
Q&A: Realization of God's Perfect Design and it's Consequences

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7 minutes ago, Highest said:

Everyone and everything is God, not just you. It's not difficult to grasp if you realize it or become conscious of it. To put differently: There is just One which is All. But you can only become conscious of It and that it is You.

Regarding the ego, that's just an illusion. The ego is none but God but first you must see through it as the illusion it is. After that you will realize that the ego was God all along playing hide and seek for a good reason.

Thank you, now we are beginning to make some sense.

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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4 minutes ago, Shaun said:

Thank you, now we are beginning to make some sense.


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14 minutes ago, Paul92 said:

@Shaun  I'm not sure that is what they are saying. I might be wrong, honestly, you probably know more than me. The way I see it is that everyone here is saying that the mind that whatever this bit of consciousness has (what you think of as you) has created an illusion of self that you identify with. Lose that sense of self, which is attainable through losing all your thoughts, and then you realise that we are all one consciousness just looking through different eyes. Which seems equally as grim to me currently. So basically, destroy yourself, and destroy your perceptions of others.

I really am not in a position to say much about it because my awakening only goes as far as deep, silent, thoughtless stillness. I have not really had any mind blowing insights but don't go down the road of solipsism. We are all in this together so please don't feel alone. You are right, the old world view of separate selves made out of matter was utterly magical and life was truly precious but at the same time tragic because you only had one shot at it. Now, as I see it, reality is an infinite endless treadmill of joy and suffering and full enlightenment is the only escape.

Edited by Shaun

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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@Shaun I'd agree, only I don't see any joy in not being able to celebrate individuality or make something else feel loved. Why have love within us to only share it with yourself? Seems a bit selfish.

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1 hour ago, Paul92 said:

@Shaun  I'm not sure that is what they are saying. I might be wrong, honestly, you probably know more than me. The way I see it is that everyone here is saying that the mind that whatever this bit of consciousness has (what you think of as you) has created an illusion of self that you identify with. Lose that sense of self, which is attainable through losing all your thoughts, and then you realise that we are all one consciousness just looking through different eyes. Which seems equally as grim to me currently. So basically, destroy yourself, and destroy your perceptions of others.

I had the exact same thoughts and concerns as you have, before I had a really profound and authentic awakening experience. For the ego the idea that everything is one can be very grim or very beautiful, depending on how you look at it. But it can never be grasped by the thinking mind. A lot of what Leo says in his video is the same information I received through my own experience. You the ego who has these mind based ideas and fears about enlightenment is not the one who wakes up. The character in the dream can't wake up, as he is a part of it. The absolute beauty of life, can not be appreciated through unawakened eyes. I'm not saying that I'm enlightened or an awakened being. I'm not. The ego is very much still there. You don't see it and then spend the rest of your life blissed out. A lot of integration has to be done after, in almost every case, I believe. But when the seeing goes deep enough, you can not unsee it or forget it. The interpretations of what you saw will always be wrong to an extend though, when taking over by the mind.

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When we say the design is perfect do we mean the principles of how creation works are perfectly designed and then just "set in motion", or did god design every moment across  what we call time? @Leo Gura

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@MM1988 god designs every moment indefinitely the indefinite moment. catch it or it’s gone, hold on it will be over soon.

Edited by now is forever

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Guys, you must do the work and have your own insights. My answers cannot help you.

Take the things I say as loose orienting pointers.

This is very advanced and tricky stuff. You will have to go through a lot of struggle to ultimately understand it.

Self-deception is always possible. You must always be open to that possibility.

But there is Absolute Truth. You must discover that for yourselves. I have discovered it for myself and that's all that ultimately matters to me.

To doubt the Absolute is itself a self-deception.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 03/04/2019 at 4:09 PM, Shaun said:

So, is everyone here god or is it just me that is god? As I have said many times, if it is just me and my little mind that calls itself Shaun then that is sad, fucked up and also not really infinite. Is it not more correct to say that all of us are just god perceiving itself? Like god falling asleep and dreaming each of us into an apparently separate existence and experiencing itself through each of our illusory egos?

That's all conceptualising, you'd be much more successful in reaching a direct understanding by leaving your expectations and beliefs at the doorstep then leaving out the backdoor. 

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On 4/3/2019 at 8:09 AM, Shaun said:

So, is everyone here god or is it just me that is god?

There is no difference between you and everyone else. That's the rub.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura What to you do if are in submission of the highs? How do you go about practical life when you aren't choosing to have them? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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2 hours ago, mandyjw said:

@Leo Gura What to you do if are in submission of the highs? How do you go about practical life when you aren't choosing to have them? 

Submission of the highs? I don't know what that means.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@mandyjw are you talking about creative highs? or emotional highs? or drug highs? or beautiful moments?

with submission, do you mean surrendering to whatever a high means?

so you see submission to it as some kind of compulsion?

are you asking how to handle practical life, when it’s boring/monotone?

Edited by now is forever

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@Leo Gura @now is forever Lucid dreaming, I believe is the best description, maybe visions, waking up with intense energy and knowing things I didn't know. My sister said it may not continue every night. I think it may settle in. I'm doing better today, spent a lot of time in nature. My everyday life and self care is a mess. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw just go with the flow. try to manage what’s important - leave the rest for a while, you can catch up with it later or find someone to help you with that.

figure out what is essential and where your priorities are. 

Edited by now is forever

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