Frank B

Doing Nothing

3 posts in this topic

Hello, Frank B here. I've been browsing the forums for a little while and just decided to post a question after watching Leo's latest video. The root of all addictions. Mainly I'm curious about the technique to do nothing to help rid ourselves of our addictions. Could someone please explain the theory of how sitting and doing nothing/ meditation is helpful in this. I don't see how this practice could be more practical then other methods were you're putting in the effort. Thanks in advance. 

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@Frank B

Why are you addicted to stuff?
It's because you're avoiding emptiness, the emptiness that is experienced when you sit and do nothing

What is meditation?
Meditation is sitting with nothingness

So, meditation is used to stop you from 'doing' things, it's an attempt to get you to face emptiness, because when you face emptiness, you stop running away to do stuff, which is your addictive behaviours.

If you learn about enlightenment, you'll see this is very practical, because it gets to deeper truths about human nature and consciousness, all the other methods which seem practical on the surface, they are surface level solutions, so in the end they're not as practical as you think, they're like sticker plaster solutions, which one's more practical now?



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On 4/19/2016 at 9:35 AM, Frank B said:

Hello, Frank B here. I've been browsing the forums for a little while and just decided to post a question after watching Leo's latest video. The root of all addictions. Mainly I'm curious about the technique to do nothing to help rid ourselves of our addictions. Could someone please explain the theory of how sitting and doing nothing/ meditation is helpful in this. I don't see how this practice could be more practical then other methods were you're putting in the effort. Thanks in advance. 

sitting and doing nothing will do nothing for you. being still, being quiet, and experiencing consciousness will provide for the liberation from the attachment to the identity.  This isn't an opinion, it isn't a belief, it isn't someone else's words or works,  it comes from living experience, and if consciousness can do this for me, it is there for anyone who will.  This is the most honest, direct answer i can give you, but its in your hands to do it or not, if you can, if your programing and belief isn't so strong that you can't hear or have the will to do.

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