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Springtime meditation practice

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Spring is here! Sun is shining! Which for me, having survived the dark winter of Sweden, is a blessing to each day.
(Funny how egyptians worshiped the sun and us northeners the thunder (~rain)...should be the other way around no? :) )

Each morning I meditate and after some concentration meditation, like focusing on the breath I do some self enquiry usually by trying to pinpoint myself.

But now I do the opposite of self enquiry (which ofcourse is the same) - not trying to pinpoint myself. I sit in the sun and feel it´s warmth. I feel how my consciousness can be like the sun. Some rays shines on one thing, but the sun has omnidirection, shining it´s "truth" to everything. 
Consiousness (maybe with the help of the mind?) can focus on one thing, like a thought or a sound. But it can also rest in awareness. Being like the sun, shining on everything.

I realized that I identify with my thought because only I experience it, while many experience a sound. But I am equally the sound as I am the thought. And instead of focusing on something, an emotion, a thought or the breath I can relax and let myself just be...everything. Rest in awarenss. Ofcourse the monkeymind will interrupt but then just go back to feeling the wonderful sun, how it gives you warm loving energy. And feel how you just like the sun shine on everything and everything is you.

Ah what great way to start a day! :)

Have a wonderful spring everyone and may the sun shine on you!


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