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Enlightenment happens gradually and in synergy with your personal growth

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. . . Meaning, that as you grow towards becoming INDEPENDENT and creating your own being, grounding yourself in values, you become more clear to yourself as the God. You also understand teachers better. I dont think Leo is quite a good teacher when it comes to really developing yourself. Very good for in depth explanation of concepts, but there is sooo much more. It depends a lot on your character. Realizing God, is the purpose of your life, after that you are free to play. You want it, the main thing the soul wants is to know itself.

1. Dont think it is impossible, its only for 0.0001% of blabla. Bullshit, It has been known for ever, every religion has it as its core before corporate religion took over. You are just blind like everybody else you know, dont let that create a bias that understanding is so hard.

2. It takes time but your curiosity will make you stick with it, once you´ve seen, you cant unsee.

3. Knowing =/ experience. I took a lot of psychedelics,  but not 5MEO yet, it clearly helps to get you to think, from Leos descriptions, 5MEO is consciousness, so if you have done enough work and you at least know what you are in theory, then go do 5meo. BUT, be aware, people die if they reach nirvana and dont feel the need to come back. 

4. Study Yin/Yang, its really all in this crazy little symbol. Why do you think it survived all these years ?

5. You need a lot of alone time

6. Awakening is an endless process, not binary. It will not make you anything better at what ever you want, go work!

to 6:

BUT, it will make you cry, laugh, and accept it, dazzle in it, think youre crazy? Yeaa you wanted to know, now you know, doesnt mean you can change the world in an instant or convince your friends. See thats the big problem, thats why teachings failed all over the world for entire humanity, because Ego wants to play for himself. And God doesnt care, he loves evil and good. Its his art!

Namaste Bitches

<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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@UDT except for the line people die if they reach Nirvana I am able to understand the rest. 

Can you pls explain in detail. 

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I'm not sure Enlightenment and Personal Growth are linked in any hard way.  Enlightenment is simply (1) locating being, (2) transcending the Ego, and (3) transcending the Mind.

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