
How to become a hard worker?

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I have avoided hard work for most of my life. What steps could I take to change that? 

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Do what is emotionally difficult, without fear of rejection or failure. Steps would depend on the destination.

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The only times were I worked hard was when I had an objective I really wanted to attain. I think a good way to train yourself can be to:

  1. Find an area of your life where you are really bad at and want to change
  2. Turn it in your mind into a growing opportunity and accept fully your difficulties
  3. Cut your goal into a list of easy actionable steps
  4. Go through all of those steps one at the time, and while doing this focus only on the current step

It's really important that you accept the existence of your difficulties. I find out this is even more powerful than a neurotic 100% responsibility attitude. Only do a single thing at the time, your mind needs to be detached from the external world to focus on finding the solution of the current problem. So, keep it light, don't overload it with other things (even music, especially if your work is intellectual).

You can also do some affirmations and/or visualizations every day.

Here are videos who helped me the most:


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@SaltyMeatballs Don't work hard. Don't work smart. Work consciously. That is really getting to the root of things as to on which things you should be working hard for and on which things you should be working smart for and which things you shouldn't be working on at all. And why. Working hard in and itself is not useful. And you can only know what is useful if you know what matters to you. As such Leo has a sentence that has pretty much helped me: "Always do the thing that is emotionally difficult".  If you pay attention in any moment, there will something that is of utmost importance for that particular moment, but you are avoiding it. Maybe set a reminder on your phone every hour or two that asks - what is the emotionally difficult thing I'm avoiding? And then go do it, without ruminating over it. 

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@rNOW Thanks mate. Ill be sure to set a reminder from now on. Have u made this into a habit? I mean when faced with a daunting task do u automatically choose to do it anyway? 

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22 hours ago, SaltyMeatballs said:

How to become a hard worker?

by cultivating a noble and high mission. the motivation to work hard will manifest spontaneously.

unborn Truth

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23 hours ago, SaltyMeatballs said:

I have avoided hard work for most of my life. What steps could I take to change that? 

? Fall in Love with Truth

Truth = Love

Ponder- What is a holon?

♥️Act from fullness




"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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You have to want to do the work and enjoy doing it. That's the only way.

Black is white. Down is up. Bad is good. -Eric Tarpall

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19 hours ago, SaltyMeatballs said:

  Have u made this into a habit? I mean when faced with a daunting task do u automatically choose to do it anyway? 

@SaltyMeatballs Not always, because the more daunting a task is, the more digging it requires. Once you have dug through the root causes, then it becomes easier to ' just go do it.' I had a huge procrastination problem, which after digging through I realized the bottom line - I was not valuing what I was doing. Why was that? Because the people around me did not value it. So I was looking at my work through other people's eyes. I needed to change that and become very clear on why I'm doing what I'm doing irrespective of what others thought about it. Personally,  I find that when I'm doing something for money or fame or success, I automatically lose interest. The moment I think I'm making a 'contribution' to something or someone in a positive way, I feel motivated. So every time I feel I don't want to do something, I ask myself if it useful or valuable to someone else? This doesn't always work for everyone and not for all things to work on, so it is a process to discover.

P.S.:  Right now, the emotionally difficult task for me is to get off this forum and sit and design a door, so there I failed. 

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On 2019/4/1 at 3:37 AM, Eric Tarpall said:

You have to want to do the work and enjoy doing it. That's the only way.

Only way? no, Boss is another choice

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