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How would Yellow help Beige and Purple with their different problems?

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Hello everyone.

Now that I have read about Beige and Purple I immediately thought of myself as some expert, but little did I know that both colours face major (or is it ''mayor''?) difficulties in our current western society.

As the original Spiral Dynamics book states: 'Orange looks at Beige and thinks that they aren't trying enought. ''I made it to the top, they just need to stop being lazy and try more! Look at what I got. They can have it too!'' says Orange.' (not an official quote from the book, but it was something like that)

Now as it turns out, my autistic brother with mental retardation is in Beige/Purple (he is 16 years old). This immediately made me want to figure out how we can help those in the first stages of SD. Currently, in the Netherlands, there is a rather Green approach. Not many people understand how autists think and so here they offer education to people about it so they can help those ''in need''.

What I am wondering is what a Yellow approach would look like. As I am speaking, my brother has hit teachers and classmates several times. He is close to being send away. Something my mom really doesn't want to happen. It is clear for me now why they want to send him away in the first place. The moment my brother reacts to his Beige/Purple impulses, Green doesn't understand what is going on. Green thinks that it is only offering help to Beige/Purple, not knowing how it really functions.

Yellow would understand more about how Beige/Purple functions, but how else could it be more helpful than Green?

Edited by Ampresus

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Green wants to convert those in beige and purple to green. They will look at some of their barbaric practices and traditions and say "No! That's not how you love each other and take care of each other! You need to be peaceful and share your emotions. Here, let's do yoga together." Green is not developed enough to see that purple can't jump 4 stages and come right up to green. Really, what these people need the most may be a powerful leader who brings them up to red. 

I also wouldn't necessarily put a stage label on your autistic brother. Spiral dynamics is very accurate, but it only works in about 80% of cases, and it excludes those with mental illness (hope that doesn't offend). I would take your brother's case individually and not place him on the spiral. Maybe he needs more freedom and less structure, and that's why he's hitting people?

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