
Those Of Us With ADHD, Try Modafinil!

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I’m going to make this very clear.


I have legitimate ADHD. I was diagnosed at 5-6 years old for about 6 months of cognitive testing. I was on ADHD medication for 17 years up until January of 2018 when I finally had enough. I tried in the early years concerta, stratera, Ritalin, and a few others until I settled on Adderall. As those of you who have ADHD that have been on some sort of ADHD stimulant over the course of years know, when you first take, IT WORKS. The first day of it working its hysterical by how much more centered you are and you can pay attention, you can really HEAR another human being across from you, you’re not a victim of your own thoughts and impulsivity racing like a fucking hurricane, suddenly you stop forgetting your car keys, etc. you know what I’m talking about... Eventually though, it dies out. You acclimate. 

Enter modafinil...

Right now I’m taking 1/2 of a modafinil... Good god... for those of you on here who are struggling with this that are looking for a much healthier route rather than take stimulants that become physiologically addictive (in the past, I wanted to get off Adderall but every time I got off I would be so out of energy I couldn’t get out of bed), this is for you! 

I can literally read several pages in a book now without going off track for 2 pages being lost and just reading words and can be present with what I’m reading. My stuttering and mumbling has significantly subsided. I can listen to another human being in a conversation and not get stuck in myself. I now have a tool that’s helping me get started with meditation without feeling like I’m swimming against a current that feels as powerful as a tsunami. I’m not a victim of impulsive and compulsive behaviors like chronic phone and media use. I can have a long chain of thought without going 10 places in 2 seconds. I don’t feel dizzy sick from my own mind (my diet is pretty solid). 

For those that have ADHD that have a good financial base that can afford neurofeedback training or an EEG machine and want to learn neurofeedback for yourselves, GO GET IT! 

If you’re like me though and you can’t afford neurofeedback, here’s my suggestion to you (as this is my plan): Get modafinil! Get on it, see the effects for yourself. If your adhd is prominent enough and you’re like me and you have horrendous self-esteem, confidence issues, chronic media addiction because it’s that easy dopamine fix, etc. and your life is on a rotten foundation... BUY THIS! This is a lever that can fucking really help you. This can be thing that helps you START and stay on track and get out the starting blocks. My suggestion is use this until you can setup a life until you can afford neurofeedback training/an EEG machine and then get this shit solved for good and then you can put an end to pills for ADHD for good. 

I’m writing this because I KNOW how fucking hard this shit is. This is not for those of you who don’t have adhd that haven’t done your homework, that can’t empathize with those that struggle from a real cognitive issue, those nondual elitists who just use ego to explain away everything. This is for those that have this issue and need someone whose struggled with this for close to 2 decades. I dropped out of college mostly because of this. ADHD is hands down, no question, overdiagnosed. There are plenty of people out there who are diagnosed but really there issue is their diet, they don’t exercise enough, etc. There is also more than one route to treating this because ADHD is very hairy. I grew up under a chef and have eaten well my whole life. There’s not a vegetable I don’t eat, not a fruit I don’t eat (except bananas... fuck bananas), etc. I’ve been a hardcore athlete my whole life, I’ve tried fucking everything except modafinil (until now) and neurofeedback.

If you’ve been trying many options for years and maybe decades, this could be a life changer. 

Once again, thank you @Leo Gura. I’m appalled at how fortunate I am to have found your channel that showed this. And of course, thank you @Robby

Edited by kieranperez

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14 minutes ago, Gabriel Antonio said:


LSD is also used to treat depression. You can also use it to become conscious of God.

A knife can cut more than just an onion. 

Do your homework and read the reports from other people. Stop being lazy with how you do your research. 

Watch Leo’s video on Nootropics.

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Great to know tnx! Adhd sucks balls and drain your energy quickly!

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@kieranperez Glad to see it's helping you :)

Keep doing research into your issue and you'll discover even more solutions. Tons of solutions exist to discover for any life problem.

For example, for ADHD, heavy metal urine testing is critical. You need to make sure your organs are not full of mercury, lead, etc. Those seriously distrupt normal cognitive function and will make your life really difficult.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I combined it with l-theanine today and good god... lol I was pretty much borderline meditating all day. It was crazy. Those two together are a powerful stack.

This could really help me leverage myself and pick myself back up. I still need to tinker with dosage but this is incredible. 

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@kieranperez Armodafinil is about twice more powerful.

Too powerful really.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@kieranperez Armodafinil is about twice more powerful.

Too powerful really.

Yeah i have some. 

I took a full modafinil and it was definitely too much as far as the crash and also the nervous stimulant feeling I got in my body and my heart. 

The crash felt like my old Adderall come downs but that’s definitely because I probably took too much. I got to a point on Adderall where I was so shot by 2pm I’d need to nap for 3 hours. This wasn’t like that at all but similar in terms of the exhaustion. Half a pill is all I really need.

Haven’t tried armodafinil but if it’s stronger in the bodily reaction, there’s no point. I don’t need to overdo this. I’m not trying to chase perfection in feeling good. 

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28 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

For example, for ADHD, heavy metal urine testing is critical. You need to make sure your organs are not full of mercury, lead, etc. Those seriously distrupt normal cognitive function and will make your life really difficult.

I do want to take those test as I am certainly curious. That’ll take time though. 

Long story short, someone on here (who shall remain nameless) hooked me up with an amazing sales gig in New Jersey and is inviting me out there with him where I have a shot at earning $50k+ in 4 months to help me raise enough money to move out and get my life on track and start build my life back. Considering the fact that I’ve never even had $1000 in my own name and bank account, this is the main priority I can afford to focus on. Once the money starts to come, I’ll be able to bootstrap myself even more to get my nutrition right, get the tests I need, have a place for myself for the first time ever, and really take personal development to a whole new level. 

Super exicited. Right now I’m trying not to get ahead of myself. Seeing your growth has both really inspired me to a point I can’t even describe but also I feel insecure cause I’m like ‘all the work that’s out there is already out there, I’ll never get to that!’ So I’m just trying to be patient with my own growth.

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4 hours ago, Rinne said:

@Leo Gura Leo what are your thoughts on microdosing LSD?

I tried it once. Didn't like it. It was too much for doing work. And that was 10ug.

I suppose I should try it some more. I wanted it to be a powerful technique but for me it feels like I'm better off just doing a solid trip than microdosing. Other people may feel differently, like if you're depressed or something, maybe it would be good for you.

Modafinil feels a lot better for everyday activities and work than 10ug of LSD. Modafinil is so nice I often don't take it simply because I feel like it's cheating. Life is too good on Modafinil, LOL. You can't rely on drugs to hold up your life. Tripping is different. Tripping is a rare event which is more like a rite of passage or a retreat. So it's very different from daily dosing of drugs for life enhancement. I'm generally not a fan of near-daily dosing of anything because it becomes a crutch.

But hey, if you can't function without it because you have bad ADHD or whatever, then it might be good for you, for a while.

Eventually though your goal should be to be totally free of chemical crutches. Happiness must come from within.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Do you mybe know how to treat organs full of mercury etc?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Leo Gura Do you mybe know how to treat organs full of mercury etc?

Of course!

I will be sharing my detox protocols with you guys. Hopefully soon. If I get around to it. Busy, busy. I have some powerful detox methods.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@kieranperez Good to see you engaged with life again.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I tried it once. Didn't like it. It was too much for doing work. And that was 10ug.

I suppose I should try it some more. I wanted it to be a powerful technique but for me it feels like I'm better off just doing a solid trip than microdosing. Other people may feel differently, like if you're depressed or something, maybe it would be good for you.

Modafinil feels a lot better for everyday activities and work than 10ug of LSD. Modafinil is so nice I often don't take it simply because I feel like it's cheating. Life is too good on Modafinil, LOL. You can't rely on drugs to hold up your life. Tripping is different. Tripping is a rare event which is more like a rite of passage or a retreat. So it's very different from daily dosing of drugs for life enhancement. I'm generally not a fan of near-daily dosing of anything because it becomes a crutch.

But hey, if you can't function without it because you have bad ADHD or whatever, then it might be good for you, for a while.

Eventually though your goal should be to be totally free of chemical crutches. Happiness must come from within.

Thanks for a thorough response 

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@Leo Gura It is very interesting to me how different drugs affect different people.

I have taken Modafinil basically every day for about 2-3 months and never experienced the strong effects others report.

Maybe my dopamine is already so high that Modafinil doesn't work for me. It is also possible that me supplementing Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, CDP-Choline and Acetyl-L-Carnitine somehow interferes with the metabolic pathway or mode of action of Modafinil. However I took Modafinil once without those supplements and got a headache. The headache went away after supplementing.

I always thought it was just my pills, but I have given one to a friend and he said that he wrote 6 pages on Modafinil instead of the usual 1.5 pages he was able to write the previous days. He had already planned 2 days for the workload and was super happy complete it in one day and take the next day off.

To confirm that it was not the long time usage of Modafinil was the cause of it not working for me I actually took a full 200mg pill today after a few weeks of not using it. I also did not supplement anything, besides drinking a coffee. I felt something in my brain, a pressure, but no additional motivation. I can confirm that it unfortunately does not work for me. I wanted it to work so badly. 

For me 10ug of micro'd acid has the effect that you describe you get from Modafinil. The first trip on 10ug might be a bit distracting, as the first trip on 20ug will be. But one gets used to it. There is maybe 1-2 hours at the beginning where you might be distracted. So to combat that you just try to do other things like cooking/eating during that time. It works for me, because I usually meditate, cook, eat, shower in the morning. It actually takes me about 2 hours after getting up, before I do real work. I take my liquid acid quite soon after getting up and once the effects wear of a bit I am ready to do my work.

For me micro'd acid has profound effects. I cannot express how grateful I am to have found this tool, which isn't just very powerful, but also affordable. 

  • Gratefulness
  • Creativity
  • Doing what I am supposed to do, following the plan
  • Being more present when people are around
  • Better mood

Compared to regular acid, which I usually take in the 200-600ug range, microdosing may still bring up issues and insights that should be looked at. However it is not as overwhelming as a full trip and for me at least it is usually only one topic. This allows me to actually process it without overloading myself with baggage. I feel micro dosing acid keeps me on track and helps me to continuously improve.


  • 10ug: This is my standard dosage, on which I am in a better mood and people react positively to me
  • 20ug: This my dosage at the moment for days on which I could do work, but there are no deadlines the next day. On the first 2 hours it is a bit hard to be around people, as there are effects. This dosage is like a mini trip and very different from 10ug.
  • 30ug: I have only done this once and will probably not do it often. This is an actual trip. It is really challenging to be around people. There are mind altering effects. This really feels like a trip, just that it is not that long.

I hope this helps you.

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1 hour ago, Psychonaut said:

@Leo Gura It is very interesting to me how different drugs affect different people.

I have taken Modafinil basically every day for about 2-3 months and never experienced the strong effects others report.

Maybe my dopamine is already so high that Modafinil doesn't work for me. It is also possible that me supplementing Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, CDP-Choline and Acetyl-L-Carnitine somehow interferes with the metabolic pathway or mode of action of Modafinil. However I took Modafinil once without those supplements and got a headache. The headache went away after supplementing.

I always thought it was just my pills, but I have given one to a friend and he said that he wrote 6 pages on Modafinil instead of the usual 1.5 pages he was able to write the previous days. He had already planned 2 days for the workload and was super happy complete it in one day and take the next day off.

To confirm that it was not the long time usage of Modafinil was the cause of it not working for me I actually took a full 200mg pill today after a few weeks of not using it. I also did not supplement anything, besides drinking a coffee. I felt something in my brain, a pressure, but no additional motivation. I can confirm that it unfortunately does not work for me. I wanted it to work so badly. 

For me 10ug of micro'd acid has the effect that you describe you get from Modafinil. The first trip on 10ug might be a bit distracting, as the first trip on 20ug will be. But one gets used to it. There is maybe 1-2 hours at the beginning where you might be distracted. So to combat that you just try to do other things like cooking/eating during that time. It works for me, because I usually meditate, cook, eat, shower in the morning. It actually takes me about 2 hours after getting up, before I do real work. I take my liquid acid quite soon after getting up and once the effects wear of a bit I am ready to do my work.

For me micro'd acid has profound effects. I cannot express how grateful I am to have found this tool, which isn't just very powerful, but also affordable. 

  • Gratefulness
  • Creativity
  • Doing what I am supposed to do, following the plan
  • Being more present when people are around
  • Better mood

Compared to regular acid, which I usually take in the 200-600ug range, microdosing may still bring up issues and insights that should be looked at. However it is not as overwhelming as a full trip and for me at least it is usually only one topic. This allows me to actually process it without overloading myself with baggage. I feel micro dosing acid keeps me on track and helps me to continuously improve.


  • 10ug: This is my standard dosage, on which I am in a better mood and people react positively to me
  • 20ug: This my dosage at the moment for days on which I could do work, but there are no deadlines the next day. On the first 2 hours it is a bit hard to bedifferently around people, as there are effects. This dosage is like a mini trip and very different from 10ug.
  • 30ug: I have only done this once and will probably not do it often. This is an actual trip. It is really challenging to be around people. There are mind altering effects. This really feels like a trip, just that it is not that long.

I hope this helps you.

I can relate to that. I did 10ug yesterday and I had a plan:
1) to clean kitchen
2) to wash clothes in 2 sets
3) to meditate for an hour
4) to program for an hour
I did all of that and I had a good mood for the whole day.
Additionally, I had an open and nice conversation with my grandma and was playing on guitar for an hour.
And, yeah, first try of 10ug felt stronger compare to 10ug yesterday.
I did 20ug once and I couldn't work on that day but I've got a new insight about myself.

I tried only armodafinil and l-theanine. I didn't stick to armodafinil since I felt a worse mood than usual when the effect of armodafinil is gone.
Though I once was super productive on armodafinil, I did 7-8 hours of LP course with a lot of exercises.  

I'd say nootropics and microdosing are different for me. If I want to do a lot of work I'd use nootropics. Nootropics improve my mood a little during a trip. If I want to increase creativity and gratitude I'd do microdosing. Microdosing improve my mood significantly during a trip.

This is what I can tell from the limited direct experience − I did 5 times of armodafinil (once I took 1 pill) and 4 times of microdosing (once I did 20ug).

I am curious to hear from people who did microdosing for a longer period (like year or so), how often they took it, what doses and what the results. But for now microdosing looks like a good tool for me.

Drugs affect different people differently.

Edited by dimitri

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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I’m going to try to get tested for heavy metals today! I had thought about it before but never did. Additionally, I haven’t eaten fish in 4 days and that’s not a common occurrence, and the test shouldn’t be taken within 2 days of eating sea food so I’ll keep you all updated with what happens. :)

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@Psychonaut That's interesting, I have the same feeling with Modafinil, only feel a pressure in my head, but I'm also having sinus problems so not sure how it affects the whole situation that's why I stopped taking, also tried armodafinil but just got a really bad headache.

And thanks for sharing this I'm trying to find my sweet spot with lsd but I'm working with tabs, I've been cutting them in 8 or 10 parts but I can't know for sure how much I'm putting in my body, I think I will dissolve it in water. It helps me so much!! It's a wonderful tool 

Do you do the one day on and two days off? I'm trying to do more often, like every other day or sometimes stop for three days and take two in a row, I'm sure I will build a tolerance at some point in the future but I am getting more out of microdosing than I would from big doses. 

@Leo Gura Leo I remember you mentioned you were having sinus problems, do you have a recommendation of something that worked for you? 

@kieranperez I gave some to my sister and she is super excited about the results too, she also has ADHD, happy to hear that! :)


"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


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