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Some people may not have heard about this "nootropic" that is legally avaiable in most countries. Here I want to provide some general information, contrast with simmilar drugs, pros, cons and how I dose.

Phenibut works on the GABA receptors in the brain which are responsible for your inhibition which makes it simmilar to alcohol and Benzodiazepines (Xanax). Phenibut docks onto the GABA-B receptor unlike Benzodiazepines who work mainly on the GABA-A. As far as I know Alcohol docks on both and has various other complicated side effects on the brain. In practice this means Phenibut makes you more social and less inhibited without making you tired like Xanax which makes it more simmilar to alocohol. But then again it doesnt make your wreckless or say things youll regret like on Alcohol, nobody would ever notice know you are "on" something. 


+ Works for a long time (12+ hours)

+ Supposed to greatly reduce the possibility of bad trips in combination with psychedelics

+ Can be used as a tool to bring out your social side more in a natural way or for dating

+ Can be used as a tool to overcome depression

+ Calming effect on the mind

+ No hangover (I always wake up with a better mood than usual)

+ Good sleep

+ Physical damage is probably simmilar to Benzodiazepines, so pretty safe when not overdone. Subjectively it also feels light and safe on the body.


- Takes a long time to take effect (3+ hours, dont redose too early)

- Physical dependance, tolerance and really bad withdrawal is possible (like with all GABA drugs)

- Can easily be used as a cruth as it is very easy to integrate into your day-to-day life.

- Can be dangerous in combination with alcohol (You will usually feel no need to drink on Phenibut, but I tried it and in my experience 1 beer feels like 3)



I usually do it on 2 days of the week (the weekend) and I will start with 1G in the morning and 2x500mg doses later in the day which is considered a moderate dose. So far I have not developed tolerance or had any "down" during the week.

More Info:

Edited by MM1988

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Good analysis of Phenibut. I can confirm that I have seen similar results. I think your Pros and Cons are accurate from my own experience. Thanks for sharing. 

"It can't be that lame, you know?" Terence McKenna

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Are you still using it?


Does it have much effect on your meditations?

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