
Question for Leo - non-arbitrary reality

10 posts in this topic

as you said @Leo Gura , that reality is not arbitrary... does that mean that as you had once said, that anything which is possible, all possible combinations and permutations of reality exist... is that not the case anymore - from your most recent awakenings?

for example, is all that exits of reality is this current timeline as it is flowing right now?


like there aren't an infinite numbers of SoonHei in the world?

or alternate timelines, in which SoonHei (the body) might have died in a car crash when i was say 15 years old?


you said that reality is a design. so what is here now, being played out and existing is the most perfrect design there is.

this, as far as i am concerned, elminates other timelines and possiblities....

sure, it is not to say this is limited in anyway. it is ONE infinte fractal... but i am not sure where other alternature timelines/realities would exists in this... if it is one perfect singularity seeing both back and front of ininfite casual chain.

both in "time" and space and infinte dimensions. but all flowing without a bug or any lag or anything... (maybe deja vu is a glitch though :P )

anyhow, maybe this is the limitation of understanding with the mind... and what i am asking cannot be answered with words.

anyways. let me know. thank you :)





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@SoonHei From what I now understand, reality is not just a grab-bag of every possibilty. It is highly selective. Yet it is still EVERYTHING.

This part is paradoxical.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Sounds a lot like Spinoza's God as necessity. Have you read him?

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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@tsuki I have not read him, but of course Spinoza was speaking from some truth.

Yes, Infinity is a necessity. And yet at the same time it seems to have free will too. Paradoxical.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

@tsuki I have not read him, but of course Spinoza was speaking from some truth.

His conclusions are irrelevant.
Just read the first book of ethics and see how he derives god from logic.
The method is what matters. 

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, Infinity is a necessity. And yet at the same time it seems to have free will too. Paradoxical.

@Leo Gura in your new video I didn´t hear you speak about why it exists at all. I have heard you saying it created itself and it didn´t have the need to be created as it has always been here... so ultimaly it just is, irreducible mystical... or one can actually have a direct consciousness of why it does exist at all. There is existence and no opposite, there is still "something"...why?

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1 hour ago, Greatnestwithin said:

there is still "something"...why?

Oh, yes! One can definitely have a direct consciousness of why it all exists.

It's because something = nothing. In other words, reality cannot distinguish itself from nothing. It is being all states at once, so to speak. There is on one in reality to arbitrate between whether reality is happening or not. If you think it is happening, that's true for you. But you could also stop thinking that it's happening, and that will be true for you. Which is really true? Both and neither!

You think there is something, but that something is not different from nothing. So it's sort of like reality never really happened. And yet it did. Paradox.

Another way to phrase it is: infinity = zero.

Existence has no opposite. Existence is Nothing/Zero.

Pick an object in your room, like a chair. Look at it. Now, try to see it as though it were a hologram from Star Wars. A hologram is like an object which exists (it has an appearance of a chair) but actually it is nothing. It has no substance. It is just a hollow appearance with nothing behind it.

Yet another way to phrase it is like this: Imagine that reality never happened at all. Imagine there was only nothing. Well, congrats! because that's precisely the case! You're sitting in this nothing right now! You are right in the middle of that nothing. You must stop thinking of nothing as formlessness. You must see that form is identical to nothing too. The duality you create between something and nothing must be erased since it never existed to being with.

In other words: nothing looks precisely like whatever you are seeing right now. Nothing is NOT the absence of appearances. Don't fall into that trap. You must learn to see appearances as nothing. Look at a chair and see it as nothing. Look at a cat and see it as nothing. Look at a wall and see it as nothing. Look at human and see it as nothing. Look at a tree and see it as nothing.

Reality is nothing, nowhen, nowhere, nohow. And yet appearance is there.

Another way to phrase it is: reality has nowhere else to be but where it already is: nowhere. It's like a deleted computer file which cannot go anywhere once it's deleted but into the void. And so there it exists, in the void.

Yet another way you can think of it is: there is no difference between actual and potential. You can think of our physical world as just a possibility within the mind of God which only exists as a possibility, not as actuality, because there is no such thing as actuality. There is only possibility. Reality cannot distinguish between possibility and actuality. That is a duality which must collapse. Conversely you could say that there is only actuality with no possibility. Either way we are saying the same thing: the collapse of those categories. What happens when all categories collapse? Nothing!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Thanks for that. Also thank you for your last video, I was brought into tears when I was listening to you saying the part of complete selflessness and giving into its creation, itself. That was my experience with bufo last year and when I heard you, it took me right to that place once again.

Also thank you for your comments about the ego making it worst that it actually is, I have been quite scared of going deep due to my identification mostly to my lungs and stopping breathing shall I choose to surrender and going deeper ( I know, weird what the ego does to keep me identify)

I now feel ready to surrender


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I think in the "Book of Not knowing." or perhaps the "Genius of Being"  Peter Ralston mentioned Isaac Newton, as a figure of interest. I think Peter Ralstons books are better than Spinoza "The Ethics"(already a duality).

Anyway, Spinoza's Modal logic from what I understand leads to the "Many Worlds Hypothesis." (in stark contrast to Leibniz best of all possible worlds) If Spinoza was really a Pantheist, there is or was no Spinoza. Being a Panentheist,  means therefore that there are indeed multiple dimensions and you are God(Gnostic God). Also the Bible doesn't make sense if the Trinity is used as a metaphysical doctrine, although it appeals to Ego.

A few Panentheists.

C.S Lewis.
Isaac Newton.
Christopher Langan.
Tolkien (Maybe) Norse Paganism had 2 opposing Panenthons.
Lord Krishna(Maybe) Possibly thee Panentheist, one half.
Jesus Christ (John 14:20) Possibly thee Panentheist, one half.
God the Father. Creator Diety.

I'm not a Christian, but I think it's probably true. Probably. Would like to try and understand Christopher Langans CTMU, to flesh things out. A more secular understanding. Process of elimination, might as well look for what's on offer, cross off the list.

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@Leo Gura thank you

Well this does make more sense and is more elegant... In that the absolute is not a dull empty dumb field. It is infinte intelligence afterall...

An infinitely interconnected web across infinte dimensions which flows with infinte intelligence does fit better to my own model of God. And thru your work of 5meo you have got a direct confirmation of this.

The universe is intelligent afterall 



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