
Most deeply enlightened teachers

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@Joseph Maynor 5MEO & kundalni doesnt sound like a match made in heaven at the moment.

Edited by Tony 845

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Becomes she competes with no one, no one can compete with her

The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth


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4 hours ago, Mikael89 said:

Yes I have.

Sounds like a good attitude to psychedelics.

Except I don't think you can learn anything from them, it's all delusion.

I believed in all kind of nonsense during my trip, and also during high on weed.

I actually believed in the nonsense during the trip. I'm glad I came back to my senses after it, instead of believing in the delusion while being sober too, which apparently many people do.

This stuff right here needs to be looked at a lot more. Thanks for bringing this up Michael.

We still don't nearly appreciate how much our knowledge barriers are set depending on the state we are in. 

Inside the dream, everything feels real. This ability of the mind to project its own limitation and deluding itself so hard sinultaneously is just astonishing.

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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8 hours ago, Big Guru Balls said:

Sadhguru for sure. I also did the Inner Engineering and shambhavi event. The shaktipat or energy transference from the shambhavi kriya event is for real. Definitely awakened the kundalini for me. Dude is a total rockstar B|.

He's almost,but not quite, Big Guru Balls level. :D



That's more likely to be the collective energy from the thousands of like minded people there at once than just Sadhguru.

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5 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Thanks man, I appreciate your insights.  Movies and art are delusion too, yet somehow we can learn a lot from these things.  I remember when I was studying at UCLA, I was compelled to watch all the classic films and I was kinda neurotic about this -- and this experience had a kind of profound impact on the rest of my life, even though on some level all films are rubbish.

I did my dissertation on the work of Quentin Tarantino, due to being compelled to watch then analyse his work...and like you it changed my life too, was actually about 3 months before my first awakening experience as it happens.

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2 hours ago, mandyjw said:

I mean the mind's capacity to think and hold ideas. I've noticed that many intelligent people are very identified with their mind and so they are prone to mind caused suffering so out of necessity they seek this work. But they seek it through their intelligence, which causes lots of misconceptions. I do believe that a lot of people have stumbled across it accidentally and they don't know what they know and so they can't explain it to other people. If you find or seek one out it can be very enlightening. 

That was a huge problem for me
[subtle brag] my IQ is  148 and 152 (done tests twice, with an auditor) [/subtle brag]
My first idea of nonduality was totally intellectual and this means you can convince yourself, fool yourself even, to see the world in a fake nondual way, but of course it is not experiential based, so you are literally using your mind to create your own suffering in the moment. Would not recommend.

Even now, years later, my mind still fights Self, not sure if this makes sense to people, but it's like the mind constantly trying to trick me (the observer) into nondual states that aren't nondual states but nondual fake states created by the mind.

This is why I think psychedelics would be good for me, to just turn the default mode network (mind) off completely and then observe direct reality unfiltered. But my intuition says I need to do one trip and make it substantial. I am thinking it is likely going to be 5g of powerderd liberty caps + a MAIO inhibitor like harmala, in darkness, in a remote cabin somewhere in the wild.

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@PT89  Yesterday, in meditation, my grandmother appeared in front of me with the biggest loving smile and asked if I wanted to see God‘s patience. I of course said yes.  She put a rock between us.

We both laughed our heads off in the infinite humor of non-duality, the infinite patience of God, being a ‘rock’.

 Suffering that led to meditation, which led to discovering the space between the thoughts, which led to discovering the guidance that is emotion, which led to discovering awareness, which led to the real-I-zation of intuition, synergy, synchronicity, etc, which led to without-thinking...Love - was a great teacher. 



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On 30-3-2019 at 1:02 PM, Leo Gura said:

I once asked Ralston about yogis and kundalini. He laughed and said that yogis are not really enlightened.

Whatever that means.

The bliss you can definitely experience on psychedelics. Very strong doses of 5-MeO-DMT also activate kundalini although I'm not sure if it's being activated safely. On my highest dose ever of 5-MeO-DMT, the consciousness was so powerful that it was too much to handle and I felt kundalini shoot out of my fingertips like force lightening, resulting in skin damage to my fingertips. It was a very freaky experience bordering on the paranormal. I don't think it was healthy. But damn was it powerful. I have never had kundalini activation on 5-MeO-DMT except that one time. That was a very large dose which I would not want to take again. To be any more conscious you'd be so conscious you'd physically pass out.

I do hear you talk a lot on psychedelics. I am hesitant about this topic, though.

I have attented a psychedelic mushroom ceremony once last year. This was my first contact with psychedelic substances. I did not like it. In fact, it triggered a great amount of fear and despair. Reflecting back on it, it either was because I was confronted with a truth that for me was too intimidating to carry at that moment, or it was simply reflecting and emphasizing the own fears and anxieties I already had formed in my own mind. I am not sure how to be able to distinguish between something that would be revealed to you coming from a higher source, or simply the ideas in your own mind that are now presented to you in a more exaggerated, amplified way.

Since then, I have been afraid to take any kind of psychedelic substance. I still feel too vulnerable, too fragile. I am centered enough now where there's just enough distance to see thought forms that take on the form of anxiety and despair as basically illusory (for whatever that means, but I see through the fact that it has no base of justification for identifying with such fears), but I still feel that I am not able to take much more than my current state of mind in it's ordinary ups and downs.

I feel very fragile and vulnerable, and I must admit that I am afraid of psychedelics. I'm afraid to be overwhelmed, to be going in a tunnel of anguish and despair, and to take a long time to recover from that experience, having given me no profound insight, and making me feel only heavier and more anxious. This I feel happened to some degree on my last and only experience with psychedelic substances so far. This is why I'm very hesitant towards the topic of psychedelica.

If I do decide that I want to start using it, it's very hard to tell for me what to use, when to use it, how much to use, where to use it, in what setting to use it... 

And where even to get it... You talk about 5-MeO-DMT a lot. Where are you even supposed to obtain such substances from? I understand there may be a possible danger in discussing such things on a forum, but I wanted to throw this question out there anyway.

Edited by Skanzi

I am using a new account named "Nightwise". In in fact intend to stop using this account from now on and use that account instead. So I am not planning on using these two account interchangeably or intermittently. Only "Nightwise" from now on. I am doing so merely because I like the username much more. For some reason, that feels to be important to me. 

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You get the trip you need though. Maybe you needed that experience to flush out the problems. Only in awareness can you fix them, so the drug likely did you a lot of good.

But this is why I advocate the way I went, do hours of meditation first, so you get grounded in WHO YOU REALLY ARE because then you won't be afraid, as long as you can stay aware. Instead people are too quick to encourage people who have never meditated to throw themselves into 5meo (because it's cool!) on the street with no responsibility.


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On 3/31/2019 at 9:25 AM, thesmileyone said:

That's more likely to be the collective energy from the thousands of like minded people there at once than just Sadhguru.

That's a pic from Mahashivatri. The kriya event had about 75-80 people and was about 4 yrs.ago. I was just Big Balls at that point and had zero belief in kundalini, and never heard of shaktipat.  The event was 3 days, on the second day about 8 minutes into the practice he's chanting some weird indian shit and doing a clap about every minute and a half. About the 3rd clap the spine started tingling and my body heated up into a sweat. It felt like I was coming down with a fever.I experienced the void about 5 months into the practice and that's what started the spirituality. Big Balls has grown since then into the majestic,and dare I say, even resplendent, Big Guru Balls..:D


Edited by Big Guru Balls

If your name is on the guest list, No one can take you higher
Everybody says I've got... great balls of fire!

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@mandyjw “Losing the finite mind” and realizing the mind is the entirety of ‘experience’ is a ‘real thing’. Intelligence is not happening in a brain / person, it is every nuance of everything. The birds, computers, the floor, etc, etc, everything is your actual intelligence. It seems ridiculous but it’s true.  Roughly’s a realization there never was a finite mind. Acceptance you create your own reality isn’t understood from a finite perspective. There it gets lumped into a thinking itself, that it is a comment relative to making choices. It’s not. Intelligence of the entirety of your being being ustilized is an actuality.  The actuality of this is the opening / bridge / precursor (whatever word works for ya) to clairvoyance, clairaudience, precognition, remote viewing, siddhis, etc. There is one heck of a full circle to spirit guides, etc realized which initially does not jive with finite mind-nonduality. From the finite perspective those seem like ‘abilities’, from the infinite perspective there was an ‘ego’ / limiting mind at play. The aura, via ordinary changes in ordinary habits of food and thought patterns enables the aura as a ‘communictor’, much like someone would say their brain / finite mind enables their communication. Of course the basis of all of this, what makes any of it “possible’ is complete “dream” acceptance / surrender...or Love / the Beauty of life & being.



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On 3/31/2019 at 2:28 PM, pluto said:

Becomes she competes with no one, no one can compete with her



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On 3/30/2019 at 5:12 AM, Leo Gura said:

I'm about to read a book by a yogi who spent 30 years straight meditating for 8 hours per day. Don't even dare to guess what he became conscious of.

What book? Biography?

Edited by kieranperez

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@kieranperez i tried searching for everything about 30 years in a cave and nothing comes up :((( he's probably saving it for the booklist

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''The Enlightened Master who did 1000 5 meo DMT trips''

Who is gonna be the character of this book for the very first time? 

Would he/she survive till 1000 trips to talk about it?

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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On 3/30/2019 at 4:37 AM, Leo Gura said:

Seems to me that it's possible to awaken without having a kundalini awakening experience, thus people who awaken without much kundalini surges might not emphasize it in their teachings. Teachers tend to emphasize their own path to awakening. But there is more than one path because not all human minds/brains/bodies/personalities are the same. Imagine for example what it would be like for an autistic male to awaken versus a super emotional psychic female. They will have VERY different paths even though the ultimate realization of Truth will be similar after the dust settles. There are a lot of psychic people who have very weird and twisted paths to awakening. It's going to be very hard to understand or evaluate them unless you have had those kinds of extra-sensory abilities for your entire life. It's like being a different species of human. Their brains work differently.

Do you think the future of spirituality is going to become more integral, specifically on this point? Where certain spiritual masters will be adept and well versed across the board from Zen - Shamanism - Yoga - Occult/Paranormal Practices (like in the yogic or shaman schools) - Psychedelics - and do on? I feel like we’re already starting to see at least a theoretical convergence of all this with conferences like Science & Nonduality. 

This way their teachings and theoretical understanding can apply and serve a wider variety of people who have different weaknesses in their path towards awakening but also their strong points.

Personally I think Shinzen Young is a great example of a Buddhist master whose open minded enough to look into even neuroscience, not to mention other meditative traditions. Shunyamurti I think is a good example too, although I have a lot of skepticism over some of his ideologies. 

Edited by kieranperez

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9 hours ago, kieranperez said:

Shunyamurti I think is a good example too, although I have a lot of skepticism over some of his ideologies. 

Could you elaborate? Only listening to him recently and I find him quite interesting. But didn't watch too many videos to get a bigger picture of his views. I love his way of expression also, but I had to get used to it

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On 30/03/2019 at 8:12 PM, Leo Gura said:

Not face to face. But I hear they are good. Tibet has some very advanced teachings. Dzogchen is especially good.

I think yoga goes all the way up to the highest nondual stage. Depends on which yoga and how you do it.

I would not underestimate yogis. They are some hardcore fuckers.

I'm about to read a book by a yogi who spent 30 years straight meditating for 8 hours per day. Don't even dare to guess what he became conscious of.

This is super old.. anyone know the book?  

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