
3 questions about mindfulness and body awareness

3 posts in this topic

1. Body awareness and mindfulness are not the same thing right?

2. If you do mindfullness, meditation, reading, viaualization, 100% ownership, concemtration, chess playing you can get an intuitive message but if you replace mindfulness with body awareness can you still get it?

3. I want to melt away my big ego can I do it with body awareness?

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I know that mindfulness happens in the mind and body awareness in your body I dont want to be arrogant with Leo but I bought the life pourpose course and there was also no body awareness because there should be an exercise that should show us how to deal with the huge ego resistence that appears to us while we try to create our goals. Because until now body awareness was the only technique that relaxed me the most.

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Mindfulness and body awareness is the same thing. Your feelings, emotions, cravings, aversions are all reflected in your body. 

For example, by observing some tension in your body you can understand how you feel much easier then observing your mind. Mind can fool you very easily but body always tells you the truth.

9 minutes ago, Marks199 said:


3. I want to melt away my big ego can I do it with body awareness?

Yes. Your ego is just a mass bundle of impressions, a bundle of likes and dislikes, aversions and cravings. 

In vippassana they teach you to just observe the sensations on your body equanimously. This way, your likes and dislikes get dissloved, your identity is dissolving slowly untill you become nothing. Perfect equanimity. When you sit you're like a breeze, one with the universe.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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