
Some of you should listen to this female teacher....

51 posts in this topic

15 minutes ago, Mu_ said:

I made mention of this in the first post, its not the full thing, but she conveys something very strongly that  some people are looking for and want a taste of even if its partial and not the full picture, but honestly who do you feel as a teacher conveys all understandings and realizations and has videos online, because I'm not sure I know who that would be or what that may even look like, since I dont know what the limits of realization are, if anyone could say they know....

And I would strongly argue that she is just coming from the concept of "still" "empty", I think shes fairly immersed and has a good deal of experience to speak from in this department, but you may be right about the other stuff.

It's not about being right, she may very well have the experience of empty stillness in contrast to the full activity of the mind and life so associates the stillness with being. Being is present in all kinds of expression but even 'being' when perceived from the perspective of just awareness is full and active in comparison. Within awareness there are even degrees of fullness and emptiness or stillness and activity.

Besides, who is it that decides the empty stillness is the 'true self', the ultimate of being or 'true spirituality'? Not just in the 'no self' who sense of it.... but it seems like there is this doctrine of discourse that is accepted as the 'truth' about spirituality and a expression of behavior that is perceived as some sort of proof which supposedly signals to others that one has it.

Although, there are many varieties of teachers with many varieties of methods and expressions. So, is it just a matter of preferences or which appeals more in how one would look to others in helping find a way of viewing it? In some ways that may be a consideration but realistically if someone's words doesn't lead to liberation from self suffering what they teach is more distraction than anything else.

This is something that only each one of us can really know about the 'teachings' from our own experience. I myself found my way in an autodidact fashion in the pre-internet era but then while circulating around all these spiritual type communities and gurus I began to realize my experience was exceptionally unique. I could see right through all of the spiritual double speak.

So my way of articulating it tends to be pretty simplistic and doesn't contain much of the complexities of the more traditional and typical belief systems. It's not a matter of one or another are right or wrong, it really just does come down to liberation from self suffering, does it point to it or does it distract from it? Although, having an attachment to any of them or who teaches it can be a stumbling block to liberation, as well.

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28 minutes ago, purerogue said:

I get want you mean, but try to look from her  point of view, how you could you explain something with language, without going against your own words, it is impossible  and there are implications on things she said that seems to have made you get the wrong understanding of her message. 

You can find contradictions in any well known teachers, not just because of language limitations, but because of perspective differences and simply not understanding of what happens at her level of development, you are trying to pick on her personality, when it has nothing to do with personality to begin with.

Anyway all of this truth is gibberish, real truth is something you will get in no books,videos , or comments, because there is no way to deliver it then get yourself delivered to it, rest is just pointers to get there. 

I did just explain it... quite clearly.... using language and words... without having contradiction... it's not impossible... it's actually quite simple.

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6 minutes ago, SOUL said:

I did just explain it... quite clearly.... using language and words... without having contradiction... it's not impossible... it's actually quite simple.

You just gave your thoughts on her explanation , not sure why you even gave it as example, now make a video , or article explaining  deeper spiritual dynamics and we can have a talk , or I could just go trough you comments and find contradictions, but I am sure you can write it down on you having changed your thoughts, which I guess would be fair reason. 

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33 minutes ago, purerogue said:

You just gave your thoughts on her explanation , not sure why you even gave it as example, now make a video , or article explaining  deeper spiritual dynamics and we can have a talk , or I could just go trough you comments and find contradictions, but I am sure you can write it down on you having changed your thoughts, which I guess would be fair reason. 

Why should I talk about 'deeper spiritual dynamics' when the simple ones suffice for pointing to liberation from self suffering? The ego wants 'deeper', it wants complex, it wants intricate and detailed methods and techniques to secure it's identity as the 'spiritual seeker'.

What she really does express beautifully is the simple nature of just being present. That's an empowering expression of being but her trying to describe what is and is not it without realizing that her description is just from her own perspective of it and not any absolute truth about it was a distraction that could cause self suffering.

Yes, we are experiencing our spirituality from a subjective perception of it and language isn't always effective in communicating our experience to others. Although, to excuse the obvious double speak that is central to many 'teaching' because of that difficulty to describe is enabling the distraction by it.

Edited by SOUL

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20 hours ago, SOUL said:

It's not about being right, she may very well have the experience of empty stillness in contrast to the full activity of the mind and life so associates the stillness with being. Being is present in all kinds of expression but even 'being' when perceived from the perspective of just awareness is full and active in comparison. Within awareness there are even degrees of fullness and emptiness or stillness and activity.

Besides, who is it that decides the empty stillness is the 'true self', the ultimate of being or 'true spirituality'? Not just in the 'no self' who sense of it.... but it seems like there is this doctrine of discourse that is accepted as the 'truth' about spirituality and a expression of behavior that is perceived as some sort of proof which supposedly signals to others that one has it.

Although, there are many varieties of teachers with many varieties of methods and expressions. So, is it just a matter of preferences or which appeals more in how one would look to others in helping find a way of viewing it? In some ways that may be a consideration but realistically if someone's words doesn't lead to liberation from self suffering what they teach is more distraction than anything else.

This is something that only each one of us can really know about the 'teachings' from our own experience. I myself found my way in an autodidact fashion in the pre-internet era but then while circulating around all these spiritual type communities and gurus I began to realize my experience was exceptionally unique. I could see right through all of the spiritual double speak.

So my way of articulating it tends to be pretty simplistic and doesn't contain much of the complexities of the more traditional and typical belief systems. It's not a matter of one or another are right or wrong, it really just does come down to liberation from self suffering, does it point to it or does it distract from it? Although, having an attachment to any of them or who teaches it can be a stumbling block to liberation, as well.

Hey Soul,

I think your first two paragraphs have to to with the idea that theres more to understanding Self/Life/God then just Emptiness and Fullness and Awareness even maybe, and I would agree.  And yes some consider the realization of emptiness "god" or the ground of Being, or any number usages of words to convey meaning/Absolute meaning and it can get very confusing and hairy when you try to really get what someone means or even what You mean, lol.  And yes there are many doctrines that teachers and students  adhere to with specific words and meanings to mean that your enlightened if you are doing such or realized so.

Even the notion that if it doesn't lead to liberation its not useful is a hard one to quantify, at least in my eyes, because  under scrutinization it "seems" to me that not many people awaken and reside in emptiness or understanding of god, or flow, or self realization even though they were doing all the "right" things and listening to Buddha or Ramanha or any well regarded "awakened" guru/master.  So were they just bad teachers or students, or is there more to this then meets the eye?   So to me, I leave a lot open and dont try to be to critical or judge and do my best to accept a wide range of people and their realizations, even if I'm not sure 'EXACTLY' where they are coming from.  Because its all "God".

So again about the video I posted, to "me", what ever that is, she seems to embody a piece of the picture in the broad sense, in the world of hard to pin down, what is what, and what means what, a communication of stillness/emptiness/authenticity, even if she appears to contradict (although theres lots of paradoxs that just are and to voice them puts you in a position to be judged by minds that dont see in such very well, including mine sometimes). 

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Well, @Mu_ , self suffering was the primary inspiration in setting me on a spiritual path and the experience in liberation from self suffering transcends any of the knowledge I have gained along the way. Liberation transforms my experience of being in a way that no amount of knowledge or understanding ever has.

So, in my experience I perceive that someone having liberation from self suffering has a lasting effect that fills every aspect of one's life. I just find that people chasing knowledge rarely experience liberation from that pursuit which allows me to see a distinction between those different motivations.

I may value freedom from self suffering more than others do so this might be why I view it that way.




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@SOUL Do you have the feeling she seeks knowledge? I actually had the same feeling as Mu, that there is some valuable truth in her perspective. I'm just not sure how to evaluate someone spiritually, since I'm still far away from being liberated/realized. I'm just asking out of curiosity about what you think of her especially. I sense an interesting vibe but am skeptic

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mhhh - first i thought i like it then i thought mhhh - if you don’t care for your appearance anymore then why wearing a necklace? and then she said if people don’t talk about themselves but  then she’s always addressing with you, you, you. and then i thought mhhh - is this maybe intentional? it’s a little arrogant, but i’m sure it comes from the heart the wish for neutrality.

but aside this, she talks about some interesting insights - if it was a guy we would be less critical.

Edited by now is forever

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6 hours ago, SOUL said:

Well, @Mu_ , self suffering was the primary inspiration in setting me on a spiritual path and the experience in liberation from self suffering transcends any of the knowledge I have gained along the way. Liberation transforms my experience of being in a way that no amount of knowledge or understanding ever has.

So, in my experience I perceive that someone having liberation from self suffering has a lasting effect that fills every aspect of one's life. I just find that people chasing knowledge rarely experience liberation from that pursuit which allows me to see a distinction between those different motivations.

I may value freedom from self suffering more than others do so this might be why I view it that way.




I hear ya.

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