Cesar Alba

Books, Videos or Blogs to learn How to eat?

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Hi! Im 24 years old and I want to learn what to eat to be healthy and work on detox my body for spiritual work. 

Im not looking for any strict diets, at least not now. Im starting my transition from eating a regular (shity) mainstream, high sugar, meat, weats diet, to a more conscious and healthy one. I want to learn whats up with our body, how does it process certain foods, what do I need for my type of body, etc. I want to learn how to eat, not somebody else telling me what to eat, I want to understand the process.

Can Anyone help with some books, videos or blogs where I can start and develope this knowledge?

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I just ordered Arnold Ehret's book "Mucusless-Diet Healing System: Scientific Method of Eating Your Way to Health". I've heard some really good things about his work. I don't have any personal experience with a mucusless diet, I've been eating pretty shitty lately, but I know a couple dudes who are pretty intense with their detoxification and have learned through Ehret. They're mostly fruitarian and do lots of fasting, they looks pretty damn healthy and apparently they feel really alive and don't have to eat much. So, I don't know, but I think Arnold Ehret could be a good start. 

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Nutrition made clear by Roberta Anding.. it's huge.. get the audio book and listen on the treadmill.. it's not about fads or gimmicks. it's just the straight dirt on what our bodies need and good ways to get that stuff. 

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A general nutrition guidebook would be a good start to learn about Micros, macros, a bit biochemistry, enzymes etc. Anything titled Nutrition with some boring picture on top would do. On the top of that you may pick a simplified anathomy to learn about how different systems in the body work and interact. Knowing this helps to udnerstand nutrition better I find. 

I'd probably stay away from any sensational book (anything titled Vegan, Paleo, Raw, Fit ..) because there is always a conflict of interests and a bit of manipulation of available data. Go for a generic academic book. 

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