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Understanding the infinitely infinitesimal

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When talking about reality as an infinite fractal I believe Leo has said that the universe is infinite in both directions so you can keep zooming out forever and you will reach no end to the size of reality but you can also keep zooming in forever and reach no end. I can kind of understand this but I am struggling to grasp the idea that we can zoom in forever and why that must be true. This would mean that there are no fundamental particles to reality which are essentially the building blocks (or waves) that are indivisible and cannot be seen as made up of anything else. So this seems to throw out the empirical findings of quarks, electrons, the Plank length, etc.

Could someone please help clarify this for me. 


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@JakeR hey jake

Yes it does throw out the empirical findings of those sub automic particles being the smallest/most fundamental...

That's because the Reality isn't material!

It is not made up of objects.

Now this doesn't mean that atom/quarks etc aren't there. They are. But aren't the smallest scale possible because there is no smallest scale. It's infinte zoomed in or out. As well as forward and backwards in Time.


Notice how those empirical discoveries keep changing. Atom at one point was smallest. Then electron/proton. Then quarks . Then strings etc.


The next thing will be the next thing detected another level down


Also keep in mind. "Time" or flow of change varies at scale.

At smaller level compared to us, we see atoms come into and go out of existence very quickly.


And u can imagine that a being at higher level than ours maybe sees our sun as an atom and the palnets as elevtrons around it.

Our 4 billion years of earth time might be a mili sceond at their sacle just like ours is compared to atom


Reality is wholly connected as one across all dimensions and is in perfect equalibrium. Zero.


Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Law of conservation of energy. Etc etc.

Energy is all there is. Cannot be destroyed. There maybe chaos and creation from energy but it is in absolute harmony

Infinte positive and infinte negative energy.

Love Is The Answer

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@JakeR If you actually study quantum mechanics you will notice there no particles actually. Particles are pure mental abstraction. What is really there are infinitely entangled qunatum wave functions.

Particle never existed. That was a cute story told to you in grade school because the reality of the sub-atomic world is infinitely complex and impossible to model perfectly.

There can be nothing more fundamental than nothingness and infinity. No form is fundamental. All "particles" come and go, born and die -- as QM tells you.

You must interpret QM very carefully. QM does NOT support materialism or realism at all.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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