
If happiness is unconditional why do anything?

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"Doing stuff" is just an invention of the mind. There's a kind of panic which sets in when you're not always doing something, or aiming for something. If you're not doing something, some people call it time wasting, or wasting your life or whatever.  But you're absolutely right, there's no reason to do anything other than the pure survival things of breathing, eating, sleeping and so on - everything else is extra.

If you're Enlightened my guess is (my opinion, I don't really know), is that you don't actually 'do' anything - you just have the appearance of doing to other people. You quack like a duck and walk like a duck, but you're not a duck, instead you're just in the flow of being God (or whatever).  It would be like asking a river: "what are you doing?" - it's a blatantly ridiculous question, obviously it's not doing, instead it's being a river. Unconditional happiness, is just 'being a river'.

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9 minutes ago, AlphaAbundance said:

@Preetom Deep appreciation. Everything is much more clear now. I will definitely be on the path to actualize unconditional happiness (and once that happens I will probably understand this completely aswell). In the mean time do you think it's okay for one to pursue conditional happiness?

Of course. You wouldn't be able to 'survive' one day without pursuing conditional happiness. Start taking full responsibility and approach this path with a solid strategy. There are lots of trap and it's so easy to fall in many. Have a look at this useful post.
Do not blame and shame yourself for pursuing conditional happiness. As an ego mind you can never stop that search. Focus on Truth/Enlightenment, unconditional happiness will come as a byproduct. You don't have to seek unconditional happiness


13 minutes ago, AlphaAbundance said:

Also in general, if happiness is unconditional and that is a possibility shouldn't one focus solely on actualizing that rather than any kind of conditional happiness (I guess they wouldn't know 100% if unconditional happiness does actually exist)

Yeah that's the best case scenario but 99% will never get it. There are many level you can grasp a realization. One who has viscerally felt the shallowness, futility and hidden pain in the search for happiness will finally stop. He will rather sit alone and cry instead of seeking happiness in objects.
The question is how convinced one has become of the fact there is no happiness in objects through contemplation and keen scrutiny? Anyone hardly ever thinks about this.

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@Dumb Enlightened @Dumb Enlightened Grateful for the expanation. Why would you care if your relationship is better? Are you just completely detached (in a good way)? Do you ever feel desire for sex, TV or anything (what happens when such a desire is unsatisfied)? Do you have any goals - if so why do you pursue them?

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@LastThursday Deep gratitude for the expanation - more thorough than I could even begin to know to ask for. Now (unrelated or maybe related O.o)do you feel satisfied that you have made an impact on another human being? Do you feel adequate or esteemed from the approval I  just gave you?

Edited by AlphaAbundance

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@Preetom Deep gratitude.

@David HammondHmmm I see but why would you have to celebrate that freedom in the first place? And wouldn't personal development end at enlightenment (as you have unconditional happiness) so there would be no reason to develop?



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9 minutes ago, David Hammond said:

When you become an enlightened master like myself

Oh God why do I cringe so much every time I read that? xD

Kudos to you sir! You have the extraordinary ability of creating a churning in my gut...phew

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@AlphaAbundance yeah it's nice. And you're most welcome. The truth is, you make an impact on everyone all the time, it's like ripples in a pond, and you're the pebble in the centre.  You SHOULD feel gratitude for that, even if you don't always. And the gratitude should flow in all directions.

Edited by LastThursday

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1 hour ago, AlphaAbundance said:

In the concept of unconditional happiness it seems like the only thing worth doing would be to work toward unconditional happiness (like through enlightement) than maintain your living (food, water, shelter).

It’s not an achievement, it’s what you are, which is doing this.

So basically it seems like things like socializing, life purpose, business, entertainment, relationships, hobbies are all useless if happiness can be unconditional.

Whatever you’re already doing is because it makes you happy, or because you believe it will make you happier. 

This basically sucks my motivation dry anytime I think of it. So why do anything at all if happiness is unconditional (except working toward unconditional happiness and maintaining living conditions)?

Why then do you think of it?

Similarly, why not just pursue enlightenment and say fuck off to the rest of personal development and your life areas (social, career, hobbies, etc) as you will already be happy?

If you thought that would make you happier, you’d already be doing that.

Why not just sit down and do nothing every day?


Is it that the joy from unconditional happiness great isnt that great of a feeling and other things provide some more upward curves? Does unconditional happiness just move the baseline?

If you were unconditionally happy, and in life you achieved everything you ever wanted - what would you do?




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9 minutes ago, AlphaAbundance said:

@Dumb Enlightened @Dumb Enlightened Grateful for the expanation. Why would you care if your relationship is better? Are you just completely detached (in a good way)? Do you ever feel desire for sex, TV or anything (what happens when such a desire is unsatisfied)? Do you have any goals - if so why do you pursue them?

I don't care really, but I know she does, and this that I'm gonna say now is just an assumption, but when you're felling alright/happy, your actions will reflect this, so you tend to be nice to others, is not that you feel peace, you become peace,

Complete detached no, sometimes I kinda fall back to the old way, it happened once this week, but when I understand the trick games the mind plays it's really easy to see it, but most of the time yes I'm detached,

Long terms goals are gone, they were the first thing I saw that was gone, short term desires yes, like for a specific food or something, watching a  movie tonight, but I'm noticing they are slowly fading , they are not something that I must do, I can choose not doing it,

Somethings where gone right away, for example all my life I listened heavy metal and rock, for years, I was a big fan, and someday It was just gone,

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Just now, David Hammond said:

Why does it bother you? 

It doesn't bother me. But I can't name what it does to me :S

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@David Hammond @Preetom it's funny how we judge and compare each other based on our attributes. It's as if we were sweets in a sweetshop; there are nice sweets, and chewy sweets, and sugary sweets, and sour sweets, and enlightened sweets and un-enlightened sweets. And some leave a bad taste in the mouth and some don't.

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Also, don't forget me. I am also humbled and bow before you most enlightened master @David Hammond.

Edited by LastThursday

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15 hours ago, AlphaAbundance said:

This basically sucks my motivation dry anytime I think of it. So why do anything at all if happiness is unconditional (except working toward unconditional happiness and maintaining living conditions)?

It makes no sense to the ego-mind because the ego-mind is constantly trying to survive. The ego-mind as a mechanism does not allow you to feel happy other than as a manipulation or a reward for survival. So you are like a dog stuck in a cycle of chasing dog biscuits without realizing that there is an endless mountain of dog biscuits right over the hill. But you are so hungry for that one biscuit that you never go over the hill to dog heaven ;)

Motivation is a manipulation mechanism that the mind uses over you. Notice how easily you're controlled by the promise of a little pleasure in the future. You are so controlled by it you wouldn't even take infinite happiness if it was offered to you. Because you'd say, "But that would mean I have to stop chasing crumbs." Yes, you'd have to stop chasing crumbs.

It's like you have been offered a billion dollars but you say, "I'm too busy to take this billion dollars because I'm busy chasing millions of dollars." Well, okay, have it your way.


Similarly, why not just pursue enlightenment and say fuck off to the rest of personal development and your life areas (social, career, hobbies, etc) as you will already be happy? Why not just sit down and do nothing every day? Is it that the joy from unconditional happiness great isnt that great of a feeling and other things provide some more upward curves? Does unconditional happiness just move the baseline?

Indeed. That's what an intelligent person would do.

The problem is, you can't do it. Because you're too hypnotized and addicted to life.

Are you really willing to sacrifice your entire life for God? If so, do it.

You are totally underestimating what awakening offers. It doesn't just offer happiness. It offers immortality and God-realization. You cannot even fathom such kinds of joy. It is a joy beyond anything you've experienced in your life. The technical terms for it are Bliss, Ecstasy, and Paradise.

Imagine a literal Paradise. That's what you're missing by not fully awakening. So what's the catch? The cost of attaining this Paradise is surrendering your entire life. Which is of course out of the question for you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

It makes no sense to the ego-mind because the ego-mind is constantly trying to survive. The ego-mind as a mechanism does not allow you to feel happy other than as a manipulation or a reward for survival. So you are like a dog stuck in a cycle of chasing dog biscuits without realizing that there is an endless mountain of dog biscuits right over the hill. But you are so hungry for that one biscuit that you never go over the hill to dog heaven ;)

Motivation is a manipulation mechanism that the mind uses over you. Notice how easily you're controlled by the promise of a little pleasure in the future. You are so controlled by it you wouldn't even take infinite happiness if it was offered to you. Because you'd say, "But what would mean I have to stop chasing crumbs." Yes, you'd have to stop chasing crumbs.

It's like you have been offered a billion dollars but you say, "I'm too busy to take this billion dollars because I'm busy chasing millions of dollars." Well, okay, have it your way.

Indeed. That's what an intelligent person would do.

The problem is, you can't do it. Because you're too hypnotized and addicted to life.

Are you really willing to sacrifice your entire life for God? If so, do it.

You are totally underestimating what awakening offers. It doesn't just offer happiness. It offers immortality and God-realization. You cannot even fathom such kinds of joy. It is a joy beyond anything you've experienced in your life. The technical terms for it are Bliss, Ecstasy, and Paradise.

Imagine a literally Paradise. That's what you're missing by not fully awakening. So what's the catch? The cost of attaining this Paradise is surrendering your entire life. Which is of course out of the question for you.


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Well, doing nothing is in a sense, the hardest thing to do.

Plus, the problem with doing meaningless stuff only arises if you think about it.

Something with my unconditional happiness is that I sometimes wish I could go and leave everything behind, and live in the wild, or join the army.

But boy, that would be a hell of a job, so I've let it go.

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3 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:

Something with my unconditional happiness is that I sometimes wish I could go and leave everything behind, and live in the wild

This reminds me of the movie “Into the Wild”. It’s a story of a young man who did exactly that.

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8 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

This reminds me of the movie “Into the Wild”. It’s a story of a young man who did exactly that.

I don't take these ideas seriously yet, perhaps if I realise that I'm immortal I'd do it.

Right now, I want to live for as much as possible.

Edited by Truth Addict

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@AlphaAbundance Right. Unconditional happiness is your nature, but mistaking the concepts of experience with the reality produces the illusion of unhappiness. 

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@AlphaAbundance you find your reasons to do things,but i get what you are saying..

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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