Giulio Bevilacqua

How to cut a thought pattern ?

10 posts in this topic

Hi i would like to know if someone could explain me how to cut the root of a frequent thought that appears in my daily life . It limits a lot of things that I want to do .


Some techniques may be : Awareness of the thought and letting it go 

-Accepting the thought 

- Not identifying with it 

- mindfulness meditation

Any suggestions? 

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Volunteering and vippassana

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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As you are observing the thought, cancel it (identify it), clear it (release it), and delete it by redirecting attention to the present. (technique from the.holistic.psychologist Instagram page)  This is for negative thoughts. 

Now you can also figure out what belief you hold about yourself (in relation to the situation) resulting in this reoccurring thought 

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Putting attention on the physical sensation of the feet is an easy one. Also straightening the posture helps with having inner silence. In a slumped posture we more easily go into discursive thoughts. Personally, I tend to more easily sense my hara or 2nd and 3rd chakras while standing or walking and sense the heart area (4th chakra) when sitting. Cultivating a more consistent body awareness with sensing and self observation helps me stay in the zone of having divided attention and Witness Consciousness.




Consciousness is in the Head, Awareness is in the Whole Body. In order to experience and live in Awareness we have to shift the emphasis from ego in the head, to Self in the belly. The lower stomach is the center of movement situated at the level of the Sacrum, the "sacred bone", also called the "Hara". This is why whole body awareness - the critical first step on the path of Wisdom of knowing your body - must be attained by all who would fulfill their full human potential - use all parts of their brain.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Frequent thoughts, as I understand it,  can happen when a memory is associated to that thought and so, it's recalled. Thats why things like a childhood toy can trigger thoughts of your childhood because you have an memory associated with that toy

Try to see how your memory of the thought plays in its recalling. If there is a memory association with that thought then there's your root

So perhaps it's a memory that causes the thought. But if you can't find any memory of the thought, then the above replies would probably be a better suggestion

You're not human, you're the universe

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You've pretty much got it. 

Habitual thought patterns emerge out of a feeling energy which first emerges as a subtle impulse, then an emotional impulse, which then finally produces thoughts.

There are various 'tones' of feeling energy that produce different kind of thoughts. I.e the feeling of grief will always produce the same kind of thoughts - 'It's too late... I'm not good enough... if only... I miss her...' etc.

The source of the thoughts may be perpetual and unceasing unless addressed directly. Trying to remove the source of the thought patterns by addressing the thoughts themselves is like trying to chop down a forest by snipping at the individual leaves with scissors. In fact, at best, you will assist the trees to propagate. 

Thoughts have only one true purpose which is to reinforce the sense of small-self at all costs. Small-self is built up of negative feeling patterns which have been deemed as necessary for survival by the mind. Because they are unconsciously categorized as necessary for survival, the ego will resist the release of these feelings at all costs, and its most effective tool in keeping you enslaved is to produce more thoughts on the subject (even just to keep you thinking about the _idea_ of improving, rather than actually doing and letting go/growth)

The technique is to ignore the thoughts when they arise and place your awareness on the feeling energy within without wanting to resist it, change it, or do anything about it. This starts to release the underlying energy and creates a positive feeling of release. 

In time, once the reservoir of feeling energy is relinquished, the thoughts that it generates naturally disappear from awareness and you typically forget you even had them because they're no longer part of your identity.  The beliefs, behaviours and circumstances which these thoughts produced also dissolve and are typically replaced by a more enjoyable ones.

The process does not take much effort. Really only one step is necessary, which is to set your intention to let go of the energy/behaviour, while surrending to who and what you are, now. The process then does itself over time and you don't have to worry about it because you're choosing to feel whole, now. 

Edited by Arman

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Watch or listen things you want then go immediately to sleep. 

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8 hours ago, Arman said:

You've pretty much got it. 

Habitual thought patterns emerge out of a feeling energy which first emerges as a subtle impulse, then an emotional impulse, which then finally produces thoughts.

There are various 'tones' of feeling energy that produce different kind of thoughts. I.e the feeling of grief will always produce the same kind of thoughts - 'It's too late... I'm not good enough... if only... I miss her...' etc.

The source of the thoughts may be perpetual and unceasing unless addressed directly. Trying to remove the source of the thought patterns by addressing the thoughts themselves is like trying to chop down a forest by snipping at the individual leaves with scissors. In fact, at best, you will assist the trees to propagate. 

Thoughts have only one true purpose which is to reinforce the sense of small-self at all costs. Small-self is built up of negative feeling patterns which have been deemed as necessary for survival by the mind. Because they are unconsciously categorized as necessary for survival, the ego will resist the release of these feelings at all costs, and its most effective tool in keeping you enslaved is to produce more thoughts on the subject (even just to keep you thinking about the _idea_ of improving, rather than actually doing and letting go/growth)

The technique is to ignore the thoughts when they arise and place your awareness on the feeling energy within without wanting to resist it, change it, or do anything about it. This starts to release the underlying energy and creates a positive feeling of release. 

In time, once the reservoir of feeling energy is relinquished, the thoughts that it generates naturally disappear from awareness and you typically forget you even had them because they're no longer part of your identity.  The beliefs, behaviours and circumstances which these thoughts produced also dissolve and are typically replaced by a more enjoyable ones.

The process does not take much effort. Really only one step is necessary, which is to set your intention to let go of the energy/behaviour, while surrending to who and what you are, now. The process then does itself over time and you don't have to worry about it because you're choosing to feel whole, now. 

Wow  , nice ! Thank you . Are you a psychologist ? 

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49 minutes ago, Giulio Bevilacqua said:

Wow  , nice ! Thank you . Are you a psychologist ? 

no, just very interested in certain spiritual practices 

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17 hours ago, Giulio Bevilacqua said:

Hi i would like to know if someone could explain me how to cut the root of a frequent thought that appears in my daily life . It limits a lot of things that I want to do .


Some techniques may be : Awareness of the thought and letting it go 

-Accepting the thought 

- Not identifying with it 

- mindfulness meditation

Any suggestions? 

What is the sensation telling you about the thoughts chosen? 

Are ‘you’ listening?

Keep in mind, the infinite intelligence at play (body). 

It’s definitly safe to surrender to it. 

See your hands. See the precision, what thought does that? None.

You need not even look down for God to put the earth under every single footstep. 

Of what use could so much thinking be?

Life is a delicious trust-fall. 

Fall in love with it. 




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