
Enlightenment And Life Purpose Together: My Solution

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Hello everyone, i just thinking about this and that is my main problem. And,i was kinda upset when i was heard about enlightenment, and asking others for help,and i found answer "The question is: what do YOU want",and i just stop for a moment,and felt that i need to look to my life,and my experience. Im young guy,just started to folow this site befor, two years maybe, and i was excited. Life purpose just give me passion to my life,that that kind of job exist,and i started to belive. Also ,other things have huge improvments, in training ,and diet,and i took it really serious .That was my not main but supporting life purpose. And i was felt good like never before. And,just came videos about enlightenment,and kill ego stuff... I just start to be sad... Asked myself : Why just all of this?   We are gonna die and that is it,i even dont exist.  And i started to be depressed. Im not consistent in gym, grades in college sucks , and, stuff just isnt good.  And  i think finally that i know what is enlightenment.  Enlightenment is when you play tennis, when you walk along river,playing guitar,meditate... when you are in HERE ,with your body and mind. If you are doing things that you like,in that state of "focus", you are enlightened,lose your indentity ,you dont think about something else,when you playing guitar for example. And people in this forum talking that life purpose isnt that important, enlightenment is the only important. But ,you see, you pursuit enlightenment with your life purpose.Best feeling ,when i was doing my thing,and take care of myself, and i was so greathful , to stop and smell  the roses ,to just be here, to feel... Amazing. For me is really stupid, to just talk to much about enlightenment, that is pointles, and to listen how only that is important,and you cant go forward ,because,this is the only truth... If i dont learn,expend myself, be healthy , take care of myself ,earn money to survive, what kind of life i will have?  You see...enlightenment is when you value every moment, when you are at school ,be at school (not in some other place in your mind),when you want to talk to cute girl in the club,do it now, not tomorow ,with facebook,  if you want something do it now,not waiting some other day... If you handle shit,you just cant ignore some thoughts ,because,you know that you mast pursuit that...but,be here,enjoy every moment, why go to cave??? in mountains??? So silly ,why give up on things, enlightenment isnt magic pill, that solves everything ,you still have to fight for your life , not every one live in america, they are some tuff countries ... Enjoy the journey ,dont kill your dreams , build you life at that point that you can meditate when you want ,and how you want. Oppsesing with who you are,and that your ego is bad, or shits like that, is just not nesesery . When i have something important to do,i just dont think about stupid stuff , you are what you are.Be your best version , empty field of awernes is cold name for some human :D .  This moment is everything that we have, but, if you want that moment to be peaceful , must work for that. Time when you spend in pursuing life purpose ,inst spend vainly. That work maybe see some other people,when you die,and be inspired with that . We live once ,we just must do what we can ,but also prisiate the moment. Didnt master anything in life is so sad, why are you born anyway? So what, everything is ilusion,who cares? My invitation, do whatever you want,be best at it,be succsesful( ignoring our ambition is silly ),but.. be aware of present, enjoy it ,smell it, be whit it, feel it,that has no price.    And bunch of people when read this will start talk of enlightenment and sad that im not right, that is just illusion ,this and that...Do something that your grandchildren will be proud of. Becoming and being is just like ing and jang ,night and day,cold and warm... isnt complete without eachather. Found what you love, and enjoy every moment of that journey !!

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5 hours ago, ranzo1 said:

 Oppsesing with who you are,and that your ego is bad, or shits like that, is just not nesesery .

I have a different opinions about your statement that killing your ego is bad and obsessing about who you are is not necessary. I view ego death as a liberating way to open up our roles in this vast universe rather than reducing and destroying who you are. I ask of this because how do you know yourself truly, are you "yourself" or are you a collection of thoughts/processes/actions that have been produced with bias skewed towards the current cultural and social hierarchy of its time? Which is more real, the thoughts you have inside your head  or the thoughts of you observing your own thoughts? An obsession is often defined as thinking about such subject in an excessive manner so I assume this is what you meant by obsession. 

To me I have a fascination about life and its abundant properties. If you try to count the amount of sensory data we can receive in a second I believe it would be somewhere in the millions. Heck that's not even counting the billions and trillion of cells we have in our human body that functions on a daily basis. If you tried to multiply a trillion by 60, that would be 60 trillion amounts of data and that is only for one minute. Now imagine those 60 trillion amounts of data multiplied by 60 making it an hour that has passed by. Now you take that number and multiplied it by 24 and a day has passed. Now take that number and multiplied it by 365 and happy birthday, you've grown to be a year older. So much data has been created and this has been reduced to simple layman terms so that I can understand it.

I feel like you're trying to encourage others to live the best life they can and by no means do I disagree. I just think from experience, you need to take a step back to appreciate the little things in life and how they work amongst each other before you can 

6 hours ago, ranzo1 said:

For me is really stupid, to just talk to much about enlightenment, that is pointles, and to listen how only that is important,and you cant go forward ,because,this is the only truth... If i dont learn,expend myself, be healthy , take care of myself ,earn money to survive, what kind of life i will have?

Leo also mentions in one of his videos that our lower needs is important as well and he doesn't suggest that we run off to the Himalayas and spend the rest of our life there to find enlightenment. Much of enlightenment work has to do with the fact that there is no ranzo1 nor a yukise99 but simply concepts of what ranzo1 or a yukise99 might look like through this medium of life or in this case a forum. Have you ever lost yourself in really good music and just forgot that fact that you were listening to music and the music was simply there and you were not there? The saying  "lose yourself in the music" is the key to understanding this concept of no-self and that there is a much deeper and more enchanting part of life that we have never looked at when we become enlighten. 

The phrase "Life is an illusion" means that life can be perceptive to the observer itself, not that Life is not real. There is a very BIG difference between the interpretations of realities and the existence of realities. You cannot deny the existence of realities but however you can deny its interpretations. If you commit a crime, the existence of a consequences that follows its sequential order does exist. The interpretations of that crime itself is where "Life is an illusion" would come in. If a person viewed themselves as a bad person for committing the crime then that is an illusion he has put over himself. However that would be an illusion for the simple fact that if you observe yourself and declare yourself to be bad and believes this is true, you are in the wrong because you cannot use your own statements to prove something to be the truth, otherwise it would be considered an axiom. In other words you cannot say this apple is "green" because this apple is green. Do you understand? There are many things that many would consider to be pointless in life, however if one looks underneath its exterior functions and have a deeper insight into why those pointless things are attracting you the way they do, well they can give you a clue into who you are or life in general. 

And why do we care about who we "truly are" or "what life is really about?". Well it's up to you whether or not you want to pursue self-actualization work or to discover enlightenment. To quote Leo, "what is more interesting than ourselves?" Why do we think the way we do? Does this benefit me or not benefit me. Is this good for long term or short term? Etc...I believe that self-actualization work and discovering enlightenment would help us learn to appreciate and gives us a greater sense of how to navigate life. There have been major changes in the past, however the classics remains the classic is because they contain the embodiment of that something special from either obtaining enlightenment or doing self-actualization works. 

I hope you'll continue to discover your reasons for why you've been born in the special time and place that you were given to live in. I find it fascinating that life works the way it does. 

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32 minutes ago, Yukise99 said:

I have a different opinions about your statement that killing your ego is bad and obsessing about who you are is not necessary. I view ego death as a liberating way to open up our roles in this vast universe rather than reducing and destroying who you are. I ask of this because how do you know yourself truly, are you "yourself" or are you a collection of thoughts/processes/actions that have been produced with bias skewed towards the current cultural and social hierarchy of its time? Which is more real, the thoughts you have inside your head  or the thoughts of you observing your own thoughts? An obsession is often defined as thinking about such subject in an excessive manner so I assume this is what you meant by obsession. 

To me I have a fascination about life and its abundant properties. If you try to count the amount of sensory data we can receive in a second I believe it would be somewhere in the millions. Heck that's not even counting the billions and trillion of cells we have in our human body that functions on a daily basis. If you tried to multiply a trillion by 60, that would be 60 trillion amounts of data and that is only for one minute. Now imagine those 60 trillion amounts of data multiplied by 60 making it an hour that has passed by. Now you take that number and multiplied it by 24 and a day has passed. Now take that number and multiplied it by 365 and happy birthday, you've grown to be a year older. So much data has been created and this has been reduced to simple layman terms so that I can understand it.

I feel like you're trying to encourage others to live the best life they can and by no means do I disagree. I just think from experience, you need to take a step back to appreciate the little things in life and how they work amongst each other before you can 

Leo also mentions in one of his videos that our lower needs is important as well and he doesn't suggest that we run off to the Himalayas and spend the rest of our life there to find enlightenment. Much of enlightenment work has to do with the fact that there is no ranzo1 nor a yukise99 but simply concepts of what ranzo1 or a yukise99 might look like through this medium of life or in this case a forum. Have you ever lost yourself in really good music and just forgot that fact that you were listening to music and the music was simply there and you were not there? The saying  "lose yourself in the music" is the key to understanding this concept of no-self and that there is a much deeper and more enchanting part of life that we have never looked at when we become enlighten. 

The phrase "Life is an illusion" means that life can be perceptive to the observer itself, not that Life is not real. There is a very BIG difference between the interpretations of realities and the existence of realities. You cannot deny the existence of realities but however you can deny its interpretations. If you commit a crime, the existence of a consequences that follows its sequential order does exist. The interpretations of that crime itself is where "Life is an illusion" would come in. If a person viewed themselves as a bad person for committing the crime then that is an illusion he has put over himself. However that would be an illusion for the simple fact that if you observe yourself and declare yourself to be bad and believes this is true, you are in the wrong because you cannot use your own statements to prove something to be the truth, otherwise it would be considered an axiom. In other words you cannot say this apple is "green" because this apple is green. Do you understand? There are many things that many would consider to be pointless in life, however if one looks underneath its exterior functions and have a deeper insight into why those pointless things are attracting you the way they do, well they can give you a clue into who you are or life in general. 

And why do we care about who we "truly are" or "what life is really about?". Well it's up to you whether or not you want to pursue self-actualization work or to discover enlightenment. To quote Leo, "what is more interesting than ourselves?" Why do we think the way we do? Does this benefit me or not benefit me. Is this good for long term or short term? Etc...I believe that self-actualization work and discovering enlightenment would help us learn to appreciate and gives us a greater sense of how to navigate life. There have been major changes in the past, however the classics remains the classic is because they contain the embodiment of that something special from either obtaining enlightenment or doing self-actualization works. 

I hope you'll continue to discover your reasons for why you've been born in the special time and place that you were given to live in. I find it fascinating that life works the way it does. 

I agree with you what you say,but you just took pieces of my text and now that lost true meaning. 


34 minutes ago, Yukise99 said:

I feel like you're trying to encourage others to live the best life they can and by no means do I disagree.

I dont try this , i just said that, i think that i finally understand enlightenment,i just said ,dont just try to achive that, looking in the future,always try to search something in tomorow,that is oposite ,enlightenment is part of the big picture,if you have all of your money and you are unhappy in this moment ,it is useless, but you cant be happy if you are hungry ,or have some problems that pulls you down. 


41 minutes ago, Yukise99 said:

And why do we care about who we "truly are" or "what life is really about?". Well it's up to you whether or not you want to pursue self-actualization work or to discover enlightenment. To quote Leo, "what is more interesting than ourselves?" Why do we think the way we do? Does this benefit me or not benefit me. Is this good for long term or short term?

Yes,it is interesting. But to much thinking of it,is it good,is it bad, is it right for me, it is opposite from what is enlightenment actually.Some people are more enlightenment than people that know about that.  Enlightenment is simple present,now, in that state past dont exist and future dont exist,but that is not final destination,that is it what it is. It is always be. I don't encourage people from that,just said that for that ,you dont need hundrets of videos,or to read many books, that is also trap. Everybody knows what it is,but problem is to be aware of it. When you sit and watch sky,dont thinking about problems,that is enlightenment . But if your house burnning you cant be in that state,you must face your problems :D ( bad example but you know what i mean) .Enlightenment isnt secret pill,and it isnt grand secret ,we all know that,and all of us expirience it.  My english is bad, i cant sometimes explain everything that i want to say in right way,struggle is real :) ,  i just use words that i know,im limited.

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Great thread; I see the validity in both processes; that said?  I am coming more and more to embrace @ronzo1 's approach.    I feel more zen and less monkey mind in my garden than anywhere else.   Balance? :D

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