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The enlightenment computer game analogy

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So I’ve heard enlightenment been talked about like you are a character in a game. 


Mario thinks his world is material and not made out of pixels just like we don’t think it’s made out of consciousness. Mario believes he is separate from all other characters in the game (Luigi, Princess Peach, Bowser) but they are actually all part of a game which is One CD or cartridge. Our ego’s think we are separate but if we are all just infinite consciousness we too aren’t separate. 


However in Mario’s point of view he doesn’t know he is part of a game and therefore is separate. He doesn’t know his body is pixels, has no free will, his friends are separate from him or that his mind is an illusion. He only knows what has been programmed into him like we have through social conditioning and concepts and therefore he is separate.  


Surely this is the same for us right?

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@andyjohnsonman No matter how accurate the analogy, it doesn't matter if it's not your paradigm. Understanding with the mind is pointless and frankly impossible. 

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39 minutes ago, andyjohnsonman said:

Surely this is the same for us right?

That is not quite right because a human being DOES have some agency/will which Mario does not.

It's not the ego's will that is in control, it's God's will. Luckily you are God. So God's will is really your will, not something outside you. Humans have a small sliver of God's will in everyday life, which the ego co-opts as its own.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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