
Remaining childless

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 I personally think It's okay as one of the happiest persons I know is my uncle who is both single and childless. He was blessed with really good genetics so he didn't have any problems attracting the opposite sex, but he is still really humble and kind and I suppose remaining childless wasn't an act of immaturity (he isn't at stage orange at all).

I don't want to make it the focus of the debate but I also wanted to add that having children is riskier than ever, specially for men, so the obviously prudent option would be to avoid it all together.

What do you think about it?

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It's a pretty personal question and the answer is going to be different for each individual, so it's hard to debate. 

Some people want kids, some don't. 

It's challenging for women because they have to figure it out fairly early on compared to men. Men are really lucky to not really have to decide until a much older age. But since most people date fairly close to their age, men really owe it to their ladies to figure it out too.

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As a 23 year old male, I'm not ready for kids yet but I would like to have them eventually. 

I think being 'ready' is key, or maybe 'prepared' is the better word. The moment they come into this world, your priorities and responsibilities shift. While I'm sure it can be done, the purpose/goal of your life becomes to ensure their development and happiness, perhaps even over your own. [I actually really look forward to seeing a mini-me go about life, and hopefully excel :) ] 

As such, i would like to make sure that my life and my self-development is at a place, where I have satisfied my own goals, and have the room and the capacity to raise my kids without feeling any bitterness or a sense of unfulfilment. It's better for them as well, I think. My mom put her career on hold to raise me, and then never got back to where she had been. She tried to live vicariously through me, but I didn't have any passion for her field... so it's still a seriously thorny issue for her. She hates the fact that I choose to study something else, and constantly brings it up. 

Edited by Cosmo

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@LoNatural when it comes down to breeding and raising children, don't do it if you don't have a crystal clear understanding of what you're doing. that is my piece of advice.

unborn Truth

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Wanna have children? Godspeed.

Wanna not have children? Godspeed.

Just if you pick the 1st option make sure you are prepared and know how to go about it, lest you want to raise neurotic and dysfunctional children like a huge portion of the world already. I know there's a huge pressure to have children from peers, but they can't make you do anything.

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Remaining childless is the best way to go. I hate the little fucks jumping around with their ADHD everywhere.




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On 4/11/2019 at 4:48 AM, Good-boy said:

I hate the little fucks jumping around with their ADHD everywhere.


Its a personal thing, whether to choose to have children or not. Just make sure you are ready to raise them, know how to raise them and most importantly, be financially prepared to raise children. Read shit ton of self help so your child doesen't have to, that's how we evolve.

Edited by Hansu

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@Hansu nah man I would be never ready for that shit. Ain't got time and money to spend on the lil fucks.




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