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Fear Of The Zone Of Genius

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Guys, is anyone living in their "zone of genius" besides Leo here? Why would anyone willingly try to live in their zone of genius? Geniuses are not normal and almost all of them are extremely unhappy and depressed. From an outsider perspective (I don't even live in my zone of excellence) it seems that nothing brings geniuses joy in life besides their work, everything is bland because they understand the pettiness of problems and concerns of normal people.

I can't even finish Leo's life purpose course and am terrified to do his exercises because I don't want to live in the zone of genius. In fact, I don't even want to know what my zone of genius is. I would rather stick to the zone of excellence.  

I love that motivational video but it is TERRIFYING. Isn't there another way to be a happy dude? :D


Edited by musicalwatch

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Aw man, I know exactly what you mean. I watched this one indie movie called pi, where a mad genius mathematician tried to unlock the equation that would solve the entire universe. In the end becoming completely mad, terrified and delusional to the point where he drilled off a part of his brain so that he could destroy his mathematical outlook on life, and just experience the beauty.

I am having a similar struggle. I am wondering should I just live life experiencing, loving, creating relationships, traveling. Or should I just glue my self to my work (science) and fulfill myself through discoveries, dreams and understanding. :/ 

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I am glad you understand me. It is a dilemma, isn't it? I am passionate about mathematics but sometimes it is scary the levels of understanding theoretical math can open for you, especially branches like Topology.... My math undergraduate classmate used to joke "The whole point of the program is to give us a second hand autism".

My second passion is languages. I can pick up on languages and enjoy learning them. That skill is just so chill and fun. Learn languages, travel, socialize, get some programming gigs for money. That sorta thing.

Life as a great mathematician just looks grim as shit. Even if you do enjoy that route, most great theoretical mathematicians might get 20k for their genius research if they are lucky. Society doesn't give enough props to Math in my opinion. I probably just don't enjoy the field to commit all my life to it lol

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@musicalwatch I think a genius does not have a problem with that dilemma. There`s no dilemma to him. He even does not have a choice. Life in a way has chosen him, the job has to be done and he`s the chosen one to do it. 

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It's much better to live in the goldilocks zone of genius

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We are all geniuses@Henri , we all just express it in different ways. I know my worthy ambition is science, but how do I express and persue this?

These videos make you put such a load of value and seriousness to life when the truth is we are all just walking piles of dust. In the end the only value is intrinsic. And there is nothing wrong with that ofcourse! But getting caught up so much in your work that you forget to live, and are completely dependent on your works outcomes, It becomes too much.

@musicalwatch So dont take anything too seriously. If you are interested in what you do and it brings you inner ambition I say persue it. Do not worry about being in the so-called "zone of genious", let your ambition flow naturally. 

OH, and never let fear push you away from persuing something!

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The way I understand and see it is that the first step to the Zone of Genius is realizing different areas and activities in which you are doing really well and that you also enjoy doing. Then if you pick one of those things and work on it for a long time with serious effort and deliberate practice you might/will enter that zone.

I don't really see why you would not want to gain a little more perspective about the things you are already good at and you enjoy doing. You probably already have some inherent ideas about that yourself without the course.

My perspective and advice to you is: It doesn't hurt to find a strenghth and something you enjoy doing - au contraire. I would keep going with the course at a pace that you are comfortable. Noone is judging you or telling you to live your life one way or another. It just gives you clarity and perspective. What happens next and how much you committ to it is completely up to you.

Don't be scared - I know, sometimes easier said than done! ;)

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Maybe you should try and define what a genius actually is first? Does it even exist? They're really just normal people like everyone else, they're not super heroes. 

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@musicalwatch From my perspective, everyone has a level of genius in relation to their purpose. What I believe you may be talking about is the "zone of FLOW". For me, this happens sometimes when I am doing creative things. Here's how I know that I've just experienced "the zone": The music I put on 6 hours ago has ended (who knows how long ago), I also hadn't noticed that my bladder is about to explode, or how totally dehydrated I am, or that the sun is suddenly coming up, and the tool (paintbrush, pencil, plyers, sewing needle, etc) is practically stuck in my completely cramped up may sound unpleasant and disconcerting, but in fact, it's the opposite! Knowing that you have been in the zone is an incredible feeling (after you finally knowing if you were thinking, or what you were thinking about is actually an elevated consciousness, not a state of drooling ignorance. It is not madness either, for if we are enacting our purpose, we are on the best possible path for our sanity and health in general. What @Henri, & @Infinite_Zest said is so true! Find your bliss! ...if you are happy, madness is irrelevant

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