
identification- I

47 posts in this topic

10 hours ago, Aakash said:

so how would you deal with these after observing them, youd find the belief and you would eliminate it with the absolute 

I would just say, keep observing. A few days of observing are not enough. You need months and years of observing. The observation process itself is curative and self-correcting. You don't necessarily need to "do" anything about it. Just observe all your survival mechanisms at work. Observe why you feel you need them. Observe your attachment to them. As you do that, their grip over you loosens. Then you are more free to behave however you want without being dominated by survival concerns.

For example, observe how you manipulate people and why you feel you need to. That's very eye-opening and there's a lot to observe there. Observation is not the same thing as stopping your manipulation. I'm not asking you to stop anything. I'm just asking you to observe. With lots of good observation, many manipulations will naturally fall away. Not all, but many.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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17 hours ago, Aakash said:

@Arhattobe identification of thought is only one component, identification is more broad than that, it is really identifications to beliefs that i'm trying to expo-say.  i'm literally talking about everything you believe in is a lie, until you get to absolute realms because whatever you've thought of from the beginning is a lie because you thought of it from human identification. 

Yes well said, AND theres no inherent "problem" to any of it, even the problems we spiritual people like to create sayings like, thoughts shouldn't happen, if one isn't or if Im not loving enough I'm not on the right path or getting towards enlightenment, I need to have this or that awakening in order to get more enlightenment,, or meditate in order to do this and if you don't your not awake enough, or if you breath a certain way or don't its an issue, or if you don't make enough money it means this about you or that person, or I need to have this or if I dress this or that way or say this or that kinda thing I'm not spiritual or getting closer to enlightenment.  A big ingredient at least in my experience is the recognition of there is no problem in the most absolute sense of the phrase (and even if you don't get that, there still is no problem).  I took this to an extreme that life living or not living, mine or another just is and is not a problem, health disease just are and are not problems, evolution not evolution, becoming enlightened (what ever that idea is) or remaining the same is not a problem.  I don't know if others will have the same process or effect of letting that sink in, but for me it was unbelievably freeing.

Edited by Mu_

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@Mu_ thats what it meant to be right, after the human identification is gone and you realise your awareness, true there are no problems in the world equally there is no problem more important than the other because all human problems are false because they all experience the problem of being a human concept, therefore makes them all important aswell. 

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6 hours ago, Aakash said:

@Mu_ thats what it meant to be right, after the human identification is gone and you realise your awareness, true there are no problems in the world equally there is no problem more important than the other because all human problems are false because they all experience the problem of being a human concept, therefore makes them all important aswell. 

Ya thats the flip side of what I was pointing to.  You ever thought of just not going into any of this spirtuality mumbo jumbo for a while, seeing what other things are out there in the time being?  Or maybe you are, what is your other hobbies and enjoyments?

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@Mu_  i lived that university/ teenage lifestyle to the max , that's when i realised that my whole human body system is neurotic and addicted to many things, so i dropped all my hobbies and what i thought were my enjoyments to become enlightened for now. i have a problem of over indulging in activities after ive chosen one without doing the things that are actually important aka procrastinating. so i figured it would be best to do this 

however, its been 2 years, i've only made slight progress in my neurotic system but my monkey mind that was attached to how reality works (which has been my hobby for the last six years, figuring out how reality works) has slowed down since i've found answers. i've been thinking what i want to do with my sprituality life now and i think most of the intellectual groundwork has been laid, so i'm just going to enjoy doing the practice until i can realise true self properly and stick to it. [ especially useful that you can't get there with the mind] 

therefore, its kinda like i'm giving it a break since i've been at it hardcore with monkey mind, and now i can actually need doing the things i need to do. which means i can pick up habits again but healthy ones this time after i sort out my normal life. but even if i'm done thinking about enlightenment and reality, i still have to figure out what i want to do with my life and what sort of business i want to start, so more practical thinking and book reads. 

sometimes i wish i didn't even know about spirituality and the truth, because of how much effort you have to put in to reach enlightenment, but i figured my 40 year old self would be happy if i just did it now rather than then, i feel like you have no choice but to go forward with it once you've established a correct understanding 

what about you? 

are you just going to make videos for now 

Edited by Aakash

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Just making videos?  Man way to make me question my worth... Lol j/k.  Ya I'm sharing what I can hoping it helps others awaken and suffer less.  I also have a practical job as a Body Worker/Healer type of thing 25 hrs a week.  Wife, no kids a house.  Do some working 1-1 with people who are interested in this "enlightenment" stuff.


Edited by Mu_

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@Mu_ LOL so you do alternative healing, what sort of healing is it. ahh man as long as your enjoying it, that's what my life has gone back to the basics - how to live a passionate life

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