
identification- I

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@Leo Gura

How did 'I' ever come into existence/being in the first place?

Edited by Preetom

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@Preetom i - never came into existence 

I - cant be represented as existant / non existent and can't be explained with time , it is the only thing there is in eternity. so there is no comparison one can make to it which is no existant because there's no-thing seperate from it

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17 minutes ago, Highest said:

All your anxiety and other stuff comes from the belief and sense that you are seperate and this causes fear.

but my point is, now that i bare witness to it these anxieties shouldnt arise in my body-mind/sensations 

even if i am witness to it, does the sensations still appear inside you for example

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2 minutes ago, Aakash said:

but my point is, now that i bare witness to it these anxieties shouldnt arise in my body-mind/sensations 

even if i am witness to it, does the sensations still appear inside you for example

No. Sensations happens in my body but there is no identification with them. I let them come and go. I stay as conscious love presence, aware of itself as itself.

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If you didn't have an identification you would not be able to tell yourself apart from a chair

Interesting. If I did not identify with @LastThursday, but instead identified with @Leo Gura would I be able to see through your eyes? Or is there a fundamental separation going on between us? Are we separate because of identification?

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@Highest so does sadghuru still feel fear, isn't bliss meant to stop all of these things from happening, when you bring the true self- back through your human self after seeing everything as one god 

like do you experience anger and sadness. or should i say does becoming anger and sadness, still happen to you

Edited by Aakash

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27 minutes ago, Aakash said:

but my point is, now that i bare witness to it these anxieties shouldnt arise in my body-mind/sensations 

even if i am witness to it, does the sensations still appear inside you for example

They arise out of decades of habit and remaining momentum.

Stay enlightened for 5,10, 20 years they'd slow down and eventually disappear

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@Preetom @Highest i see because of the bliss , so a person can be blissful and crying aswell as blissful and angry at a dog

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@Aakash In hindu tradition, the primary job after self-realization is being grounded constantly in Being..which eventually leads to a more and more Satvic mind-body. 

A satvic body-mind is the most perfect conductor to channel the bliss of Self.

Better the mirror, better the reflection.

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7 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Highest so does sadghuru still feel fear, isn't bliss meant to stop all of these things from happening, when you bring the true self- back through your human self after seeing everything as one god 

like do you experience anger and sadness. or should i say does becoming anger and sadness, still happen to you

I doubt sadhguru feel fear.

"isn't bliss meant to stop all of these things from happening, when you bring the true self- back through your human self after seeing everything as one god"

Yes, true.

"like do you experience anger and sadness. or should i say does becoming anger and sadness, still happen to you"

Hasn't happened for a long time. If it does, it quickly dissolve naturally.

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@Highest i see so its a belief to think that these things will dissolve away immediately, and therefore all that's left to do is become conscious of it, and everything as god without laying identification markers everywhere 

so an enlightened person can be blissful and conscious their human being is sad and miserable  at the same time ? 

like can i be blissful and my human still hate and call another human stupid and silly

Edited by Aakash

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2 hours ago, Aakash said:

@FoxFoxFox you can stop the i thought and stop identifying with everything but how can you be so sure the human body you exhibit will be purified aswell ? getting rid of the i-thought to me, is i am the one that is aware of what is going on and the storyline of the person is left by itself to infinite intelligence.

so it is the "I" WHICH is a belief that is the one identifying and needing to create a finite ground, but this is not truth.

isn't that basically what the fettas in buddism are they are purifying you because your nature is automatically unconsciously being shift to i-true self and the facets of god that is love, intelligence, peace , etc

Nope. "I am the one that is aware of what is going on"  is still subtle identification with "I". It's still more concepts.

You are not inhabiting a human body. That is just more and more concepts. 

Infinite intelligence is still a concept. 

Fettas(?) and Buddhism are still concepts.

Purification is a concept.

Liberation is not even absence of concepts, it's absence of concepts BELIEVED. 

Liberation is complete loss of any sense of being an individual "I". There is no individuality in enlightenment. That is because any understanding of existence as an individual is in the realm of conceptual understanding rather than direct, experiential understanding. 

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5 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Highest i see so its a belief to think that these things will dissolve away immediately, and therefore all that's left to do is become conscious of it, and everything as god without laying identification markers everywhere 

so an enlightened person can be blissful and conscious their human being is sad and miserable  at the same time ? 

Yes, but an enlightened person wouldn't identify himself with being sad. He can still feel feelings etc, but there is no seperate "I" involved in it.

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"Liberation is complete loss of any sense of being an individual "I". There is no individuality in enlightenment. That is because any understanding of existence as an individual is in the realm of conceptual understanding rather than direct, experiential understanding."

This is well said and true ?



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@FoxFoxFox @Highest okay after evaluating all questions layed before both of you after my awakening 

its obvious to me now the mind can only gather concepts 

the only truth is:           I AM THE WITNESSING (VERBING)


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@Aakash Nope. "I am the witnessing" is still a concept!

Go back to self inquiry. Who is it that is making these assertions? Where is this "I"? You previously realized that when you inquire into the "I" there was no answer and that gave you a brief glance into liberation. Go back there, and stay there. Don't allow the mind to create the world again. 

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@FoxFoxFox I Just think i sensed the energy of the witnesser, thats what the true self just felt like, one giant ball of energy

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1 minute ago, Aakash said:

@FoxFoxFox @Highest okay after evaluating all questions layed before both of you after my awakening 

its obvious to me now the mind can only gather concepts 

the only truth is:           I AM THE WITNESSING (VERBING)


? Stay with that and surrender the "I" to that.

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i think i understand surrender now, when adyshanti said he was meditating trying to become enlightened, something happened and he opened his eyes and looked at his buddah statue and laughed and said all these years ive been trying to catch you 

there are conditions you must follow

a) the mind must be silent

b) the world of form must go, moreover the belief there is a universe

c) the identification an i by the mind 

d) the surrender of self

e) the person seeking 

f) all knowledge must be surrendered 

h) you have to become the thing you are not objectify it 

i) a massive resolve to surrender self and never return 

j) all theories of enlightenment must be thrown out 

k) the thought that "i will become enlightened" 


Edited by Aakash

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