
Is mental illness attached to the ego?

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Hey guys!

I am new to the forum. I have recently started becoming conscious and experiencing ego death. I was pondering one day about mental illness. I’ve suffered from anxiety and depression my entire life. Learning and practicing self-development I’m starting to question if I even have an issue, that it could be just be me reacting to my ego? Question is, I’ve seen in a video of Leo’s where he basically debunks depression for the majority, but what about other mental illness? Aren’t those just attached to the ego as well? I’m really curious about this. 

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In reality these are very complex issues with many possible factors. Of course ego and psychology plays a huge role, but brain health and diet also plays an important role. For example, if your brain is filled with toxic chemicals like lead and mercury, good luck feeling well.

You have to research and investigate what your root issues are. Ego is always gonna be a huge factor but there might also be other factors.

A lot of mental illness is due to traumatic and terrible childhoods, improper parenting, etc. BTW, I don't consider depression a mental illness. Yes, ego is also closely related to mental illnesses because what happens is that early childhood trauma is not properly dealt with by the ego, which then produces all sorts of dysfunctions. Of course serious mental illnesses can also have physiological factors. It's usually a combination of factors.

Don't underestimate how powerful the ego is. It's running your whole life pretty much. It dictates most of your survival strategies and emotional reactions.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

In reality these are very complex issues with many possible factors. Of course ego and psychology plays a huge role, but brain health and diet also plays an important role. For example, if your brain is filled with toxic chemicals like lead and mercury, good luck feeling well.


It could be possible or probable that as negative assumptions leave the system a body can or will naturally detoxify it itself.

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In the Western world mental illness is completely misunderstood. 

When you deal with psychosis or schizophrenia for example, you are actually experiencing higher states of consciousness. The problem is that the ego is messing up things because it is not used to it and can't handle this different state of being, it literally goes through hell and creates all kinds of stories about what is happening so that's the reason why one gets mad.


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1 hour ago, AlwaysBeNice said:

It could be possible or probable that as negative assumptions leave the system a body can or will naturally detoxify it itself.

Possible, but I wouldn't count on it. Besides which, a person who is so toxic will never allow those negative assumptions to leave the system in the first place.

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toxicity is multi factorial - every illness must be seen under different lights. sometimes toxicities condition each other. but the body can’t detox what it is not used to detox. heavy metals don’t exit directly as words and evaporate into gas. the same as toxicity through abuse can’t be washed out of the body by cilantro. but there are psychic cleaning processes that go hand in hand with detoxification processes.

when i did a panchakarma i threw up by myself even though virachana was not part of the treatment - psychologically i also felt better.

i have a theory that the body is more of a memory sponge than we think. somehow the release of toxins is related to psychological issues, it’s a little bit of a mystery.

Edited by now is forever

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