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Angelo John Gage

My Insights from Leo's Recent Insights

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Just finished watching his recent vid, some of the things he got insights about I basically came to the same conclusion through reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

Marcus probably didn't have 5 Meo DMT or anything like that, but certainly understood the Whole. In his work, he tells people to submit to their lot, the gods would only give you something you could handle, unless it was time to die; which is part of the design. There are no accidents, etc. Basically a lot of stuff Leo was saying.

But some may reject this, as I did before because the 'problem of evil'

1.) From those who have an issue wrapping around the concept of "All Good" think of the term "good" as meaning = IS. Goodness as a distinction, really becomes meaningless without badness, in a logical sense, but this is beyond logic.

Take for instance, an author of a book: The author must write into existence, a  protagonist and antagonist; without each other, there can be no story. The author is not evil for making a super villain or allowing good people in the story to die by the super villains' hand. To you it all a good story and in the end, the hero wins and goes on to make the world a better place...just as Leo means by "the greater good."

God is the author of reality, writing (or thinking) things into existence; or rather, changing/evolving them (as they always have existed). The author takes his ideas and transforms them into words; using already existing ink and paper and the sheer will of his imagination. God does the same; it takes what already exists and transforms it. 

All that exists is himself, thus he is just evolving himself.

2.) In regards to his example of the drunk driver killing someone, saying that it is all good, or rape etc, sounds a bit extreme, but having a cosmic mindset, and being everything; you (god) are the one getting raped and run over. Furthermore, without those 'evils,' evolution of various things could not happen. "evil" acts as a the driver of evolution; similar to suffering pushing you to enlightenment.

Also, you (god) are the one doing the raping and running over. Now of course from our ego-self, none of us would condone raping or running people over, nor would anyone of us want to do that, or happen to us or those who love, and it is because we know that such things could happen and do happen, that we work towards PREVENTING such things like passing laws and taking action. Although we cannot stop these things, we can change the world into a better place BECAUSE of those things. Imagine total freedom allowing people to rape and kill each other without consequence? How would that be good?

Furthermore, we have our nature: Some of us mini-gods are the gods of death and destruction, like this psychopath NZ mass shooter; others are the mini-gods of life, like doctors and nurses; some of us the mini-gods of knowledge, like philosophers or scientists. Each of us have our roles in the Whole. A doctor would have no job if there wasn't diseases; without diseases, there would be no immune system to evolve and upgrade against them. 

There is no infinite existence without "evil" , because infinite must include things we would perceive as evil, but also because good and evil are two sides of the same coin, expressed as the Yin Yang.

3.) I don't think there is any final point of enlightenment, nor could it ever be fully realized. I think that is enlightening in of itself. That does not mean do not continue to pursue so-called enlightenment which is just another term of spiritual EVOLUTION (key word), because it is in our nature to continue to evolve for OUR own good. No one goes around trying to devolve themselves on purpose. But in a logical sense, an infinite reality could never be fully realized by us individuals. I don't even think God knows the extent of its own infinite nature.

4.) Infinite Causes: Infinite causes to me mean no cause at all. Something that has infinite amount of causes is affected by everything simultaneously, thus NO single cause is responsible for it. This means things are affected by the past, present, and FUTURE of events (all which exist simultaneously beyond our perception). 

Take for example a ball being dropped down a well: The 'cause' you would think is the hand dropping the ball, is this person doing it now (present), but there are reasons for them to do it (past), but also the well and its position attracting the ball, which hasn't hit the bottom yet (future), is a cause.

Another example is an asteroid flying through space and coming towards the Earth, the Earth is also causing it to come towards it.

5. Infinity in its entirety has no one specific center point, and like Leo said, everything is the center of existence. Thus every point is a point of an enlightened state. For example, no one makes a bad choice on purpose;  they go off the information they have at the time, which is their highest state of 'enlightenment' in that point in time. A 'mistake' is the realization after the fact that the decision was "bad" causing an issue in which the person must endure and overcoming adversity to evolve and become stronger, unless it leads to their physical death and evolution in that sense is physically impossible. So there are no mistakes; in fact, many of your mistakes made you who you are today.

Moreover, if everything had gone your way, many good things would not have happened at all. I take a look at my misfortunes and said to myself if even ONE of these things happened the opposite way, NOTHING today would be the same: Had I not left the club promoter scene, I would have probably ended up in Vegas; in an endless life of hedonism, having ZERO knowledge of what I do now, and even more so, I would not have my wonderful wife and son, in the forms that they exist in. Perhaps I would have a different wife or son, or just illegitimate kids, who knows, but I would not have what I have now.

The same goes with the Marine Corps, which I foolishly joined to fight "terrorism" and all the BS fed to us. Had I not endured the Marine Corps and all the BS lies, I would not have awakened and become a big influencer in the anti-war scene. I also would not have ANY of the benefits I get now which I can support my family with; without being caught in the rat race. In other words, if I hadn't suffered immensely, gotten PTSD, and everything else, I would be stuck in he rat race and never have the time to research and spiritually evolve.

All of us have a similar story in a different way.

Anyway, those are a few of my insights from his insights that I wanted to share.


Edited by Angelo John Gage

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5 hours ago, Angelo John Gage said:

The same goes with the Marine Corps, which I foolishly joined to fight "terrorism" and all the BS fed to us. Had I not endured the Marine Corps and all the BS lies, I would not have awakened and become a big influencer in the anti-war scene. I also would not have ANY of the benefits I get now which I can support my family with; without being caught in the rat race. In other words, if I hadn't suffered immensely, gotten PTSD, and everything else, I would be stuck in he rat race and never have the time to research and spiritually evolve.

I call that the dialectical nature of life. That's what Hegel called it. Reality bounces back and forth between opposites. War leads to peace. Peace leads to war. Sadness leads to happiness. Happiness leads to sadness. And so it goes on and on in every area. Stock market rises. Stock market falls. etc.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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