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Truth and Privacy

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I have realized that people can realy screw your life up, and that made me thinking about how to combat that. First i thought about standing up for myselve and to fight them, but then i realized it wasnt the best idea. People, who could and would screw your life up, feed on drama and attention, they also have no ethnic or moral standards, they dont value honesty or integrity, whitch brings you in a clear  disadvantage. Then i realized it, dont fight them, but let them starve to death. That made me thinking about the importance of privacy and of keeping some things to yourselve. We are teached the importance of truth, and being truthfull and i agree with that, but i believe we must be truthfull with ourselve but not necesery with everyone else. I mean not lying but simply keeping some things for ourselves. There has to be a destinktion betwen being truthfull and telling everyone everything you are planing and trying to achieve, no matter whether they have good or bad atentions toward you. This is a trap i have personaly fallen into, and it can realy screw things up.   I dont know if this could be a roadblock to  achieving enlightenment, because enlightenment is the embodyment of truth, but in my oppinion privacy should be destingvished from lying and therefore present no problem.. I would like to hear your thouhts about it, is it ok, or will it eventualy have to be sheed too, to embody truth fully? Is there any problem that im not seeing?

Edited by Wekz

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By all means go for it.

The path takes turns, and that's okay.

It's just a phase that you need to go through and get the fruits out of it.

Keep some things for yourself, be smart about that, until you get tired and realise that you need more authenticity.

Right now, you think you're authentic, but you haven't gone through the "unauthentic" phase yet, so don't worry, you're on the right track as long as you are willing to learn.

Good luck!

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Thx, i will try it out, and see where it brings me

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