
How deluded Leo is ?

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@now is forever I said it before in previous threads/posts. The best I could describe it is: You become nothingness / no-self. You don't have a body, no embodiment. There is no phenomenon, no external world or universe. And, all in all, you're aware of it, fully conscious of it. Then, you make a transformation into the entire universe, and you're aware if it. You are it--everything / everythingness. Then you transform back into your body (ego). You realize that the entire world is also you. When you make this transformation, it's called Riding the Ox Backwards. You're this massive black hole from an ego's perspective. See, if you want me to explain further, it'll be a booklet. I don't want to write a book here. In my explainations, I'll also have to include how I came to know about this--my detective work. :P I rather tell this in 3rd person.

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1 hour ago, Key Elements said:

@now is forever I said it before in previous threads/posts. The best I could describe it is: You become nothingness / no-self. You don't have a body, no embodiment. There is no phenomenon, no external world or universe. And, all in all, you're aware of it, fully conscious of it. Then, you make a transformation into the entire universe, and you're aware if it. You are it--everything / everythingness. Then you transform back into your body (ego). You realize that the entire world is also you. When you make this transformation, it's called Riding the Ox Backwards. You're this massive black hole from an ego's perspective. See, if you want me to explain further, it'll be a booklet. I don't want to write a book here. In my explainations, I'll also have to include how I came to know about this--my detective work. :P I rather tell this in 3rd person.

did you write a journal yet? i can only recommend it. there are no words to describe it - even in 3d, there are no words to share. it’s beyond language. :)

it’s pure dada if you try.

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6 hours ago, now is forever said:

did you write a journal yet? i can only recommend it. there are no words to describe it - even in 3d, there are no words to share. it’s beyond language. :)

it’s pure dada if you try.

Yes, I keep a journal and wrote stuff down already. I have to organize it.

Are you doing a life purpose? I like to call it life's calling. 'Life purpose' as a term sounds like Leo's term. (I use terms such as Nothingness instead of No-self to be understood better in here.)

A life purpose doesn't have to involve no-self or any kind of spirituality. At first, my life purpose included only art and bilingual studies, but then I decided, ok, I will include spirituality and non-duality. I will plan it like this.

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2 hours ago, Key Elements said:

Yes, I keep a journal and wrote stuff down already. I have to organize it.

Are you doing a life purpose? I like to call it life's calling. 'Life purpose' as a term sounds like Leo's term. (I use terms such as Nothingness instead of No-self to be understood better in here.)

A life purpose doesn't have to involve no-self or any kind of spirituality. At first, my life purpose included only art and bilingual studies, but then I decided, ok, I will include spirituality and non-duality. I will plan it like this.

i had one - well maybe i need to do a new one ;)

it‘s not easy to plan one - sounds interesting, will you combine all of them to something new, or do them separately? what is your second language? maybe you don’t want to give out too many teasers though, maybe some things are also not ripe yet.

german for example is really interesting, i have other words for nothing - but it’s not that pretty, as nothing includes more but we have „kein ding“ it’s slang it is by word the same but is used completely different than nothing. i had other words for many key words but i also carried some keywords you can’t find in english - so i can understand how bilinguality interacts with enlightenment to a degree. my sis did some word art for some time in three languages.

sounds like a pretty interesting life purpose!

Edited by now is forever

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2 hours ago, now is forever said:

what is your second language? maybe you don’t want to give out too many teasers though, maybe some things are also not ripe yet.

Yes. It's not ripe yet. But, I have been working on it. I'm what they call 'early stage startup' in entrepreneurship. I could tell you this. I had a choice of choosing Mandarin or Spanish as a second language, and I picked Mandarin because it's not as similar to English.

Learn what is entrepreneurship. Include entrepreneurship in your life purpose. Go networking. Lots of opportunities there. Go networking at a prestigious local university.

See, a life purpose is great if it's inclusive. I picked teaching language and teaching language through art because it's flexible. Yes, you could teach spirituality and non-duality in fun, creative, artistic ways while you're teaching the language in that way too.

This will cover Maslow's basic needs on the bottom of the pyrimid--teaching a skill. It goes with the quote, "Give a man a fish; feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish; feed him for life." If you just teach spirituality and non-duality, you are not covering the bottom of Maslow's.

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2 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

Yes. It's not ripe yet. But, I have been working on it. I'm what they call 'early stage startup' in entrepreneurship. I could tell you this. I had a choice of choosing Mandarin or Spanish as a second language, and I picked Mandarin because it's not as similar to English.

Learn what is entrepreneurship. Include entrepreneurship in your life purpose. Go networking. Lots of opportunities there. Go networking at a prestigious local university.

See, a life purpose is great if it's inclusive. I picked teaching language and teaching language through art because it's flexible. Yes, you could teach spirituality and non-duality in fun, creative, artistic ways while you're teaching the language in that way too.

ah ok - nice, sounds good! it’s not an easy language if you teach it creatively and start with some basic explaining words you can connect everything and nothing around it :) and as you have signs, you can even include that a little bit. i‘m sure it’s fun just creating it.

yeah the problem with all creative studies is that entrepreneurship often cuts to short. on the other hand i can see how stern economics make people - so i better just learn what’s relevant and try to create the rest yellow or turquoise from the scratch. if you are once stuck in an orange company model - you‘ll have problems changing that.

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6 hours ago, now is forever said:

ah ok - nice, sounds good! it’s not an easy language if you teach it creatively and start with some basic explaining words you can connect everything and nothing around it :) and as you have signs, you can even include that a little bit. i‘m sure it’s fun just creating it.

yeah the problem with all creative studies is that entrepreneurship often cuts to short. on the other hand i can see how stern economics make people - so i better just learn what’s relevant and try to create the rest yellow or turquoise from the scratch. if you are once stuck in an orange company model - you‘ll have problems changing that.

Yes. Be careful of the orange model. Make sure your model is flexible enough so that it'll evolve all the way.

Have you seen the latest version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Willie Wonka has an orange model. Charlie changed him in the end by making him more family oriented (green). Well, I suppose he could make his chocolates with less sugar and print enlightenment quotes on them to evolve. ^_^



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31 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

Yes. Be careful of the orange model. Make sure your model is flexible enough so that it'll evolve all the way.

Have you seen the latest version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Willie Wonka has an orange model. Charlie changed him in the end by making him more family oriented (green). Well, I suppose he could make his chocolates with less sugar and print enlightenment quotes on them to evolve. ^_^



yes or make really good fair trade vegan chocolate! with almonds, or caramel and salt, or filled with coconut cream - so much to explore and better than before :)

it stays a chocolate fabric though...

i love the movie! family oriented and new hierarchical structures, that’s very important... if it’s all just about economics it can’t be about creativity anymore! hehe :P 

the old one is also really good! i often watch the classics, too. or read the book.  well, i gave up on watching movies since a while now...

it’s like eating chocolate to much. a lot are like fast food.

Edited by now is forever

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@now is forever That's why I picked language. You could go anywhere you want with it. It's marketable and ppl could relate to it. Great pointer. You could talk about anything and point to anything on any subject and stage. Teach and get jobs with it, esp if you know two. It's more marketable with two.

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21 hours ago, tsuki said:

He is playing with language and thought. All strengths have weaknesses associated with them.
Lao Tzu has no weaknesses because nothing can be said about him. He's like a black hole.
Of course, it means that he has no strengths too. You seem to have missed that bit.

@tsuki  I will try to investigate further on this feeling, that is being triggered in me :) Good point by the way, I indeed missed that.

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@Key Elements How do you (plan to) connect language with art? I think about connecting art with therapy or something in that direction. Language can be a huge part in that to, when choosing expressive writing/sharing as the art form.

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6 minutes ago, peanutspathtotruth said:

@Key Elements How do you (plan to) connect language with art? I think about connecting art with therapy or something in that direction. Language can be a huge part in that to, when choosing expressive writing/sharing as the art form.

I've done it before. Examples. My students warned me to take down the paintings during exams to prevent cheating. I just told them that we're going to take it in another room.

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7 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

I've done it before. Examples. My students warned me to take down the paintings during exams to prevent cheating. I just told them that we're going to take it in another room.

That's beautiful! I had the chance to learn Mandarin in high school for two years, unfortunately never continued. It's an interesting language for sure. 

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Oh yeh, hanzi is art. Painting it in a meditative state feels so fucking good :D 

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Look the important thing is, it doesn't matter if Leo is deluded or isn't deluded. I understand he is a figurehead for people who do drugs, or are on the path, but even so, he is a seperate representation of Consciousness just like you are and everyone is whether they realize it or not.



WHO GIVES A FUCK if he is deluded or not. It should not bother you in the slightest. Let him do his thing, let him express whatever the fuck he wants to express. If just one sentence in his ludicrously long video helps you in anyway, then his job is done!!!!

This is what i hate about this forum, its a cluster of people who think they are enlightened, keyword...think, arguing, criticising and mentally masturbating all fucking day long, mixed in with some actual genuine people.

Yeah I said it. hate me, the ego needs someone to hate, make it me so you can move on from criticising someone who genuinely wants to help people, thanks

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We don't wanna turn into a cult here.  Cults are based on not questioning the leader.  That's a no no in cults.  My understanding of Leo is that he is against cults and cult-like behaviors.

True. But this place is NOT a cult. I have been in one, sadly for myself and others who are still lost.

I totally understand your point, but on the flipside there should be a happy middle where you aren't afraid to question the "leader" but you don't make statements like "how deluded Leo is?" on his forum...

I'm drunk af right now and the great thing about this is all my conditioning is dropped (conditioning caused by the "Leo is an idiot" conditioning inside the cult I was in) and I can see shit for what it really is. Leo might be "out there" with his expression of Consciousness but importantly...he MEANS well. Calling him deluded is not helpful.

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9 minutes ago, thesmileyone said:

(conditioning caused by the "Leo is an idiot" conditioning inside the cult I was in) 

Are you talking about Rali? xD

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1 hour ago, peanutspathtotruth said:

Are you talking about Rali? xD

Yup. I got sucked in deep, and when I left properly it fucked me up for a few months. Actually really fucked up. I had no idea who "I" was, which thoughts / beliefs were mine and not an extension of his/theirs, and I was subsequently lost for months. I even tried to hang myself :/ Luckily for me, that failed.

In the end I had to forget everything I had either learned or believed and start back at step 1, which was funnily enough "Who am I?" and here we are.

I am however eternally grateful to Rali for making me see I can understand/ do (I have some siddhis) things that can't be explained by the Christianity I was conditioned in as a kid / Science I was conditioned to growing up in education. If I hadn't joined and stayed there I would still be, well, as he calls it "basic" xD

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@Joseph Maynor Haha yes. I was sneaking into the discord sometime last year. At first seemed like a place to learn something from. Then it went crazy really quickly and I raaaaan

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@thesmileyone I'm happy you could draw something positive from it after all. Yes same for me, it confused me real good, but it luckily only took a few weeks to notice the strange smell. 

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