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Technical Question - Uploading Videos to YouTube

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Hey so this question is for anyone with experience uploading videos to YouTube. I'm filming on my iPhone, uploading to my laptop and then from there trying to upload to YouTube. I'm wondering if there is a faster way to do this or if anyone has any recommendations. My videos are long (30 mins plus sometimes), so I'm wondering how long is a reasonable amount of time to expect it to take when uploading videos to YouTube given this length.

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I'm not sure how you do it but when I upload videos from my iPhone to laptop, when you plug in your phone there's a folder where you can drag and drop the videos onto your laptop. Or you can upload it to dropbox on your iPhone then download it on your computer.

Reasonable amount of time, depends how long your video is. Honestly I think uploading takes as long as however long the video is. So 1min video takes 1min to upload. 30mins takes 30min or less, and so on.

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