
What God is

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What God is

1. God is non-local. You cannot point to it as it is Everything you point at and the finger which is pointing.

2. God cannot be described by the mind or language. It is prior and beyond both. God can only be felt, made conscious of or aware of.

3. God is Omnipotent and Love

4. God is Infinite, meaning every millimeter of all of reality and existence is God. There is Only God.


I have been conscious of all of this and still are. How to become conscious of this? See through the illusory ''I'' like a snake in a robe. How to do that? Self-inquire.

The ''I'' is a complete illusion and imagination. Find That which is the absence of ''I''. That One is God. But you must also go full circle and become conscious that the ''I'' was God all along, playing hide and seek. There has always only been God and will always only be God. God Alone IS.

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..very nice.

only unpleasant work remains.

Edited by tedens

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@Highest what is i? It is a thought or feeling? What it means to find the source of i? ?

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@Highest is it possible to experience awareness? You often say i am concious of god or aware of awareness? 


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3 minutes ago, Jkris said:

@Highest what is i? It is a thought or feeling? What it means to find the source of i? ?

Self-inqure. I can't do it for you bro. You will find out that the source of "I" is nothing, it doesn't really exist.

1 minute ago, Jkris said:

@Highest is it possible to experience awareness? You often say i am concious of god or aware of awareness

I'm just conscious of the non-dual One aka God and that It is Everything. I have passed through being identitying with awarness.

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@Highest Yes i understand that. But what do you mean by i for you previously?  

For me i means i feeling. It is almost constant. So i dont understand what it means to find the source of i feeling? 


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4 minutes ago, Jkris said:

@Highest Yes i understand that. But what do you mean by i for you previously?  

For me i means i feeling. It is almost constant. So i dont understand what it means to find the source of i feeling? 


 What is aware of that feeling?

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5 minutes ago, David Hammond said:

It's just a sensation, a sensation that creates subject / object illusory world.

Yes, good. Now, what is aware of that sensation? Find that one out.

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What exactly is the point of these kind of topics? I mean, nonduality is nice and all, but what are you trying to achieve? To teach others? To show how enlightened you are? Spiritual circlejerk?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to provoke you, I'm just interested.

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1 minute ago, nistake said:

What exactly is the point of these kind of topics? I mean, nonduality is nice and all, but what are you trying to achieve? To teach others? To show how enlightened you are? Spiritual circlejerk?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to provoke you, I'm just interested.

We are here to share and expand consciousness and perspectives. That's all I'm doing. I don't care who agrees or disagree with me. All words all false. I'm trying my best with them even due English is my third language.

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1 minute ago, David Hammond said:

I call that which is aware of the "I" the "screen" on which the world appears. It's a mirror with images reflected on it. The screen is what I truly am

The one who is aware of the "I" sensation is the Infinite where the screen is simply a part of it but not the whole of it. You still identify with the screen when you say I am the screen.




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1 minute ago, Highest said:

The one who is aware of the "I" sensation is the Infinite where the screen is simply a part of it but not the whole of it. You still identify with the screen when you say I am the screen.




You are the whole of it. You are the Totality of Everything.

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1 minute ago, David Hammond said:

The screen can take infinate forms (images). The images are not seperate from the screen, like images in a mirror the mirror can't be found, but only the image in the mirror.

But the images are no-thing. So therefore the screen is no-thing. 

That's why I don't talk about God, just no-thing. 

God is no-thing. I have identified with the screen too but there is something deeper which you can become conscious and aware of: God. You know and feel it is God once you become conscious of It. All identification ceases to exist after that, only God remains and you remain your true nature which is identity-less. You become nothing and empty. All that remains is conscious being conscious of itself as God.

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1 minute ago, David Hammond said:

I think we're talking about the same thing. There is no God. There is only nothing. God would imply a permanent all pervasive being, which is not the case. That's why I say non duality is not two and not one either. There is not one, one would imply that there is something. But it's nothing, it appears to be so, but it's not really the case. All there is is nothingness appearing as something. 

Yes, I think we are talking about the same thing.

But this nothingness is fully aware and conscious. You can call It God or not, it does not really matter once one becomes conscious of It. ?

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1 minute ago, David Hammond said:

@Highest This is all irrelevant unless it helps one live a better life. That's the take home understanding for me.


Or the only relevant thing. ?

I will take home that understanding. Not to say that living a better life is bad, but for me Self-realization comes before that.

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1 minute ago, David Hammond said:

I appreciate that. 

For me extending enlightenment to embrace all seperate egos is the next step. I think enlightenment can cause narcissism in How many try to awaken from a happy dream? people. Look at osho for instance. I'm not saying you or anyone here is narcissistic. I'm just saying that if all there is is me, that means I can do whatever the hell I like. Unfortunately there are egos that don't agree with that, and I honour that. I honour the ego in others because it's the right thing to do.




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2 hours ago, Truth Addict said:


This is all very obvious stuff.

Still, doesn't produce any high of any kind.

Isn't obvious for everyone. 

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3 hours ago, David Hammond said:

I think enlightenment can cause narcissism in some people.

Most definitely.  Or narcissistic people use Enlightenment to further entrench and rationalize their narcissism.  The God Complex.  This is not a theory actually, I see this all the time.  The narcissistic Spiritual Ego.  What better way for the narcissistic Ego to protect itself than to attempt to conceal itself in the clothing of No Ego?  The Ego-Mind is a tricky beast.  In fact, I was thinking about this the other day -- just how many narcissists are drawn to spirituality and Enlightenment work.  It's another way for the Ego-Mind to try to place itself on the top of the totem-pole of Egos.   It's like a thief who goes into a store and tells the clerk, "don't worry about me, I won't steal anything."  Or a fox who goes into a hen-house and says, "don't worry about me, I'm a nice fox."

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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