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Sentient Awareness's NoteBook

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These are all random notes I made from an a state of no-self. 


When searching for the self you might believe it's emptiness inside of your skull.

You may look at you hand and believe you're a hand.

You may even believe that you are the Nothingness in the air, between objects.

You might think you can focus on this awareness as being somewhere in the air as a point of focus.

You will then look back to an object in Actuality instead of trying to find awareness in the air.

Now, put your attention on the empty, sentient subject or perciever which is God or Actuality.

You are God, there is no other way to explain it.

To find God you have to play the game of hide-and-seek (spiritual seekers).

Why are you hiding from your no-self (God) and not seeking?

To find this god play the game of hide-and-seek (neti-neti method)

God is this sentient emptiness of awareness, who is father like and watching his children - Jesus is the son of God, which is a metaphor to explain the small self (ego, son) and the true self being God (holy father).

Is Holy supposed to be a joke?

Whole; Full; complete

Hole:  A hollow space in something solid (Emptiness inside the self)

The word holy is a word that is supposed to refer to Whole and Hole as being two totally different words but the exact same or One because despite them being spelt differently they are pronouced identically and there is irony in that holy is spelled differently from both words and this word holy seems seperate from Whole and Hole but it isn't because it's still the same pronunciation which made the sound.

Can you see that holy is both seprate from Whole and Hole

Holy represents the unification or oneness of Emptiness and Fullness.

Beautiful metaphors:

Waves come in, Wave come out.
Sun day, Moon night
Sun smile, clouds cry

God can see with clarity (abscene of a mind-conciousness) the outside world (trees, grass) and the inside world (person percieving reality - self) as it is neither.

Hide-and-Seek meditation

I am not

The body or body sensations (feeling of being a mind is body sensation)

The human mind or thoughts (mind creates perceptions into conciousness aka God) e.g. the thought it exists as pink brain producing it's own conciousness

The object (hand, table, orange)

Emptiness of space between objects - Air

Subject (perciever - ego)

The sharp mind focus (highly focused, lowly conciousness)

Mind Conciousness 

Meditation frustrations

Meditaters get annoyed when they can't see that they are this empty, sentient awareness.

The meditator doesn't realise they need to release any sensation of what they think one-by-one in a game of hide-and-seek, the game is to slip out of the stream of possible self sensations (seek-by-stripping) it could be: feelings or sensations, thoughts (Perceptions taking place in conciousness or God's mind)

God's mind is not an object or idea of god. It's the empty, concious, sentient being.

Your mind just created an idea of God as an image now (not actually God) - Decontextulisation.

When you play Hide-and-Seek still focus on Actuality, what are Actual perceptions (not mind created perceptions aka thoughts and images)

What we are doing with all this meditation work is trying to get objective reality to exist without the subject (the self) and to do this you need to be focused on real perceptions in reality (cars, hats, furniture) but you also need to realise that the despite there being this concious mind perceiving the world, there is a conciousness above it which can be accessed by seeing the subject with absolute clarity. If there is no subject then you need to strip every single one when in a ego conciousness until you become the no-subject.

God is the non-objective subject. A self (person) is an objective subject.

The problem with reality is that you shift between God experiencing existence and the mind experiencing existence.

Strip EVERY single possibility of what you could be until you run out of objective subjects and you become the non-objective subject. 

Can you see how you cannot find the non-objective subject you have to become it.

It's a seeing through being and to be it, you have to not be everything else in an egoic conciousness because if you are not in a non-dual conciousness then you are being something which isn't the no-self.

You need to fall into this state of conciousness. This state cannot be located therefore it needs to be unlocated. The proccees of finding a no-self is normally done backwards and thus nobdy gets results. You can't find something if it isn't there, you just need to unfind the thing you thought you found.

Edited by Anton_Pierre

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