind is barely even there anymore. It is delightful - but make sure to be patient with your tasks, and with your relationships, and with yourself. It might seem like you’re screwed, because like, “how will I get on in life without my thinking?!” If / when that stage occurs - do the same thing - write emotionally about it. See it, read it, TRUST. This is a very key breakthrough at this particular point. If you surrender & trust, eventually your entire “mental experience” will shift / change entirely. Instead of linear monkey mind thinking, there is delicious, spacious, no mind. You will certainly then readily see how thinking used to be driven from suppressed emotions rooted in false perspectives of experiences. Thoughts, the experience of “thoughts” flips, and whereas before you experienced linear one at a time thoughts, now you don’t experience thoughts - only spacious quiet no mind ness, and insights. One after another. It is quite glorious. 

It comes and goes at first. Don’t desire it when it goes. Return to the practices, trust them. No more desiring “growth” at this point. Only surrendering to the moment, as it is. You can certainly still pursue whatever you want in your life, but surrender to the moment, the now - actually notice and enjoy it. 

It is highly likely that most your chakras will have unified by this point, and that your crown chakra / third eye has opened. (Enlightenment) Psychedelics can be very helpful at this stage. will be in close proximation of Siddhi’s. You will likely have some minor Siddhi-like experiences, like knowing what someone is going to say before they say it knowing the next song on the radio before it plays, etc. Likely to be facinating, but also fleeting. 

As great as that will be, you will begin to sense you are not “fully enlightened”. It is not “em-body-ed”. The odds of you going deeper at this point are slim to none, as it is so wonderful and satisfying. Here, “going deeper”, is a “level” of Trust & Surrender that is unimaginable until you “get there”. If you do keep going with that ‘practices proccess’, you’re going to stir up that old thinking, the kind you just got rid of. Everyone and everything you love will surface in thought and appear to be a loss if you were to keep going. I would bet you anything you’ll stop there. Nothing wrong with that at all. 

But if you do keep going, you’re basically handing your heart over to God. And he’ll take it too. You might thinking I’m joking or putting it lightly. I’m not at all. Your finite perspectives will basically disappear as if you never even had them. The memories sort of go along with the perspective, in a way. 

Keep going at this point, and your heart chakra, third eye, and crown chakra blast open in a unification of Self. 

Then it becomes readily clear to you, that the power of Siddhi’s, is God’s Infinite Love. But you’ll actually experience it, unexplainable, miraculously - as your own. I know that makes some sense to you now, nonduality and all, but just wait. It will make ZERO sense later, at this point. No sense at all. Completely impossible. Yet, happening. 

-After having rambled on all that....meditation (attention held on relaxed stomach breathing initially on the cushion, eventually 24/7) is to clear the mind of “today’s” concerns, so you can do that overall self inquiry / write it out proccess. If you are hitting walls (have a lot tucked away emotionally) then yoga is very good to open the body / emotions, and learn to maintain focus and concentration while the emotion is released. Ultimately though, the keeper of the gateless gate - is the finite mind. 

-And get your diet as clean as possible along the way. Healthy eating is HUGE. 



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@NoSelfSelf Yoga doesnt teach how to manipulate energy like that unless you learn it directly through a guru. You can find some resources in Taosim, Kabbalah or the Occult (western mysticism). The occult is the most powerful in my opinion but not recommended unless you have made a lot of progress in dissolving the ego. If you go with occult, stick with "high magick", which is for the purpose of evolving the spirit and merging with God, not egoic ends.

A good place to start is High Magick by Damien Echols.

High magick is very powerful but know why you are pursuing it. As the Gita teaches, it is not what you do but why you do it.

Personally, I dont buy into the belief that the physical realm is "bad" or not godly. The physical realm is also God's creation. In our path of evolution, we should learn how to master all realms. Power and strength are not "bad". They are attributes of God that can be reflected in us but if they are not balanced with love, mercy and surrender, the power and strength will lead to corruption of the soul/atman. According to Kabbalah and Hermeticism (Magick), the polarities of love and power need to be balanced and that is where true beauty happens.

You can gain strength to enforce the ego or you can gain strength to shine God into the world without need to be exalted. 

Edited by Matt8800

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Sadhguru on mysticism and occult. highly recommended, skip to 5min .


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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23 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Sadhguru on mystislcism and occult. highly recommended, skip to 5min .


@Salvijus He also thinks psychedelics are harmful and he is obviously confused about that. Its common for mystics to think that only their tradition leads to God. All the traditions contain valuable teachings but the dogma should be avoided.

With that said, any kind of power can corrupt if mixed with ego. The goal should not be to get rid of strength but to get rid of ego.

Edited by Matt8800

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