
Leo's biggest hater?

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@sgn Unspirituality is saying nothing but truth . The guy in the video didn't get triggered , you did ahhaha .

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2 hours ago, legendary said:

I just checked this guy's channel out. All his criticism of boils down to 3 things:

  • This guy walked the same path as Leo 30 years ago, and based on his experience, Leo is wrong about neuroscience, Quantum Mechanics, etc. It's not science, but Leo who is making an epistemological blunder by buying into new-agey and woo-woo concepts. The brain is primary, subjectivity is secondary.
  • Leo is solipsistic & nihilistic. This guy argues that there exists an external physical reality which will exist even without a conscious observer, which is in opposition to what Leo teaches (PFA)
  • How do we know that he is correct? Because he has worked with his Kundalini for years and all his chakras are opened.

If we could weigh his opinions against Leo's, we have a more objective way of determining who is correct and who isn't.


That actually seems correct. Like Leo is still experiencing God from the POV of "I am God" rather than "God". Given he has a 30 year headstart, I wouldn't be surprised if he has gone all the way by now.

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LOL i swear opening kundalini has nothing to do with enlightenment any way, aren't they two seperate things lol, because kundalini is included in the whole of reality lol, enlightenment is outside. 

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Well, Jan Esmann, the "kundalini master" says that you can't even gain Self Realization without Kundalini generally, except in "rare cases".

I wonder if a lot of people have active Kundalini and don't know it though. I have, for years, had all the signs / symptoms of K awakening / activity yet I didn't get the "extreme bliss" that supposedly HAS TO come with it. Which made me think for years there was something wrong with me as I was doing K yoga and other stuff, recieved Jan's "shaktipat in absentia" ($100 necklace) and nada...

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@Joseph Maynor Leo would never accept something like this, he don't like to be questioned , he likes to appear that way , but you know that's not the reality . Leo is living his dream right now , in a kind of echo-chamber . He validates his own ''knowlegde'' , and being exposed ? Not a chance . He has much emotional investiment in all of this . What do you think Joseph

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@Joseph Maynor honestly i wasnt even talking about this gguy specifically, i was only talking about in general because energy is still an object if you think about it 

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19 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I think we need to be less defensive and less protective and less controlling and allow this Forum to be an open place where a wide variety of contrasting ideas are considered and debated.

Very very important yes. I feel like the nature of this being a forum greatly increases the tendencies of protectiveness etc.

I always wonder, although there are many interesting discussions in this forum, if all this is confusing me more than it is really helping me... 

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38 minutes ago, thesmileyone said:

I wonder if a lot of people have active Kundalini and don't know it though. I have, for years, had all the signs / symptoms of K awakening / activity yet I didn't get the "extreme bliss" that supposedly HAS TO come with it. Which made me think for years there was something wrong with me as I was doing K yoga and other stuff, recieved Jan's "shaktipat in absentia" ($100 necklace) and nada...

I spoke with Jan about Kundalini Shakti about such a case. Here's what he said:

You probably had Kundalini arousal, and not awakening. Awakening is possible only when the knots in the subtle body are untied, either by hardcore practice or by Shaktipat.

And Kundalini awakening doesn't gurantee bliss asap. It gurantees that awakened kundalini will guide you towards liberation. It's up to you to follow that guidance,

We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see. We are freed by conscious perception.

- Vernon Howard

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@Joseph Maynor yeah thats a good point, however, most people here havent experienced it so they're going to be theorising until it comes home, its a trap we all fall into so eventually we can lay people straight from those who have fallen into the trap if they are right or wrong because its as you said people become attached to their ideas which isn't healthy. none the less, if it works for them it works for them, again they won't think they're wrong and so won't continue to deconstruct again. 

as a teacher you correct, as a student you let go 

there may not be one right way to it, but there's still a correct enlightenment truth which we are all trying to get to, otherwise i see no point of being on this sub-forum. 

so its better just to correct someone there and then instead of being so indirect about it and letting them continue, 

i've had to shed my viewpoint alot of times and at the time it may not have been what i wanted, but its benefit me all the more

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Zzenn is expert on kundalini.

Like him or not he has debunked he knows his stuff.


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12 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Just saw this:


This is hilarious, Leo won't ever be naive enough to accept such childish competition.

The forum is open for everyone if zzenn wants to make a conversation with Leo. We all did and do all the time, we criticise Leo and learn from him, he's very humble and responsive.

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4 hours ago, legendary said:

I spoke with Jan about Kundalini Shakti about such a case. Here's what he said:

You probably had Kundalini arousal, and not awakening. Awakening is possible only when the knots in the subtle body are untied, either by hardcore practice or by Shaktipat.

And Kundalini awakening doesn't gurantee bliss asap. It gurantees that awakened kundalini will guide you towards liberation. It's up to you to follow that guidance,

Or maybe I didn't have Kundalini anything. The problem with "masters of one" is that they cannot see, nor can they accept, anything other than their own belief.

Also Jan required RASA to take him forward on his path, he was crystalized in the 900's (Rasa scale) and obsessed with the "blue being" he speaks of.

Some of the people in the group I was in were visiting Jan for shaktipat (in person) whom were already stable in Self-realization and nonduality; again the things he claims are not present without Kundalini fully awake.

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3 hours ago, tecladocasio said:

@Richard Alpert But kundalini does not exist ...

1 hour ago, Nevon said:

kundalini does exist.

yea, it exist. we can use different words for it, but it is real.

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4 hours ago, tecladocasio said:

@Richard Alpert But kundalini does not exist ...

Trust me it does.

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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9 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I do not think it is appropriate to speak for another person.  I always try not to do this myself.

Right, I shouldn't.

But anyways, that's what I think.

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9 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

All I will say is I think this Forum is best when we have a free flow of ideas, even if those ideas are hostile

@Joseph Maynor I agree with all of what you said with the exception of the above. But then again it's Leo's forum.

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@Joseph Maynor @cetus56 if you really want to get into the heart of things 

there is no structure to our debates 

each person says their beliefs and then the conclusive evidence behind it, so its a pretty closed arguements 

theres also the problem that people don't have examples and metaphors to back up their points, 

its the only way people understand things more deeply in this line of work 


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