
Q&A: Realization of God's Perfect Design and it's Consequences

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@Salvijus You keep suggesting some contradiction between me and Sadhguru which does not exist. We are talking about the same thing in different ways.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura okey, sorry :D

@Joseph Maynor :)

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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18 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

But at the same time logic is not separate from Truth. The universe clearly has order and Logos to it. It is has an intelligible design.

Isn't it just so complex for human mind, especially tear one, that it feels like God is a-logical? I mean, for me even car or oven is pure magic, because I don't know shit about it mechanisms, but my gaming experience and using a lot of cheat-codes and trainers saying me that it's very logical that if God is Fromless Nothingness, which has unlimited abilities, that everything what he's create is perfect.

I think, that even craziest mindfuck can become very logical, when your defenition of world logic a recontextualized.

Edited by Ar_Senses

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@Ar_Senses Ask yourself how you are able to understand anything at all?

Notice, even to understand that a cake goes in an oven requires that you make use of the intellectual capacities of consciousness.

In a strictly materialist universe, no understanding would be possible at all. You could not understand how to tie your shoes. Understanding is a divine capacity. And since you are God, your capacity to understand yourself is infinite.

The little things you understand in your everyday life, like how to turn on the lights in your house, is a tiny, tiny fraction of the intelligence of the super-mind which you can tap into. With super-mind you can understand amazing things about reality which seem impossible to ordinary people. For example, you can understand why wars happen, or why corruption exists, or why racism exists, etc.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Understanding is a divine capacity. And since you are God, your capacity to understand yourself is infinite.

@Leo Gura Does it mean, that my ability to conceptualize things and understand that, for example, girl who is stroking her hairs while we have a conversation finds me attractive, belongs not to Arsen, a human-chimp, but to a God? I mean, Arsen also a God, but devided and limited into form.

In your last video you've said that thing which watching through ours eyes is God himself, pure formlessness. But who is connecting the dots between stroking hairs and attractiveness? Mind of devided God as human-chimp or God himself?

Edited by Ar_Senses

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8 minutes ago, Ar_Senses said:

@Leo Gura Does it mean, that my ability to conceptualize things and understand that, for example, girl who is stroking her hairs while we have a conversation finds me attractive, belongs not to Arsen, a human-chimp, but to a God? I mean, Arsen also a God, but devided and limited into form.

In your last video you've said that thing which watching through ours eyes is God himself, pure formlessness. But who is connecting the dots between stroking hairs and attractiveness? Mind of devided God as human-chimp or God himself?

maybe she just stroked her hair?

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2 minutes ago, now is forever said:

maybe she just stroked her hair?


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13 minutes ago, Ar_Senses said:

@Leo Gura Does it mean, that my ability to conceptualize things and understand that, for example, girl who is stroking her hairs while we have a conversation finds me attractive, belongs not to Arsen, a human-chimp, but to a God? I mean, Arsen also a God, but devided and limited into form.

In your last video you've said that thing which watching through ours eyes is God himself, pure formlessness. But who is connecting the dots between stroking hairs and attractiveness? Mind of devided God as human-chimp or God himself?

yeah leo ,how God deceives himself to thinking he is an ego ? is it related to the brain of a human ? is it the tool of deception ? 

Edited by ahmad ibdah

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17 minutes ago, ahmad ibdah said:

yeah leo ,how God deceives itself to thinking it is an ego ? is it related to the brain of a human ? it is a tool of deception ? 

definitely this ? is a tool of deception!

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@ahmad ibdah the self as a brain is a materialistic problem, 

god decieves himself into thinging its a seperate self 

by creating the identification with a finite form 

i.e a human, a cat, a toad 

these are all finite identifications 

god is all powerful and most people can't comphrehend how powerful being all powerful is and so they automatically limit themselves 

and especially the brain/ mind limits all powerful to materialistic paradigm

 i.e god needs a brain to live 

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@How to be wise Be careful with what leo says . Seems like the reality is that nobody understand what he says , and he just tries to validade his own required new super-important-and-necessary-knowlegde of God .


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@Leo Gura  How you know you are not deluding yourself , isn't it going against your own teachings ?

When you answer some question , are you answering to yourself or to others ? because it seems that you really just tries to be right and say your knowlegde is true . 

If you still have devil in you , how you can you be conscious that all is good ?

Sorry for being sticky , i think that's the only way . 

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30 minutes ago, tecladocasio said:

@How to be wise Be careful with what leo says . Seems like the reality is that nobody understand what he says , and he just tries to validade his own required new super-important-and-necessary-knowlegde of God .

@tecladocasio That one is strange. Why do you think nobody understand him? He speaks English and using kinda good logic and examples, to share his ideas and insights. And of course there is questions on it, because it's intresting and 2 hours of video and 10 pages of notes is not enough, if you curious.

When your college teacher saying something about Roman Empire at his lection and after it you are so curious, that catched him at the exit to ask some more question, should we now decide, that your teacher is saying only non-sense?

Edited by Ar_Senses

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@Ar_Senses What I am saying is that what he says is just intelectualization of something that you need to grasp yourself , and that cannot be intellectualized . To understand what he is saying you need to converge your fantasies with his , and it's not getting you any closer to the truth . That's why it's nonsense .

tell me , how you understand something that cannot be understood ? 

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The Devil aka the Ego is God when you go full circle. God is all there is. I'm writing this to myself. No one reads this but me. There is only me. Find out who that me is.

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So, is everyone here god or is it just me that is god? As I have said many times, if it is just me and my little mind that calls itself Shaun then that is sad, fucked up and also not really infinite. Is it not more correct to say that all of us are just god perceiving itself? Like god falling asleep and dreaming each of us into an apparently separate existence and experiencing itself through each of our illusory egos?

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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@Shaun  But they will tell you that there is no you. Just a mental fabrication that you think is you. I agree it is fucked up. Unbelievably fucked up. If God was infinite intelligence, why allow an ego?

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12 minutes ago, Paul92 said:

@Shaun  But they will tell you that there is no you. Just a mental fabrication that you think is you. I agree it is fucked up. Unbelievably fucked up. If God was infinite intelligence, why allow an ego?

I would say that the ego is a necessary way for god to experience itself as an apparently separate perspective but the way a lot of the people on here seem to describe it is that my ego is the only ego and all of you are just fake unconscious cardboard cutouts experiencing nothing. What a depressing world view to have. Do not buy into it or you will ruin your life to the point that you will not be able to even do your spiritual practice.

Edited by Shaun

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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36 minutes ago, Shaun said:

So, is everyone here god or is it just me that is god? As I have said many times, if it is just me and my little mind that calls itself Shaun then that is sad, fucked up and also not really infinite. Is it not more correct to say that all of us are just god perceiving itself? Like god falling asleep and dreaming each of us into an apparently separate existence and experiencing itself through each of our illusory egos?

Everyone and everything is God, not just you. It's not difficult to grasp if you realize it or become conscious of it. To put differently: There is just One which is All. But you can only become conscious of It and that it is You.

Regarding the ego, that's just an illusion. The ego is none but God but first you must see through it as the illusion it is. After that you will realize that the ego was God all along playing hide and seek for a good reason.

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@Shaun  I'm not sure that is what they are saying. I might be wrong, honestly, you probably know more than me. The way I see it is that everyone here is saying that the mind that whatever this bit of consciousness has (what you think of as you) has created an illusion of self that you identify with. Lose that sense of self, which is attainable through losing all your thoughts, and then you realise that we are all one consciousness just looking through different eyes. Which seems equally as grim to me currently. So basically, destroy yourself, and destroy your perceptions of others.

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