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life purpose, motivation and enlightenment

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while i am unelightened I.E still carry the I for my experience, i've come to the relalisation that I have to accept carrying out my life to the end, even in terms of egoic pursuit of happiness the difference is before i was rejecting my ego I.E doing a hobby for the pleasure of happiness or pursuit of a life goal that may be seen as egoic. for two years i rejected the ego but now i have accepted it and understood either way its god will because its only an illusion that the goal belongs personally to me an individual. so life purposes and enlightenment are actually the same side of the coin in a way. 

my problem however is i stopped with the motivation of egoic tendencies for two years, only subtle ones exist i.e addictions but big ones the motivation never carried over. How could i get this motivation running again to the live the best possible life that i can that my survival hinges upon it? 

Edited by Aakash

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This one is probably the episode I watched the most so far. I'm in a similar situation as you and this helped me greatly. Also, I made the step to be honest to myself that I just didn't integrate stage orange stuff. I thought through dropping the egoic need, I could skip it. So I allowed myself to go back to "classic" self help with this stuff. For example, the older episodes 'How to get shit done' etc. Really helpful :) 

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@peanutspathtotruth its literally the episode i've been watching, the homour is connecting to my soul and i'm getting motivated :') but lets see how long that works for

i'm with you, i'm just going to go back to the basics and sort things out from there , i feel my life has gone full circle from never knowing about enlightenment to knowing about it, now back to forgetting about it and doing the classics 

thanks for your recommendation

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