Joseph Maynor

List the 10 Major Areas Where You Think One Can Do Work in Personal Development

27 posts in this topic

Please.  I haven't posted a question on the Forum in a while so please be kind to this question.  I want your list; don't post me someone else's list or even be so much concerned with someone else's list.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor

1) To know ones own culture or nation.
2) Competency, under a master of instruction.
3) Reading core texts. Tao Te Ching, Bible, Shakespeare. Greco-Roman Philosophy.
4) Common place book.
5) Diet. Food, as well as knowledge.
6) Physical training.
7) Teaching others.
8) Family Time.
9) Looking at alternatives views you disagree with, or sound bizarre offensive.
10) Travel to other cultures.

List was partially inspired, by a distant ancestor.

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11 hours ago, Charlotte said:

@Joseph Maynor what do you mean by areas?

Areas that you might do personal development work in.  Lemme list my 10: (In no certain order)

  1. Enlightenment Work
  2. Diet
  3. Exercise
  4. Scheduling
  5. Small Picture Life Purpose Work*
  6. Big Picture Life Purpose Work**
  7. Conceptual Understanding Work
  8. Projects
  9. International Cultural Travel
  10. Relationships

*Small Picture Life Purpose work deals with identifying your Actual Problem Situations (APS) in your own life and setting up a daily routine that targets those.

**Big Picture Life Purpose work is about aligning or re-aligning your career (your way to make money) with your strengths, passion, and life's calling.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Oh right I see.

In no particular order:

  • Diet (nutrition)
  • Exercise
  • Epistemology
  • Enlightenment
  • Spiral dynamics (if you study, understand and apply this in depth it's a huge game changer)
  • Self love (love)
  • Life purpose



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Good question Joseph :) I am excited to see everyone contemplating like this.


1) Physical health (nutrition, exercise, sleep...)

2) Mental health, working on your intellect (being more open-minded, chess, go, playing an instrument, languages...)

3) Spiritual development (meditation, yoga, psychedelics...)

4) Integrating spiritual experiences (The noble eightfold path, embodying zen, selflessness, overcoming fears...)

5) Career, contributing society through your passion

6) Finance

7) Family and friends

8) Intimate relationships

9) Practical stuff (technical skills, time management, cooking your own meals...)

10) Being a good karma for the environment (not contributing to violence, being eco-friendly, political interest...)


I'm aware that all of these areas kind of interconnect (especially integrating mystical experiences and everything else xD), but these are like some of the most broad areas I could think of, didn't really want to get into too much detail. But it is important to see the correlations, so I will describe what I mean. 

Physical health kind of contributes everything else, because it sets your body's limits. I can notice it in myself, that if I keep doing what I'm doing, I might run into some serious trouble. It just feels so much better not to eat sugar, dairy, bread etc... and it is like super hard to meditate, when you have diarrhoea or something xD 

I created this mental health + intellect area, because I think it is underestimated. Health, exercise and sleep is connected to this quite deeply, but I think, that it would benefit every one of us to sharpen their mind even more, become better at solving problems, to understand the world's situation better, be more immune to bs etc...

I divided spiritual development and integrating spiritual experiences into two areas, because there are certain individuals who are just having profound states, without really understanding them, this is why intellect is also important, that you don't get so easily deluded. 

Career and contributing to society is kind of foreign to me, because I haven't worked in my life yet, but I already participate in some activities, that make my life better, such as working with children. (they are so authentic) Same with finance, I am kind of bad at maintaining my money, but I can already understand, why it is important to invest in myself etc... which is very crucial for life.

I also divided family + friends and intimate relationships into two areas, because these are really different. It is definitely possible for someone to have amazing friends and family relationships, while having almost zero experience and confidence with women. 

Being clever is also very important, because it again contributes towards building your intellect, it makes you more independent, you become able to manage your time more efficiently, better at helping others and yourself.

Being a good karma often gets overlooked, but it is necessary for our survival on this planet.

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1. Enlightenment

2. Shadow Work

3. Fitness

4. Diet

5. General Knowledge

6. Relationships

7. Career

8. Mindfulness

9. Creativity

10. Rational Thinking

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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2.Self expression-authenticity

3.Understanding how things work

4.Fitness/competition/self defense

5.Pushing comfort zone,experimenting

6.Getting better at skills for your vision of life

7.Creating lifestyle,place to live etc.

8.Emotional mastery


10.Psychic powers,energy work,shamanism etc 

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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  1. Mindfulness meditation
  2. Mastery of a skill
  3. Entrepreneurship
  4. Life purpose
  5. Immigration / Naturalization (Dual or more citizenship)
  6. Spirial Dynamics / Maslow's
  7. Understand what is Kensho/Satori/Riding the Ox Backwards/and maybe having one
  8. Emotional mastery
  9. Teaching / being the best pointer
  10. Being present / 'elephant in the room that no one notices'

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1.) Learning more theory, as well as expanding previous knowledge.

2.) Contemplation of important self development concepts

3.) Meditation/Mindfulness/ Being...  (Less and less thought identification)

4.) A daily health care routine covering all areas of (Physical) Health - ( teeth care, skin care, strength training, etc)

5.) Optimizing your schedule - Micro and Macro.  

6.) Life Purpose - Embodying top 10 Strengths and Values 

7.) Emotional Mastery - removing neurosis, becoming more love. 

8.) Relationships - becoming more vulnerable and authentic 

9.) Developing selflessness (once your basic survival needs are met.) 

10.) Becoming a better communicator, a mentor, a teacher. TEACHING people based on where they are at :) 

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Thanks to everyone who participated in this.  

My top 10 favorites from what you listed:

  1. Family time
  2. Spiral Dynamics
  3. Finance
  4. Friends
  5. Intimate relationships
  6. Creativity
  7. Self expression -- authenticity
  8. Teaching/ being the best pointer
  9. Being present
  10. Emotional mastery -- removing neurosis, becoming more love


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Exploring perspectives is very good, you can go very deep and  explore everything from so many angles, opens  many new ways of understanding, really pushes your mind to its limits, can be very depressing though :D 

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On 3/30/2019 at 10:57 AM, Key Elements said:
  1. Mindfulness meditation
  2. Mastery of a skill
  3. Entrepreneurship
  4. Life purpose
  5. Immigration / Naturalization (Dual or more citizenship)
  6. Spirial Dynamics / Maslow's
  7. Understand what is Kensho/Satori/Riding the Ox Backwards/and maybe having one
  8. Emotional mastery
  9. Teaching / being the best pointer
  10. Being present / 'elephant in the room that no one notices'

I like this list but would replace #5 with relationships/understanding ourselves through relationship 

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12 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

understanding ourselves through relationship 

Ooh.  I like this.  I'm gonna steal this topic haha.  :ph34r:

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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My current master list of personal development topics that I wanna work on in the immediate future:

  1. intimate relationships
  2. Enlightenment
  3. Being just
  4. Love
  5. Emotions
  6. Right action (Ethics)
  7. Compassion
  8. Kindness
  9. Taking into Account People's Limitations
  10. Decency
  11. Enlightenment as a refuge for the narcissistic Ego-Mind
  12. Transcendence of the Ego
  13. Transcendence of the Mind
  14. Metaphysics and pictures of reality
  15. The pros and cons of subconscious programming
  16. Friendship
  17. Spiral Dynamics
  18. Teaching/ the pros and cons of teaching/ getting off the tit of teaching
  19. Being present
  20. Emotional mastery -- removing neurosis, becoming more love
  21. Understanding ourselves through relationship
  22. Family time
Edited by Joseph Maynor

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I believe this would change in the future. 

In no particular order:

  1. Awareness - Learning to be present. 
  2. Objectivity and Subjectivity- Learning to observe and change perspectives quickly and look at multiple sides of a situation.
  3. Resilience - using adversities and obstacles as stepping stones.
  4. Surrendering and letting go.
  5. Equanimity - Learning to live with uncertainty and turmoil
  6. Creativity - Aligning the inside and the outside 
  7. Relationships - self and others. (Includes love, forgiveness, compassion, communication, etc.)
  8. Health - physical, mental, emotional. 
  9. Personal Finance 
  10. Learning related to career (seminars, workshops, books, partnerships)
  11. Teach the above as and when learned. 

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On 3/30/2019 at 11:12 AM, NoSelfSelf said:

@Key Elements whats that last thing?

From what I know, the "elephant in the room" that no one notices also relates to spirituality/non-duality. Those quotes are relative truths.

The No-self (Nothingness) is without embodiment (no body), and no phenomenon (without an external environment), and when you become it, you're fully conscious of it. However, the "elephant in the room" is "empty space." It's "thin air." It has no embodiment, but it has a phenomenon.

Enlightenment is the No-self, but it also involves transformation back into your ego. And yes, part of it, you become the "elephant in the room." Another name for it is the "observing self."

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