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the thought of "i"

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just had this insight: 

that whenever you have a thought or an emotion, the context of it doesn't matter, to find the underrooted problem of why it is, you must look into your human self and your human beliefs . However, the context doesn't matter to the truth. 

the belief is that, there is a seperate person and individual person who is capable of experiencing these thoughts and emotions , who is capable to interpret them through their own filter, justifications , morality , values, opinions 

for example "i am god" 

are you aware of the one saying "i am god" or are you claiming "i am god" as an intellectual fact, the subtlty of it is minimal 

but one i a thought , the other is an action 

saying i am god is itself part of the delusion, being aware of saying "i am god" as true nature is not 

but thats besides the point i'm trying to make 

its this identification that there is an "i" experiencing an object out there, a world, a universe, a song, for themselves, so basically to say anything is other than the one same thing is incorrect.

there is still one who is experiencing "the thought of you thinking your an individidual  self ,.who is having a thought that he is the greatest man in the world"

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