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Failures of the American medical system

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I've come to realize I hold a lot of anger towards our medical system, partly because of the numerous inconsistent diagnoses I was given as a kid - Asperger's, ADHD, ADD, bipolar - as well as the fact that all the resulting behavior was a function of childhood trauma. As early as 4, I can remember my mom getting lists of prescriptions: Multiple uppers, antidepressants, mood stabilizers and other assorted drugs, ALL OF WHICH were stuffed into my mouth by my mother while I was still half asleep to keep me pliable under her influence.

One of the diagnoses that destroyed my confidence was the claim of Autism/Asperger's, which I have found in the last few years of my life was actually a result of childhood trauma at the hands of a neglectful narcissistic and alcoholic mother, and an abusive philandering absentee father whose sole vision for me in life was to shape me into something that could validate their large and fragile egos.

What really throws me though, is that none of these standards are verifiable outside of the scrutiny of subjective judgments based on the secondhand communication (parents to therapist) of behaviors. The rates of diagnosed autism have skyrocketed over the last decade, due in large part to the completely subjective nature of the diagnosis. If the kid's a little awkward, fuck it. Throw a label on him, because there's something wrong with him. After my diagnosis, my mom would toss it out as an excuse for why I couldn't do things like other kids. "You can't study like everyone else, you have Asperger's". Every time she said it like I was broken. It made me hate myself even more. It made me see myself as a victim of life.

I've heard from other sources as well, including Tyler from RSD (love him or hate him) that his diagnosed Autism was actually the result of trauma which he was able to resolve. I know I'm not the only one, and that there are others with such identitarian psychological labels who may have struggled to see through the misconceptions of our "professional" medical system. I have hope that it's getting better, but I still think it's a serious issue that should be brought to light. Has anyone else had similar experiences relating to the medical/mental health field?

Edited by OrpheusNovum

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."


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Interesting you bring this up. I was recently reading a book (10% human by Alanah Collen) where author presented some interesting evidence saying that Autism, Asperger's , Asthma, Allergies, IBDs, MS and many other commonly occuring diseases where we are only guessing the cause.. are  caused by antibiotic prescription. The medical industry likes to brag that we've wiped up cholera, polio, smallpox with vaccines and saves millions of people from deadly infections with penicilin and other antibiotics ..which is all true. But now with over-prescription we have cases above that have not been known 60 years ago. Our grandparents did not suffer from allergies, asthmas and authisms. 

She said that because of overuse of antibiotics we have effectively destroyed out microbiota in the large intestines and allowed a "bad" pathogens to grow there causing all sorts of shitty issues we have these days that are often wrongly blamed on genetics. One does not change their genes in 2 generations, that takes 1000s of years. 

Additionally,Mothers are depriving their newborn of the greatest gift of their lifetime, their microbiota delivered during birth from vagina and sometimes anus (hence the occasional defecation during delivery) by choosing C-section birth. But I can kinda understand this, the pain is immense and not everybody is ready to go through it, I wouldn't be.Some hospitals don't even allow you to have a natural birth. 

But what else, in US children post birth are now being put on cycle on antibiotics just to be sure there is no being born by C-section and getting 2 cycles of AB you have effectively been stripped of any potential immunity and now have been colonised by all sorts of shitty bacteria...or didn't just get the right balance. There is some research now showing a changed behaviour of little kids post antibiotics towards authism and asperger's and kids born by C-section were more prone to be asthmatics and suffer allergies later in life. 

So maybe by eradicating one disease the medical industry effectively brought on few new ones that don't kill but make you a lifelong "client" of big pharma...but that's an area of conspiracies which I don't wanna go into. 


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The failure of the US medical system is untethered capitalism.

Compared to Canada, USA has a lower life expectancy and higher rate of infant mortality, despite spending twice as much per capita on heath care.

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5 hours ago, outlandish said:

The failure of the US medical system is untethered capitalism.

Compared to Canada, USA has a lower life expectancy and higher rate of infant mortality, despite spending twice as much per capita on heath care.

Sweet fucksticks, really? I have no doubts about capitalism being the issue, though. Given rates of incarceration and suicide.

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."


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@OrpheusNovum yeah really, you can look it up, easy stats to research. It's astounding.

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@Nahm okay, but can you? I'm eager to hear what you have to say.

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Feel for ya man. I’ve experienced some similar things, not that young though. Unless it’s a calling, or life purpose, I’d let it go altogether.  Your well being is the important thing.       ...Maybe make use of it all. You could write a book, or a movie script. It might help a lot actually. It’d get the word out. 



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@Nahm That's what I keep telling myself. I've been trying to write the same damn story for the last 11 years, but when it boils down I realize it started as a way to rationalize my painful experiences. It's moved away from that and become something entirely different, but I still haven't written anything palpable. I'm in a spot where I'm pissed I've gotten nothing done, amd I feel like even if I do, it'll take a long fucking time to make money doing what I love, so the only option I have in the meantime is selling my soul to capitalism. 

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."


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I have an autistic son, he's 6. He's absolutely gorgeous. Red hair blue eyes. I feel like I caused his autism. I was terrified of everything during my pregnancy, mostly listeria. I stopped eating fresh fruits and veggies and lived in anxiety. I loved him but I had postpartum depression and anxiety and I was so worried that he'd die of SIDS that we barely slept. I learned mindfulness before getting pregnant with my second and it made all the difference. We had such a connection and I was able to enjoy her but it still hurt that i hadn't had it with my son. 

The thing is even though I feel like I caused it, he's perfect as he is. he has talents other's don't. My goal is to help him work to enhance his strengths as much as possible. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw I only saw through the illusion of it because I chose to embrace what it for what it was: a strength. Teach him that he'll be stronger for it, and you'll do great.

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."


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