
Why am I so dumb?

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Inspired by the title of another topic, I want to ask the serious question : Why am I so dumb? Many here have stated that I am God. Is God dumb then? I make mistake after mistake and keep failing at life. Perhaps I am the infinitely dumb side of God, since God is infinite in all directions! Perhaps its because everyone and everything else is God too, so in comparison I am a smaller and dumber God. Which leads me to the next thought: If I am God and everyone else is God, then that makes me not God. God is supposed to be all powerful, yet I am always below the rest of the Gods and cannot do anything except lose, no matter how much I want to win. What a shitty god I am!! Why am I so dumb?? I should be able to will things into existence, I should be able to create anything I desire out of nothingness instantly if I truly was God, but at best, I am a dumb God that doesn't know how to do that! 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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You're very smart but you believe that you are dumb and even have the user name Dodo and so you created your own reality. 

How do you feel about the law of attraction? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 minute ago, mandyjw said:

You're very smart but you believe that you are dumb and even have the user name Dodo and so you created your own reality. 

How do you feel about the law of attraction? 

Funny you ask that 


-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodo If YOU weren't so wholly intelligent you wouldn't be capable of being dumb. 

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2 minutes ago, tedens said:

Do you see self-actualization in yourself?

I see that spirituality will help me a lot to accept poverty and be happier than I would be without it. But I cannot for the life of me achieve something in this life to provide me with a safe and secure environment. It's out of my hands. 

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Another bullshit I often hear is "God can do anything", "There is nothing impossible for God"

Well here is the proof otherwise:
Can God create 1 million dollars for me and pop them in my bank account in the next 10 seconds even if I do not deserve them or haven't done the right practice of LOA to achieve them? We will know if that is possible in 10 seconds. I will get back to you! 
If the money are not wired, there is a proof of at least one thing that is impossible for God, hence disproving this belief. 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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What you are doing right here is literally willing the money to NOT be transfered into your account. You are the cause of your poverty. If you are interested in money more than self-realization, the smart thing to do would be to go and chase money. Once you made and if (only if) you are still unhappy, then come back here. 

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17 minutes ago, Dodo said:

I see that spirituality will help me a lot to accept poverty and be happier than I would be without it.

The main and the only one belief you should remain with is that the self actualization will bring to you wealth, whatever it is to you.

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25 minutes ago, FoxFoxFox said:


What you are doing right here is literally willing the money to NOT be transfered into your account. You are the cause of your poverty. If you are interested in money more than self-realization, the smart thing to do would be to go and chase money. Once you made and if (only if) you are still unhappy, then come back here. 

So if I didnt post this the money would be there? Haha! I done did it again, dumb dumb dumb me. I've been chasing money, and failed. Watched the small money I had slip through my fingers like sand. The only thing left for me is to pray for a miracle. ANd yes, I WILL be happy with money. If I can be happy without money, I will be 10 times happier with. 

Edited by Dodo

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30 minutes ago, Dodo said:


Another bullshit I often hear is "God can do anything", "There is nothing impossible for God"

Well here is the proof otherwise:
Can God create 1 million dollars for me and pop them in my bank account in the next 10 seconds even if I do not deserve them or haven't done the right practice of LOA to achieve them? We will know if that is possible in 10 seconds. I will get back to you! 
If the money are not wired, there is a proof of at least one thing that is impossible for God, hence disproving this belief. 

God would never do that to you because instantly getting money is one of the greatest curses you can achieve. Google the research on happiness and winning the lottery. There are many other reasons than that though including your view of the world and yourself.

Have you read Eckhart Tolle's The Power Of Now? It's not law of attraction. But it's better. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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5 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

God would never do that to you because instantly getting money is one of the greatest curses you can achieve. Google the research on happiness and winning the lottery. There are many other reasons than that though including your view of the world and yourself.

Have you read Eckhart Tolle's The Power Of Now? It's not law of attraction. But it's better. 

I am not those other people. Instant money literally will fix all my problems, because I dont have other problems. I just want to pay my debts. I am perfectly happy with having a terminal illness like cancer, actually I am also praying for that, but I also dont want to die with debt. 


Have to be a special kind of dumb to not make 1 million bucks work for you. I have the knowledge required to make even 10k into a fortune, but unfortunately I am running out of time and options to do that. 



Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Well, at least we know you won't die of cancer. That's a relief. 

You will create your own reality. Find a mirror and look into it. Then you'll realize. 

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Just now, FoxFoxFox said:


Well, at least we know you won't die of cancer. That's a relief. 

You will create your own reality. Find a mirror and look into it. Then you'll realize. 

Yeah what a scumbag universe, never gives me what I want. 

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You are so intelligent you can actually trick yourself into believing you are not.


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Why you tell yourself your god, what highs it gives you, the redemption factor, the blindsighthedness it gives you, the subtle subconsious arrogance it gives birth to all make the statement “you are god” become a very counterproductive one. 

Such a statement, idea and belief are extremely contracted. Hijacked and perverted by your issues, cravings and fears. 

There is  a purpose behind all things though, and an intelligence not only behind but in it as well. 

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@mandyjw First thing you do is buy some Gold and Silver to be safe from the incoming recession (inverted yield curve is here). Then you store supplies, food, water, guns and ammo, getting ready for power outage and insanity which is likely to follow the recession. Then with the rest of the cash, can just make it more by using the time tested strategy of using fractal breakouts in forex and voila, you have prepared for everything and will never be without money ever again.  

-1/12 is Infinity 

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21 minutes ago, Dodo said:

I am not those other people. Instant money literally will fix all my problems, because I dont have other problems. I just want to pay my debts. I am perfectly happy with having a terminal illness like cancer, actually I am also praying for that, but I also dont want to die with debt. 


Have to be a special kind of dumb to not make 1 million bucks work for you. I have the knowledge required to make even 10k into a fortune, but unfortunately I am running out of time and options to do that. 



Get rid of all THAT and keep those thoughts and you'll get there. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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2 minutes ago, Arhattobe said:

Why you tell yourself your god, what highs it gives you, the redemption factor, the blindsighthedness it gives you, the subtle subconsious arrogance it gives birth to all make the statement “you are god” become a very counterproductive one. 

Such a statement, idea and belief are extremely contracted. Hijacked and perverted by your issues, cravings and fears. 

There is  a purpose behind all things though, and an intelligence not only behind but in it as well. 

I do not tell myself I am God, others on this forum have told me that. Bullshitting me. They've  also told me that they are me and I am them. However, I would help myself out financially, while I have never seen anyone here help me. No, I am not God, and No, no one on this forum is me. 


-1/12 is Infinity 

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