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Leo,question about God and "my" growth

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Hi Leo,

Welcome back! :-) 

The yogis teach the following :

Spirit is infinite and purely creative with infinite power for creation. Always looking to create. A person can express as much of this power as much he/she can consciously realize his identity with the spirit or consciously connect with the spirit. The degree of his manifesting power depends on his degree of conscious realization , connection or identity with the spirit.But after the evolution or unfoldment of that particular person along this line ,this power passes down to the subconscious plane and now expressing this power becomes easier and can be done even in waking states, it becomes "his second nature" as it were and many things are now automatic. After that passing down the individual always feels a sense of freedom because he is always conscious of this realization or connection with the spirit and its power (to create or change "destiny"). This is not a mere intellectual assertion, it is a very deep knowing/being state which comes from within all the time. But it is not just a knowing, it can also be expressed practically for manifesting powerful changes in the world.

Basically, the model can be summarized as:

  1. Identification/conscious realization/conscious connection with the spirit is possible.
  2. Higher the degree of that conscious identification or realization, higher is the manifesting power of the individual. Up to infinity.
  3. After the evolution of a person along this line it becomes his second nature, the power now can be expressed in waking states and many things are automatically taken care of.
  4. After it is internalized that particular aspect gives him an inner knowing or feeling according to the "flavour" of internalization. For example, the individual might feel like having all the freedom all the time, a feeling of being eternal etc.
  5. But that internalization is not just a feeling, it can be expressed in the practical world as well, as it gives the skills or powers related to that particular realization or facet of reality.


You described and mentioned a lot of facets of reality or attributes/aspects of God in your solo retreat notes.

My doubt is that does the above model apply to the following facets of reality or attributes of Spirit?

·         Infinite intelligence

·         Infinite love

·         Infinite creativity

·         Infinite pure consciousness

i.e. Can I have a realization of infinite intelligence? Can I express it in my ideas, creative ideas, genius ability by pulling it out of that field? Can I increase the degree of it? Can I feel that divine love all the times in my waking consciousness? Can I feel the inner consciousness of it which would make me unselfish? Can I increase the degree of it?...


Any advise ,hint or tip would also be very appreciated :-) 

Please let me know if I need to make myself clear on some point.


P.S. These are some of the best metaphysics books I have ever read.

You need not buy them if you do not want to, you can also just click on the title of that particular book to get it for free.

Thank you for reading!

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