
The best strategy to become a Sage

10 posts in this topic


As many of you here I'm in my 20's (24) and building up my foundation to become a self-actualized and than even self-transcended motherfucker.

I'm pretty motivated and already done my LP course last year, doing meditation about a 3 years, going at retreats, reading books, learning, using psychedelics, networking, going to psychotherapist from time to time and purifing myself from my own and social bullshit and even thinking for myself (rarely yet :D)

Not so far ago @Leo Gura shared his opinon on the process of growing oneself and doing foundational work: 


"Remember, the real fruits of this work will come 5-10 years into it. You can certainly get results sooner, but the kind of stuff I was talking about in my last video -- that's the fruition of 10 years of personal development work. That is super-human stuff. Most people have no clue such things are possible.

Don't think of it as, "Oh man... you mean I have to wait 10 years?" No! What I'm saying is that after 10 years of great results, your results will them explode into unspeakable, God-like, super-human realms which no one would ever believe. The end-game of personal development is epic. That should motivate you to do the work.

I did not wait for 10 years to get a big result. I was getting lots of results throughout those entire 10 years. Then God was the cherry on top of my sundae.

Don't feel bad for doing simple personal development, working on your career, working on your biz, learning attraction, developing experience and confidence, etc. That basic stuff is important so that later in life you can dive into spirituality from a solid foundation.

Psychedelics will super-charge all this. Solo retreats will super-charge all this. Then again, psychedelics can derail your productivity and work ethic because the truths they reveal are so far beyond everyday survival activities that you will stop caring about money, sex, and work. Since I started doing psychedelics 2 years ago my work output and business productivity has suffered quite a bit. But what I lost in productivity I made up in profundity and authenticity. The metaphysical life is not very "practical". That comes with pros and cons.

Then again, I am still able to run a business. But I would not be able to start a business on psychedelics. For starting business you need to be 110% focused on the business for at least a few years.

It's smart to split your life up into chapters:

Chapter 1: Schooling & Education

Chapter 2: Getting a Job

Chapter 3: Health & Fitness

Chapter 4: Starting A Business / Life Purpose

Chapter 5: Earning Good Money, Building Up A Nest Egg

Chapter 6: Self-Help

Chapter 7: Attraction, Dating, Relationships

Chapter 8: Spirituality & Consciousness Work

Chapter 9: Psychedelics

Chapter 10: Hardcore Yoga / Pursuing Enlightenment

Chapter 11: Starting A Family


Those are only some ideas, not a specific formula. Each chapter is done sequentially for a 1-5 years. You must figure out which chapters you need, which you don't, and what order is right for you to do them in."

So I'm agree with him, but when trying it on myself has felt some confusion and I think it can be helpful to share it with you to look at it from different perspectives.

My strategy:

As I've done Life Puprose Course I've figured out that my purpose is to help people understand root causes and mechanisms of life, make them happier.

So, the plan is:

Learning and practicing as a coach with freinds and acquaintances --> save 10,000 euros to learn at IPEC coaching program in Amsterdam, Netherlands --> Move to Netherlands (from Russia) --> Earning Good Money/Building a Nest Egg --> Get a bachelor degree as a psychologist at Maastricht University (10,000 euro/year, but there is a grant system) --> Become a psychotherapist who has a MAPS license on using MDMA/Psilocybin at the sessions (at that time it will be legal) --> Working, Going deeper into Spirituality/Awakening

But it would not be the the Hero's Journey, if the path were clear.

My personal obstacles:

#1 Health/Nutrition/Energy - 2018/2019 are years when I've become more aware of how shortly-minded I was in relationship with my system: junk food, sugar, gluten, lack of vegetebeles and healthy food, lack of energy and lack of understanding of the current situation. As I'm reading a great book from Leo's list about immune system, I've tested out that I have a licky gut, dysbacteriosis (confirmed by medical test), chornic stress and probably over toxified liver.

Last half of a year I'm trying to behave in a more responsible way - taking jiu-jitsu class, normalized my vitamin D, using supplements and nootropics, trying to avoid unhealthy food, but last one is not easy - being healthy isn't a cheap + I defenitly have an addiction (to food or stimulation as a whole). Now I'm doing three week elimination diet (from gluten, soy, corn, dairy) to restore my gut biome.

Good food, analyzes, supplements, nootropics, probiotics are pricy and that's how we went to the next obstacle... 

#2 Money - 2018 was not only about facing that I'm poor at my health awareness, but also about facing that I'm incompetent with money. Every month I was struggling, often feelng insecure and frustrated and yet uncapable to figure out the way to deal with it. That, btw, was a good motivation to finally buy myself a Life Purpose course and acting more. A little by little, I've overgrown my stage-green fluffiness "Oh, money will come, when they need!", "Oh, don't worry, it's just a money, keep being a nice guy" :D and realized - we've gotta figure it out!

So I've rewatched Leo’s video about budgeting (haven’t done anything after) and than I've started to read a great book from the Booklist (nah, I won't say the name of it, go buy yourself one, it's 100% worth 35$) and than the millstones spun. I've figured out deeper the inner work, which is going behind the scenes in my relationships with money, started to do exercises from book and even asked my friend (CEO, fromer accountant) to help me to developing my financial competence. I even paticipated at the event where people playing in the board game "Cash Flow" by Robert Kiyosaki. Imagine how my stage-green guts had to feel themselves? Me, spiritual seeker, so non materialistic and sublime, who has participated at Ayahuasca retreats now is between those gross materialists?! What have I come to... :D

So, now, after three months of budgeting I kinda know my monthly expense and it's... $843 (kinda good for Russia, especially that I'm working around 4-6 hours a day). This is the amount with which I more or less satisfy my monthly needs. But funny is that Coffe, Food, Junk Food, Cafe is taking 1/3 of all expenses. $843 is somewhere near the amount I earn per month.

So to take the IPEC Coaching programm I need to do at least $2070 per month, not mansioning that I probably gotta expand costs on food/supplements/nootropics/analyzes to made my health/energy level higher, becuase I need a good amount of energy and cognitive ability's to make $2070 per month. Catch 22

Also, now I'm having a time to do reading, meditation, networking, and practicing my Life Purpose, but it can become more complicated if I'll be working 8-10 hours a day.

#3 Self-efficacy

Lack of energy, impulsiveness, addictions (food, coffee, porn, social-media) and procrastination are very hard-wired inside of my psyche. Partially because I'm ADHD (not diagnosed, but there's ton of clues) and upbringing, and partially because of my ENTP type of personality, which is all right-brained, abstract and lack of discipline. I even left-handed (ruled by the right hemisphere). Of course, you can say that all that is excuses but don't waste your time. I'm kinda good at self-reflecting and double-cheking myself. Im that type of guys who are naturally gifted with abstract thinking, futurism, humor and spirituality (those are all from my top-5 strengths).

So, isn't it a great idea to devote a couple years to the discipline and self-efficacy? Of course! I'm even doing it by everyday meditation, affirmation, visualization and jiu-jitsu training.

The problem is, that it's very hard to do all that stuff at the same time and this is where confusion is from.

Which is more Important?

Devote a "chapter" to the health and do nothing else about year or two with life purpose, money and self-efficasy? Or get started from money and not giving too much attention to health? Or is it better to develop my ability to be efficiant first? Maybe fuck it all and just grinding into Life Purpose at 100%? :D

"Philosoraptor meme"

The problem is - I really feel like all of them needed right now to make everything working. If I'll waste my health - it can be serious in future, plus I really want feel myself good to do the work! If I'll wont figure out money issue - there is a chain of reaction to the health and life purpose. Self-efficasy is, as I think, key skillset which needed for everything else.

So, do you guys have any ideas on how to elegantly connect everything and plan it in the best order?

How are you won one of these kind of battles? (Money/Health/Self-efficacy)

What would you do in my place?

Edited by Ar_Senses

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40 minutes ago, Ar_Senses said:

So, do you guys have any ideas on how to elegantly connect everything and plan it in the best order?

How can anyone answer that for you? If you're gonna be a badass sage, you gotta figure it out.

It will not unfold as you anticipate. There will be many unexpected twists and turns. So be flexible, yet also have a vision, be decisive, be proactive.

Some stuff you try will work. Some will not.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Nice desire :)

Who cares how. Somehow you do it, it dosn't matter how, somehow is good enough :D

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Leo Gura

13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

How can anyone answer that for you? If you're gonna be a badass sage, you gotta figure it out.

It will not unfold as you anticipate. There will be many unexpected twists and turns. So be flexible, yet also have a vision, be decisive, be proactive.

Some stuff you try will work. Some will not.

I'm researching)

May I ask some questions?

Was there any time in your life when you had to devote to Health 100% time and energy? For what period?

What had helped you most of all to become wealthy? What your definition of "wealth"?

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Love the energy coming for you, Leo's advice was sounds ^ you will have to figure it out. Just fully surrender to God and you'll get there 

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5 hours ago, Ar_Senses said:

@Leo Gura

Was there any time in your life when you had to devote to Health 100% time and energy? For what period?

Yes, when I was in college I had to work really hard on health to lose 65 pounds. I was really fat my whole life.

I still went to college, so it wasn't 100% of my time, but it took a lot of attention and willpower to acheive that transformation and make it stick.


What had helped you most of all to become wealthy? What your definition of "wealth"?

Starting my first business and quitting my job.

It's basically impossible to become wealthy without learning business, sales, and marketing and being very serious about business. Business does not tolerate bullshit and wishful thinking. You must deliver hard results or you're dead. Most people cannot handle that. It's brutal.

See my video: Small Business Advice.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Meet modern sages. Go out of your way to contact and meet these peoples. I honestly think it held A LOT to meet these kinds of people and talk to them to really see tangibly the example they set, how they are, etc.

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10 hours ago, kieranperez said:

Meet modern sages. Go out of your way to contact and meet these peoples. I honestly think it held A LOT to meet these kinds of people and talk to them to really see tangibly the example they set, how they are, etc.

Do you yourself have that type of experience? How beneficial it was for you?

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