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Boredom emptiness?

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What do you do on the path when you feel boredom / emptiness?


NOTHING at all excites me anymore. The idea of new hobbies / friendships / relationships / events / etc all seem pointless to even bother doing because...everything is just..empty. I no longer watch tv, listen to music, watch movies and play video games because they also seem pointless, don't capture my attention and don't provide entertainment either, most of the time I am more aware when doing so that I am staring at a tv screen with pixels on it than getting engrossed in the content.

The only thing that isn't boring is meditation due to the bliss felt more and more however I am aware that's a trap so I try not to do that too much.

I'm not nihilistic though, I don't feel like my life as awareness is pointless, rather that everything external to me inside my awareness is pointless.

I haven't been here before. I don't know what to do.


I don't know if it's like, "the last refuges of the mind dissolving" or something like that, or just depression. Ie I don't know if it's a good or bad thing. :/

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What do you do off the path when you experience boredom? Live life, how you see fit. Deal With life, experience it, grow from it.

Thats the case as awareness, as an individual, as whatever or whoever you take yourself to be. Or not be.


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I try and fulfil the boredom but lately nothing is fulfilling it. It's more conscious (ie eyes open, doing stuff) emptiness than boredom. Everything seems just completely pointless, including suicide, which I pondered, slightly. Everything is just like, going at its own rate, there's no "fun" anymore there just "is" without sounding cliche.


The other thing is my Grandad died last week and the whole family is still upset about it but I didn't even shed one tear. Grief seems stupid, to me he has either reincarnated and he is a baby somewhere or he merged with "Consciousness" and that's the end of it. I don't really know what to make of my lack of compassion?

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It shall pass. You are in a process of awakening. I had extreme apathy, and pointlessness feels upon awakening myself. Trust life. Let it teach you. Be patient. Things are not pointless.

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@thesmileyone keep in mind that although the substance of everything is ultimately nothing and that deception is what really " creates" anything (dualism)...although this is the case notice also that reality is an absolute relativity. 

It's what you (God) make of it.

If you choose to give it no meaning then guess what - that's what you get.

If you give it meaning then it has meaning.  It's all the way you look at it.  Thats the magic.  

Basically if you wish to change your perspective you still can..knowing that the substance of everything is nothing will not change that once you are conscious enough.  You can enjoy life and in fact you will find an even deeper sense of peace and being then ever before.  But at the same time you will see through what is shallow and what really has meaning in life.  That is true wisdom.

Remember that although reality is the formless it is also intelligent and loving.  It exists! Nothingness exists.   That's the mystical, paradoxical nature of reality.  It's really beautiful when you think about it.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Birth, delusion, growth, decay, death, transfiguration,'ll through stages.

Hang in there @thesmileyone

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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7 hours ago, David Hammond said:

@thesmileyone Sounds like you have made a belief system out of spirituality. What should happen is aliveness and intrigue and a sense of mystery. You should also be constantly downloading information (intuition) on how to respond to the present moment. Watching tv can be very enjoyable if the content is appealing to you. You should be interested in what's going on in the world as you are now a player in the drama and no longer a victim of the drama. 

If this is not in the individuals experience,telling them it should be does nothing for them. More appropriately would be to inquire,investigate the nature of it. 

To whom is the boredom happening?
Who or what, wants/desires what is,to be different than it is?
To whom is this suffering happening? Who suffers?

To say anything should be this way or that, is making what is free from conditions..conditioned. This creates bondage and restricts freedom.

Edited by who chit

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6 minutes ago, David Hammond said:

Can we all agree that what I described is the state of enlightenment? 

I certainly would not disagree.:)

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The beauty of emptiness is that it is empty, (i.e.,free), of conditions. Even emptiness.:)
 No need or desire to be or become some-thing. There is peace,relaxation,freedom from the struggle of always trying to attain "outside" what is already here. 

What is happening is love, being stripped of delusion is love. Although to the construct it's very defeating. Turn toward and abide more and more in that emptiness/freedom of pure awareness.

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I have been exactly there. The world didn't interest me etc. You must go full circle from emptiness to pure being conscious of itself as the Totality of everything aka God. Then life becomes a joy.

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@thesmileyone 1) It's a phase. Dark Night of the Soul is to be expected once you get deep enough into awakening work. It happens as the mind realizes that all meanings are self-constructed and that meaning is not absolute. Realizing this can feel depressing.

2) To overcome boredom, become creative. Create something that gives you joy. That's what art is for. Come up with a life purpose and you will rarely be bored.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Believe me when I say, dark night of the soul is something else entirely. What you are talking about is the dark night of the mind. 

Think about it. There is a problem. It is depression caused by the mind's inadequacy to figure out enlightenment... yet the mind calls it the dark night of the of the soul, effectively shifting blame.

Edited by FoxFoxFox

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4 hours ago, FoxFoxFox said:

@Leo Gura Believe me when I say, dark night of the soul is something else entirely. What you are talking about is the dark night of the mind. 

Think about it. There is a problem. It is depression caused by the mind's inadequacy to figure out enlightenment... yet the mind calls it the dark night of the of the soul, effectively shifting blame.

You can only shift blame if there was any there to begin with. :)

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Everything seems pointless when there is a thought that says so.

If you remove the thought, everything becomes meaningful again.

For something not to be pointless, the mind wants it to have a goal. But maybe the goal is being achieved already without the thought knowing.

So stop thinking, and start experiencing.

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@Brenzo2 Sure thing. But that advice is useless for someone who doesn't experience that paradigm.

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Thanks people. I got through it. Went to bed early, noticed a change in conscious awareness the next day. Less negativity.


Also for some reason my third eye are has been pulsing all day long and I have had a headache too.

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